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x-bows Montana illegal for old and handi-cap , during the archery season

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There is always Wyoming...
i have been thinking Wyoming too ? but i have hunted Montana the last 25 years and know where the elk are much better or more , when i was younger and heathy then i learned plenty of the why and where of elk . son and i have shot some dandy bull elk in Montana with a bow ,also have friends in Montana too that feel the same way about x-bows ,that they should be allowed for the old and handi-cap.
There is always Wyoming...
Yawl need to stop bringing Wyoming into this :ROFLMAO: This is between Montana and Minnesota

I say hop a plane to Panama and get a full Stem Cell workup with injections and IV, then pickup your pound of weed and hit those mountains with the biggest smile on your face as your drag along your 15 lb crossbow.
i have been thinking Wyoming too ? but i have hunted Montana the last 25 years and know where the elk are much better or more , when i was younger and heathy then i learned plenty of the why and where of elk . son and i have shot some dandy bull elk in Montana with a bow ,also have friends in Montana too that feel the same way about x-bows ,that they should be allowed for the old and handi-cap.
I get it.

Fact of the matter is that Montana does not allow it. I haven't been following it closely but I don't think they will anytime soon.

If I were in your shoes I would just focus in hard on Wyoming if you want to hunt elk with a crossbow during archery. Would probably add to the experience that you get to hunt in some new country.
plenty selfish answers , just remember someday you will be old too and if you had a hard job your physical health might not be good either . the job i had not many people would have done for 35 years as i did . i was a REA lineman who climb many poles ,outside in all weather conditions in Northern Minnesota sometimes for days with no rest . so start the sly selfish nasty remarks from your keyboard boys !
Idk I know you old guys spent a lot more time in your hooks than I do now with my bucket but I still work long hours on those storms put 90 in last week getting people back in power. I do feel bad for the few people that need it but I hate to see it open the door to the disaster it would turn into our state offers to much general archery elk hunting and easily drawn archery only tags for that here I’d suggest Wyoming or a camera
I realize that there are a lot of folks that aren’t interested in facts and data when it comes to this subject and I also realize that what works for one State won’t necessarily work for another. Also, this article is focused on whitetails. Nevertheless, here is some data presented in this article:

I realize that there are a lot of folks that aren’t interested in facts and data when it comes to this subject and I also realize that what works for one State won’t necessarily work for another. Also, this article is focused on whitetails. Nevertheless, here is some data presented in this article:

Do they get data from their corporate partners that manufacture and sell crossbows? Follow the money.
i have been thinking Wyoming too ? but i have hunted Montana the last 25 years and know where the elk are much better or more , when i was younger and heathy then i learned plenty of the why and where of elk . son and i have shot some dandy bull elk in Montana with a bow ,also have friends in Montana too that feel the same way about x-bows ,that they should be allowed for the old and handi-cap.
Do they get data from their corporate partners that manufacture and sell crossbows? Follow the money.
Well, nothing is out of the question. I am pretty sure that most of this data was gathered from the wildlife departments in the States that were cited in the study. Of course, anyone can cook the books I guess.

There being some grand conspiracy perpetrated by crossbow manufacturers to infiltrate and take over the wildlife departments across America…well now we are back to irrational.
I can’t speak for all of the data used in that article, but Wisconsin was one of the focus states- the numbers they used do seem to match what our DNR has reported.
Well, nothing is out of the question. I am pretty sure that most of this data was gathered from the wildlife departments in the States that were cited in the study. Of course, anyone can cook the books I guess.

There being some grand conspiracy perpetrated by crossbow manufacturers to infiltrate and take over the wildlife departments across America…well now we are back to irrational.

Why would Manufacturing groups lobby wildlife agencies when they could lobby politicians. Lobby money not influencing politicians? Now that’s back to irrational….. follow the money.
also have friends in Montana too that feel the same way about x-bows ,that they should be allowed for the old and handi-cap.
At 78 hard-earned years of age I shoot a longbow. Your friends are pussies. You can hunt with a crossbow six months of the year. You don't need to infringe on authentic archery hunters' season. What's the problem, Kemosabe?
The real reasons the x bow companies push for handicapped seasons is they are the easiest to get their foot in the door on. Once there they move for wide open use during the general bow seasons. In 21 of 35 states that moved in this direction we now have cross guns being used in the archery seasons period.
This is exactly what happened in Mississippi. This is the data you should pay attention to. Crossbows are the slippery slope, it starts with hadicap, moves to private land only, then statewide.
If you want to hunt the rut, you could go with someone, hunt another state, etc.
I will add that I haven't seen the pressure increase here that I thought I would after we added crossbows. Most people that wouldn't pick up a bow still won't pick up a crossbow and get out there with the heat and mosquitos here. I think it would be worse for elk archery since it would be the rut.
Why would Manufacturing groups lobby wildlife agencies when they could lobby politicians. Lobby money not influencing politicians? Now that’s back to irrational….. follow the money.
Fair point. Thank goodness there are places left where wildlife agencies operate independently of the legislature.

The data in that article was sourced directly from state wildlife agencies. Not to say that makes it infallible of course.

Just because you dont like what the data shows does not mean it was influenced by the rather minute in the scheme of things crossbow industry.

Once again, crossbows may not be a good fit for Montana and other western states and that is fine. It is nice when those opinions and decisions are based off of facts and not emotion and are not a result of the States bowhunting associations throwing a hissy and pushing false narratives because they feel entitled to have the woods to themselves.
I will add that I haven't seen the pressure increase here that I thought I would after we added crossbows. Most people that wouldn't pick up a bow still won't pick up a crossbow and get out there with the heat and mosquitos here. I think it would be worse for elk archery since it would be the rut.

Very good point. What works one place may not work another.

Have any citations that the crossbow industry was the catalyst for expanding crossbow hunting during archery season in Mississippi?
Very good point. What works one place may not work another.

Have any citations that the crossbow industry was the catalyst for expanding crossbow hunting during archery season in Mississippi?
Not crossbows but I 100% know that the reason airguns were approved for Idaho hunting was based on airgun manufactures and lobbyists putting on a show for the Idaho commission about how great and cool they are. I’m guessing crossbow manufacturers have a lot more money to spend than airgun manufacturers
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