Yellowstone Lake is now opening up with the general season in YNP. The general season begins the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and extents until the first Sunday of November.
Mrs. What Map and I were not able to make the first day of the season, but we have made it down there twice since then. Yellowstone Lake was ice-free by the beginning of the season. We thought the fishing might be better with the early start, but where we fish, it was about the same as always: one or two fish per hour. But the cutthroats are spectacular, as usual. Enjoy the pictures:

Mrs. What Map and I were not able to make the first day of the season, but we have made it down there twice since then. Yellowstone Lake was ice-free by the beginning of the season. We thought the fishing might be better with the early start, but where we fish, it was about the same as always: one or two fish per hour. But the cutthroats are spectacular, as usual. Enjoy the pictures: