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x-bows Montana illegal for old and handi-cap , during the archery season

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Aug 30, 2022
i wish there was a way this could be made legal for myself and many others ? at my age of 70 years old and handi-cap i would like to hunt during the archery season with a x-bow in Montana when its warmer. but the Montana Bowhunter Association feel us old crippled people are a real threat on the elk population and their way of bowhunting. this is almost shameful for the handi-cap , but seems in Montana pot /marijuana will be legalize soon for all . WTF ?
I hope when I’m 70 I’m not a sniveling little pussy bitch.
This! Us humans aren’t meant to still do the same things we did when we were young once we get old. If you aren’t physically able to go bow hunting, there is a gun season. If you don’t want to hunt in October or November in MT, then focus on another state. People shouldn’t be entitled to have entire systems altered so they can still participate in a physically demanding activity when they are old. Pick up a new hobby if hunting becomes too difficult!
This! Us humans aren’t meant to still do the same things we did when we were young once we get old. If you aren’t physically able to go bow hunting, there is a gun season. If you don’t want to hunt in October or November in MT, then focus on another state. People shouldn’t be entitled to have entire systems altered so they can still participate in a physically demanding activity when they are old. Pick up a new hobby if hunting becomes too difficult!
He ignores the fact that he can hunt with his cross gun in special hunting districts and close to 300 days a year in Montana. He just can't take it out on General Archery hunts.

Sorry to hear your so broke down. I have a buddy that broke his neck and is mostly a quad. He kills game every year during archery seasons. Gets in on some great places to hunt.

I also hunted with a guy that fell into a rock crusher and lost his right arm and most of his pectoral muscles. He killed three deer on a deer drive we put on with one arm and a recurve bow.

The real reasons the x bow companies push for handicapped seasons is they are the easiest to get their foot in the door on. Once there they move for wide open use during the general bow seasons. In 21 of 35 states that moved in this direction we now have cross guns being used in the archery seasons period.

Hope you try the draw lock, or get a bow you can draw, or move on.
It is just a matter of time before montana allows crossbows. 5 years ago "i want to hunt with my muzzleloader" internet: you can during gun season..blah blah blah! I just wonder if they will get there own extra month of season when it does happen.
Sweet. mtmuley
Serious question - You’re 70 and not in good enough shape to hunt with a bow. You want to be able to hunt elk in warmer weather with a crossbow because it’s easier. If you can’t pull a bow back what are you going to do with an elk down in warm weather?? Word is that’s a serious job

PS - I’m not hating on crossbows. In TN you can hunt with a crossbow during archery season. I’m not a serious archery hunter but it does get me out way sooner, I haven’t seen anyone with a crossbow on public in the last 2 years.
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