Wyoming Sucks !!

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Oh, I somehow doubt that.

Most windbags that would threaten someone over the internet arent much to worry about.

Been in my share of scrapes...always seemed to be just fine.
I didnt start anything you are the one who called me a douche bag because I posted how I feel about draw results and the simplicity of finding such results. And I am not threatening crap, its a promise that you would not do it a second time to my face. End of story. I dont care how many scraps you have been in.
And if you ever want to man up and apologize publicly for stepping way out of line like that, I will forgive you for your ignorance.
You are a douche bag...bub...thats how I feel about it...its really simplistic.

While you're in the mood to apologize and getting down to feelings...maybe you should pretend you're a man and say you're sorry to Moosie and IDBugler for putting them in a tight spot. I'm sure people enjoy being called "bub" as much as you enjoy being called a "douche bag"...which you just happen to be.

Oh, and there was an "E" after the "scrap"...two different words. Sorry to confuse you with the big words.
Well I just got a little info about your beloved area that you told Oscar and IB to put in for. I think that I am going to start putting in for a non res elk hunt starting next year. So, when and if I get drawn you can get your little education on your little secret spot. Or sooner if you ever want to come down to Ca.
If I offended Oscar of Ib, Sorry. I found it so silly that these guys were wanting to know the area of the draw, and how simplistic it is to find draw results.

Yes I left off the E because scrapes is not the proper wordage. Try opening your dictionary.
Put in where you want...Wyoming G&F needs the money and the elk will be plenty safe...they arent afraid of windbags either.

I may get down to CA one of these days to punish a blacktail...I'll send you pictures so you know what a nice blacktail buck looks like.

Yes, you did offend Oscar and IB...not "Oscar of Ib"...and you should be sorry.
Ya a couple of us are going to start putting in for Wy. Elk. They only get the money if drawn.
If you think I cant shoot, any time you would like to have a shooting contest for any prize. I am definitely in. How about putting guns up for the winner. You would lose every gun you own. If you think Im BS'n you you are very mistaken. Telll me your game, and I will send you a copy of my DD-214. Tomorrow I think I will have to get the pics of the blacktail from saturdays scouting trip.

If anyone here thinks that draw results are a secrete you need to do a little reading. I dont know why any of you think your little area and results are so damn hush hush.
Your so secretive, that you cant even appear at the bottom of the home page as a user. Why is that? Cause you have pissed off so many people that you dont want them to know you are logged on?
Well I just got a little info about your beloved area that you told Oscar and IB to put in for. I think that I am going to start putting in for a non res elk hunt starting next year. So, when and if I get drawn you can get your little education on your little secret spot. Or sooner if you ever want to come down to Ca.
If I offended Oscar of Ib, Sorry. I found it so silly that these guys were wanting to know the area of the draw, and how simplistic it is to find draw results.
This is exactly why we don't post information about the areas we hunt. Guys like you think they are so f^&king smart that they will teach us all a lesson by putting in for the very tags we are trying to draw. Guys like you make posting anything at all very difficult.

Before you start calling out people like buzz you better know who the hell your talking too. I don't know a hell of a lot about him but I do know he could probably out shoot your lazy ass any day of the week. Why don't you guys make this interesting and post pics of your latest kills. We'll be the judge of who is better at what really counts when it comes to shooting. Anyone can shot on paper but when you have a trophy animal in front of you, do you have what it takes to make it count. I sure as hell know buzz does. Cameron, I see very little success photos of you sitting behind trophies. Plus I would like to see your ugly mug anyway. You have got to be one bad mother to guarentee he would only call you a douche bag once to your face.
I'm in the lazy ass 95 percent and I'm no good at darts(blindfolded anyway). I'm so lazy I'm not going to read all the posts and try to figure the unit out. I'm too lazy to type anymore so someone please pm me the unit number please and a map with stumps I can set on.:D

I will keep my yap shut on the name of the kind soul who sends it.
This post stopped being fun at about post 5...I thought I was at MM there for a sec. Maybe Moosie can nuke this post and start it all over?!?
So, this got me to thinking . . . what really is a douche bag? Here's what Wikipedia says . . .

The word can refer to the rinsing of any body cavity but usually applies to vaginal irrigation, rinsing of the vagina. A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching: a bag for holding the water or fluid used in douching (the term douche bag can also be used as an insult). To avoid transferring intestinal bacteria into the vagina, the same bag must not be used for a vaginal douche and an enema.

Kind of interesting, and I'm glad I looked it up, I was just about to reuse my douche bag for an enema! :)
Also, if we want to have a plethora of sweet synonyms to use, we can start with a few for douche bag.

". . . Terms such as shower pocket, douchebag, d-bag, DB or simply douche are considered pejorative terms in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand. The slang usage of the term dates back to the 1960s.[1] Initially, it was used to insult a woman. The origin of the use of the term as an insult is derived from lesbian activities. However, over time it has become a term for either gender."

My favorite is shower pocket, oh, and the part about lesbian activities. :D
This is kind of funny, it's all because of Buzz, and ID Bugler for being pricks, that this thread keeps being brought to the top and has 1,552 views. One thing all douche bags should know, is that if you want to keep something secret, you sure as hell don't post it on the internet. :rolleyes: I guess Moosie can be blamed for that. But then, he could delete this entire thread at any time, and he hasn't, so apparently he's not too concerned. Like anything is a secret anymore anyway, with Garth Carter's magazine, and Eastman's, and Fishing & Hunting News, and all the other information available out there. Heck, you can get pretty much get all you need right off the Wyoming Game & Fish website. It's no secret. Look for the highest success rate hunts, with the lowest odds of drawing. Those are the good hunts. I don't care what Buzz says, that's a FACT.
Prick huh?? You still don't get it do you? It has nothing to do with it being a secret hunting spot. Look at the odds, it is obviously not a secret. But when someone asks you to be quite about a unit you try and honor that. Just like Moosie and I did. I later explained to everyone why I was not posting the unit. So what happens is douche bags like WH and CHunt come on here and post key stats to figuring it out or ways of figuring it out. Why do you guys give a chit what unit it is? Are you trying to help out all the other hunters that can't figure it out. If it's so easy to figure out, why post the data you guys did.

So explain to me again why we are the pricks and you guys are just guys with a chit load of knowledge about Wyoming elk?

P.S. Mtmiller pm'ed us and apologized for what he posted. He told us that he didn't even know if that worked. More of a joke then anything.
P.S. Mtmiller pm'ed us and apologized for what he posted. He told us that he didn't even know if that worked. More of a joke then anything.

only a prick would post something about a PM that he was sent.... :D
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