Caribou Gear

WYSFW Legislator's conflict of interest

what's yer point??:rolleyes:

Kit Jennings answer to declining sage grouse populations: stocking

Kit Jennings contribution to elk management: give elk more hay (they're not fed hay, by the way) on feedgrounds and the NER.

Kit Jennings on brucellosis: it's the wolves spreading it.

Well respected in the business world of Wyoming:

Hell,with those credentials, he'd be a shoe-in for WYGFD Director :)
I just find it interesting that an oil and gas lobbyist who is also a legislator (I would imagine that's an inherent conflict of interest) got the award for trying to farm sage grouse rather than work on the habitat issues involved.
I just find it interesting that an oil and gas lobbyist who is also a legislator (I would imagine that's an inherent conflict of interest) got the award for trying to farm sage grouse rather than work on the habitat issues involved.

But the black guy in the White House might take your guns in 3 years if re-elected.
In light of the STOCK act, which was supposed to stop inside trading by congress and congressional staff, while making political intelligence operatives register as lobbyists, it's funny to see Jennings in this light.

I mean, what could a state senator from one of the largest oil and gas producing states who works in the industry, and now lobbies for that industry in DC have to gain by his inside knowledge of future regulatory environments?

Yeah - legislator of the year.