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Yellowstone Lake

What's sad about the Glacier lakes is that if you want to keep Lake trout out, you have to build barriers on the outlet streams. This is because in Glacier the lake trout were able to colonize these backcountry lakes by swimming from Flathead lake up the North Fork and Middle Fork, into small tributaries and into backcountry lakes like the one I worked on. Now with these barriers, you miss out on these cool interconnected populations of Bull trout and cutthroat, but if you want Lakers out it's a necessity.
I'm not sure it's becoming crusty, sometimes it just feels like "Vox Clamantis in Deserto"

National Parks, state agencies, they always seem to discount the local voice, even with photographic evidence.

Feels like they just feel, "just a bunch of uneducated" retrads when it comes to any type of game or fish population trends.

Montana elk, and Colorado Deer trends included.

and what appears to be a Yellowstone cutt problem.
Listen to @Big Fin 's latest podcast with Jim Heffelfinger. All about Task Forces with the decision made before the invitations are sent. All so the resource can be exploited down the road for a steady paycheck.