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Wyoming Pronghorn Hunt 2020

Well, my son and I had a great trip to Wyoming. I wish we could have spent more time there but since our archery elk season here got interrupted by fires we both wanted to get home in time to hunt the last few days.

Wildabeast offered us use of his cabin and that really added to the trip. He's got a really cool spot up there! Can't thank him enough for the opportunity. Here is the view from his deck..

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My son Ben was the first to decide to take a buck after we had looked at 50 plus. We found this buck with a couple does up high in a basin and were able to stalk within 100 yards a couple times but when we would peak over the rimrocks he would take off. Third time was a charm and Ben made a perfect shot at 180 yards.
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After we got his buck taken care of Ben spotted another buck that seemed a little better than all the others we had looked over and I decided he was coming home with me. 308 yard shot and he was down.

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We each had a doe tag that we were saving until we had our bucks on ice. The first stalk of the day got us within 200 yards of a herd and Ben picked out the biggest one and made a perfect shot. After he shot they ran towards us and under the hill and I belly crawled up and only had to shoot 100 yards. Based on the teeth his was 4+ and mine was 2. We got those on video along with a ton of bucks and a couple nice moose. When I get a little time I will make a video...View attachment 155220
We did a little exploring after we were done hunting and found the biggest Shiras Moose I have yet to see. Very cool experience! We got video of another bull and saw a lone cow moose as well.
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I'm sure there are bigger bucks in that country and I would have loved to spend a week or so looking at them but we are very thankful to kill some beautiful mature bucks and have a bunch of succulent Pronghorn for the freezer.
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing
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