Wyoming Sucks !!

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It's obvious why you are being a prick and I should not have to explain that to you. Just read your posts! My original post was meant more as joke, and in fun, like millers, and not to tell everybody the unit. It could have been deleted immediately if somebody had PM'd me and told me they had a problem with it. And I did delete it eventually, if you didn't notice. You want to be mad at anybody, be mad at miller. He's the one that gave me and who knows who else the idea to look it up, whether he intended to or not. I didn't intend to cause any problems with what I posted either, yet I get chewed out by Buzz, and told how I'm a lazy ass douche bag who only kills dinks. It's hard to respect Buzz when he's always the first to resort to name calling, just like a little kid. And now, it appears that he's rubbing off on you. I don't see where Cameron said anything all that bad either, that he deserves to be called a "douche bag" a "lazy ass" and everything else. Do you even know him? You and Buzz are both unbelievably rude, and for no reason.

Again...you just dont get it.

Try reading Ridge Runners post...thats someone that does "get" it.

For the record...Moosie and IB didnt post jack about what unit they drew. In fact IB went so far as to explain why they werent saying.

So, you and Cameron decided to not honor IB's request and spill your guts on how to possibly find out. Thats a real assholish move and obviously you dont have much respect for them or their simple request.

Both of them sent me PM's apologizing...for what? They arent the pricks here...you and your buddy Cameron are. Moosie even went so far as to not even want to post a picture of an elk if he kills one and tell everyone they both got skunked. Thats pretty sad really...and also tells me a lot about Moosies character. He has his priorities in a line...he'd rather for-go posting a picture of an elk he's proud of than sell out some information I gave him. Maybe instead of running your mouth...you should take out a paper and pen and take some notes on sportsmanship from those that you're once again bashing.

The way this thread has played out is a good learning experience for everyone. I think the dipshits have been exposed for what they are...jealous little scum bags who arent smart enough to find an area on their own. I also think its pretty obvious who you can and cant trust with info. It also shows how cut-throat the sport has become...which is really quite sad. RidgeRunner is 100% correct...there is nothing sacred anymore.
No Buzz, I do "get it." There is nothing that you have said that I don't get.

It's funny how you leave miller out of this, as if he had nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:

What a joke you are.

Hmmm.... What is everbody reading???
BlackTail Viewing Thread so......
11:32 AM guppie9 Viewing Thread Wyoming Sucks !!
11:24 AM IdahoBugler Viewing Thread Wyoming Sucks !!
11:32 AM JB Viewing Who's Online (he is just gay...)
11:31 AM JoseCuervo Viewing Thread Wyoming Sucks !!
11:28 AM pa mt man Viewing Thread Wyoming Sucks !!
11:19 AM Ridge Runner Searching Forums
11:32 AM Spitz Viewing Thread Wyoming Sucks !!
11:18 AM sreekers Searching Forums
11:32 AM Washington Hunter Viewing Thread Wyoming Sucks !!

If you do "get" it...you sure have a strange way of showing it.

Did Miller post any statitistic? Did he post the season dates? Did he post the success rate? Did he post the draw odds?

Yeah, thats what I thought.

Like I said via PM...if you figured it out...you should take that info and keep your big fat trap shut.

Again...you were being a prick...you couldnt stand it that IB and Moosie drew a good tag. You had to post it so that everyone could see how smart you were. You flat ignored IB's simple request.

Well, you're a real brainiac...you've managed to piss off some people on this board that could have helped you in ID, MT, CO, WY, etc. etc. etc.

I know you're an expert and all...so that probably doesnt bother you. It would me as theres a bunch of top notch outdoorsmen on this site that really know their stuff and really are a wealth of information.

I would never even remotely think of posting that crap you did.

Good work.
11:32 AM JB Viewing Who's Online (he is just gay...)

Jose, i was thinking about you when i read that thread about the liltle gay mexican midget.
do you ever think of me? ( waiting reply,fingers crossed :))
Washington hunter, and Cameron. Unlike Buzz, who I do like and respect, I won't call you names. I actually like you guys, but am a little disapointed. I've talked to mtMiller that is a great friend to me too. Looking back shouldn't have joked about giving out his hunting spot either. But it surely gave no clue to how to find out were it is :D

The way I see it I would give no one clues to anything or anyway to have someone draw a unit that either I'm applying for or a friend was. Hunting area's are hard to come by. Unfortunately I'm still in the 95% of the hunters Buzz is mentioning about. There is alot of truth to what he writes. I've been fortunate enough to hunt and talk to some that are in the top 5%. I consider guys like Greenhorn and Buzz in that group. Whether you think Buzz is an A$$ or not, he hunts hard and studies hunting and hunting area's alot. They are successfull for doing so.

I've been marketing, networking, studying, E-mailing, and Befriending alot of people over alot of years. It's not for brown nosing, or I don't intend it to be such, but just to learn. In doing so, I have more X's of were big chit has been taken. Some of the X's are meeningless because it's in hard units to draw. Like the one we got. <3%. But even at that, the success was only 75% last year ? and of those, how many were big bulls. You still need to know how to hunt an Area that you can't study yourself. Thats where the friendships come into place.

Hunting spots and information are like women. There is no "secret" in getting a woman. Hell, anyone can get one. Anyone can get a good one, luck happens to once in awhile. But once you get a Woman you sure don't want other people going there. You can take the "Women" out and insert "Hunting Spot or Hunting information" in that above place and it is also true. It really is.

