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Yeah, let's all move to Missoula, bru!

Just funning you.
Plenty of all variety at U of M or M.S.U.
Yeah. I would run off a Hippy chick with just a few words probly. Missoula has some great food. There is shopping there that I need to access once in awhile. As far as towns of similar size here in Montana it isn't any worse than anyplace else. I just hate the traffic and crowds. But, the Root isn't exactly unpopulated anymore either. And the population is moving South. mtmuley
I went to college there from 2008-2011. It was a lot of fun, but it was nice to go hunting a bunch and leave time for 3-5 days a time. A good time could be had any night of the week though.
Yeah. I would run off a Hippy chick with just a few words probly. Missoula has some great food. There is shopping there that I need to access once in awhile. As far as towns of similar size here in Montana it isn't any worse than anyplace else. I just hate the traffic and crowds. But, the Root isn't exactly unpopulated anymore either. And the population is moving South. mtmuley
"Armpit hair is not sexy" mtmuley circa 1980 something
My favorite story about Missoula in the 80s is a story one of my fishing buddies told on himself. He was walking down the sidewalk and saw a pretty girl, very well endowed, wearing a skimpy men's wife beater, which left nothing to the imagination. He hoped to catch her eye, but failed to, as my military SIL would say, maintain situational awareness. Ran straight into a parking meter.
Personally I think Missoula has a better vibe than Bozeman...little more relaxed.
Fewer " trustees" too , I bet. Reserve street is awful.
Location of Gallatin Valley still clinches it for me, though.
I like it a bit South. Like I said, it's being discovered. Bout wacked a motor home that pulled out in front if me taking Yellowstone selfies. They will probly move here. mtmuley
Yeah. I would run off a Hippy chick with just a few words probly. Missoula has some great food. There is shopping there that I need to access once in awhile. As far as towns of similar size here in Montana it isn't any worse than anyplace else. I just hate the traffic and crowds. But, the Root isn't exactly unpopulated anymore either. And the population is moving South. mtmuley
I did. I mentioned hunting and rodeo with a kid I worked with. Apparently that's not what Missoula is about. I did refrain from asking her what her secret was to long luscious leg hair and that I was wearing deer hair underwear with the tail strategically placed.
I went up to visit a buddy at U of M and spent a few nights in Missoula in 2001 after school got out, caught my first cutthroat on the Clark Fork and there were some cute chicks at the dorm...that's all I remember, the rest is foggy.
All of MT was fun for a CA boy just back from the Nam. Very few hippies back then. You could count on a fight and walking off with the babe.
Funnest part of missoula is getting on the interstate to go somewhere else.
Annual rugby tournament in the spring for me. Aside from that, definitely agree. There’s trout to chase.
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