Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wyoming wild horses

How so? And there were multiple species of equids in North America originally. Not just one. It must have been interesting times back then.
It seems funny to me that all this fuss is kicked up over wild/feral horses and, at the same time, the people who are protecting them don't find a problem with what has occurred with Buffalo? Politics, politics and more politics....what I have given to see the country before the decimation of those critters happened.
It seems funny to me that all this fuss is kicked up over wild/feral horses and, at the same time, the people who are protecting them don't find a problem with what has occurred with Buffalo? Politics, politics and more politics....what I have given to see the country before the decimation of those critters happened.

It's what happened before anyone knew there needed to be some kind of regulation on hunting these animals and they were more often killed and left to waste just to get rid of them. They thought the unlimited slaughter could go on forever.