I know where alot of successfull hunters hunt. The problem with that is I can never go to those places without them. Matter of fact, could never hunt anywere in that area. From that, it limits alot of were I can do some of my hunting. I would rather give up hunting then tell people were someone like Greenhorn kills his Bulls, Lopes and Buck. I'm using Him as an Example becuase he is very successfull, hopefully you can relate. Alot of others here are too. But the thing is, to get in the "trust" of people it takes alot of work and sacrifices. I would sacrifice posting pictures to help a Unit draw odds out. sounds funny , but I would.

Once again, I could go out, research my own, never share info, etc, but to me hunting is also about the fun of going with people andI like going with people that can Share that top 5% of the secrets, success, and 100% of the fun that goes with it.

As far as being Pissed, Nah, I don't sweat much. I hardley never get upset. But I would do what is need to keep info secrets. I'm sure everyone knows and respects that.

You boyz are big enuff, I'm not huking this post unless it gets to crazy.
Thanks for posting that again WH, I think we missed it the first time.

Buzz I should of taken your advice and never tried to explain it. It has been fun and like buzz said at least I learned who to trust and not to trust.
Thanks for posting that again WH, I think we missed it the first time.

Buzz I should of taken your advice and never tried to explain it. It has been fun and like buzz said at least I learned who to trust and not to trust.

Posting what? :D There, I deleted it. Are you happy now? This all happend this way because of Buzz being an ass, and I only posted that last quote by miller because of Buzz trying to say that miller didn't post anything significant, but that I did, when in fact, miller's post is what he should have been most upset about. But, because miller and him are buddies, he can overlook that, and take out all his hate and anger on me and Cameron. Maybe he should be blaming the state of Wyoming for not keeping that information secret? Anyway, IDBugler, think how you would react if you were, from the beginning, called a "douche bag" and a "lazy ass" and whatever other names Buzz used. Can you really respect somebody like that? I don't know how. He's pathetic. Oh, and Moosie, thanks for being decent, you've got my respect but Buzz sure as heck never will.
Where a guy hunts is very personal to some, not so much to others. If somebody lets you know where he hunts is personal - just back the #*^@#* off and don't harass them about it. Otherwise, you're a douche-bag.. It's that simple.

There's WAY to many milking, inconsiderate pricks out there these days that have no idea what it takes to uncover a gem of a hunting spot, or how easy it is to #*^@#* one up.
Greenhorn, are you talking about me? Why don't you tell Buzz to back the #*^@#* off? He's the one that won't quit name calling, or harassing if you want to call it that. A simple PM is all that was required but he went off the deep end yesterday. So I went and deleted everything, and he did the same, but then he starts in again last night on Cameron, and then again this morning on me. Insult after insult after insult, he just doesn't know when to stop. And, from miller he accepts a simple apology, and everything's cool. WTF???
Washington Hunter, anybody that can't respect the privacy of another person's favorite hunting area is a jackass. I'm only talking about you if that's something you do.
Keep on living in your FANTASY world Buzz, and keep thinking I don't get it. I really DON'T care. Go ahead and continue to be an ASS. Keep on thinking that I'm out to get you. Whatever. I won't be responding to your B.S. anymore, unless it's in a PM.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, Spring and Love is in the Air!!!! Good Luck Guys, Looks like the tough shit is getting out of the way early. John "I ain't telling where I Hunt!"
WH, I certainly was not talking about Miller.

Oh yeah? Why not? Here is what you said:

anybody that can't respect the privacy of another person's favorite hunting area is a jackass

Here is what miller said:

Actually if you plug in Moosies birthdate on the Wyoming application page it shows which units he applied for.

After which I said something like:

hey moosie that is a good unit, success rate of xx%, odds of drawing x%, and a season of xx-xx

So, it looks to me like miller is the "jackass" here, since he told everybody how to look up the unit. And, I have absolutely nothing against mtmiller. But why not place the blame where the blame belongs? I mean come on, I posted the success rate of the unit, like that is going to tell anybody anything. There could be many units with the same success rate. And I posted the odds of drawing it. Big deal.

And then Buzz has to post and say I was only half right, which was a lie. It's obvious he was so shaken up by my accurate information that I posted, that he wasn't thinking straight, as all he had to do is PM me and say WTF are you posting that for, and I would have deleted it. But oh no, he has to make a big deal out of it, and continues to make a big deal out of it, and now look, this thread is staying right at the top, and has been all day today, and most of yesterday.

So who is the real jackass here? If this was only about Buzz, and not Moosie, and yes even IDBugler, I would probably just post the damn unit right here, and on every other message board on the 'net. I think Buzz has not liked me since the time I defended elkchsr, when Buzz was being a total prick to him, for absolutely no reason other than just to be mean. I've been a jackass, for sure, at times in my life, but not this time, I am sure many people are aware who is the biggest jackass of them all, yes BUZZ, you win the prize. And, Greenhorn, nothing against you, I understand you have to stick up for Buzz, because you're all in the same "superhunter" club.
P.S. Mtmiller pm'ed us and apologized for what he posted. He told us that he didn't even know if that worked. More of a joke then anything.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't work anyway IB...I had to guess your birthdays & 'rounded' them off to the nearest year. The reply I got was, "You're a douche bag & this information request 'sucks ass'.:D
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