Wyoming License Increase Bill Dies!!!

Wow, maybe they learned from Idaho and Montana?

Edit: I hope they have some insight on this that won't financially hamstring the department down the road.

Double edged sword, license fees are an ugly reality. But, we don't want to make hunting a rich man's game any more than it already is.
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The funding issue is just a scapegoat politicians like to use. If the bill passed and there were less hunters(which is more likely what would have happened from looking at other states) then they'd say "we don't have enough funding because the higher tag fees scared away hunters" Most states manage their finances poorly(like our federal gov't) and that is the reason why they don't have funds for something.
The House Committee should be commended for showing some common sense. I like the part about not wanting to raise the fees because it will turn hunting into a rich mans sport. Finally someone gets it!

Thanks Wyoming.
The funding issue is just a scapegoat politicians like to use. If the bill passed and there were less hunters(which is more likely what would have happened from looking at other states) then they'd say "we don't have enough funding because the higher tag fees scared away hunters" Most states manage their finances poorly(like our federal gov't) and that is the reason why they don't have funds for something.

Have you looked at WGFD's budget or are you just making it up because it makes you feel better about not wanting to fund Wyoming's wildlife conservation programs? ;)
Have you looked at WGFD's budget or are you just making it up because it makes you feel better about not wanting to fund Wyoming's wildlife conservation programs? ;)

Well I guess the other day when I put in a for a special general elk tag + point I'm not helping to fund their budget in your mind? But I guarantee that if you look into the fish and game's budget, you will find many area's where they are wasting money. Problem is no one wants to do that, everyone wants to keep charging consumers more instead of getting their own house in check. :)
Ditto that Ben! I can't fault the Wyoming G&F because IMHO they do dang well with the money allotted. However, every year when they are tossed more and more stuff to oversee that doesn't bring in any money (can you say wolf and grizz!) then sooner or later they get strapped just like our household budgets. Director Talbot will either have to start cutting stuff or find grants, etc. and it's doubtful he can make up as much money as they doing it need that way. When fish quit getting stocked, the pheasant program gets scrapped, etc., people will start to see the light and need for more money just to keep what they have going.
Well I guess the other day when I put in a for a special general elk tag + point I'm not helping to fund their budget in your mind? But I guarantee that if you look into the fish and game's budget, you will find many area's where they are wasting money. Problem is no one wants to do that, everyone wants to keep charging consumers more instead of getting their own house in check. :)

You should have stopped after your first three words, "Well I guess..."

Because thats exactly what you're doing...guessing.

WYG&F has slashed their budget considerably the last several years, have had to become more efficient, and are still expected to do more with less.

Reaches a point, which we're at now, that they really have to start doing less with less. That means cutting programs is looming without additional funding.

I'm not 100% convinced that they situation is as dire as they're predicting...since predictions are just that...predictions.

However, only a fool would doubt that future management isnt going to cost more...I dont think anyone is buying fuel, food, cars, houses, insurance, etc. at the same prices they paid 10 years ago.

Yet, sportsmen are expecting the State Agencies to operate on flat budgets forever...not realistic and extremely short-sided.

I still think they should increase Resident fees, and I was never a huge fan of the price increases on NR's that they were asking for.

My challenge to you, and everyone else that hunts Wyoming, is to put on your thinking cap and try to figure out ways to increase funding WITHOUT raising fees.

Its one thing to bitch about a problem, much tougher to find a workable solution...and dont give me that crap you stated about the WYG&F being inefficient, or they havent made cut backs...thats not the case.
You should have stopped after your first three words, "Well I guess..."

Because thats exactly what you're doing...guessing.

WYG&F has slashed their budget considerably the last several years, have had to become more efficient, and are still expected to do more with less.

Reaches a point, which we're at now, that they really have to start doing less with less. That means cutting programs is looming without additional funding.

I'm not 100% convinced that they situation is as dire as they're predicting...since predictions are just that...predictions.

However, only a fool would doubt that future management isnt going to cost more...I dont think anyone is buying fuel, food, cars, houses, insurance, etc. at the same prices they paid 10 years ago.

Yet, sportsmen are expecting the State Agencies to operate on flat budgets forever...not realistic and extremely short-sided.

I still think they should increase Resident fees, and I was never a huge fan of the price increases on NR's that they were asking for.

My challenge to you, and everyone else that hunts Wyoming, is to put on your thinking cap and try to figure out ways to increase funding WITHOUT raising fees.

Its one thing to bitch about a problem, much tougher to find a workable solution...and dont give me that crap you stated about the WYG&F being inefficient, or they havent made cut backs...thats not the case.

Never once did I say they were inefficient or that future management wasn't going to cost more. It's funny how a few days ago there were people complaining about how raising fees was crap, now you see people complaining that the WYG&F might not have funds. If they don't have the funds they should keep looking for ways to clean up their budgets. I just paid $1100+ for an elk tag, which is a heck of a lot more than you're paying, so I'd say I'm doing more than my part to help out the game and fish in WY. If you're that concerned about your states fish and game's resources, go ahead and match what I have paid for an elk tag. Bet you wouldn't think of doing that for a solution.
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The funding issue is just a scapegoat politicians like to use. If the bill passed and there were less hunters(which is more likely what would have happened from looking at other states) then they'd say "we don't have enough funding because the higher tag fees scared away hunters" Most states manage their finances poorly(like our federal gov't) and that is the reason why they don't have funds for something.

I can't speak for every state, but I will say without hestitation that the "rampant inefficiency" in state fish and widlife agencies is much more a perception than a reality.

The reality is, there are many dedicated accounts that have to be spent in a certain area and cannot be shuffled around. Also, agencies are not rewarded for frugality. If they don't spend all of their allocated budget during a fiscal year/biennium, then next go round they will lose money and/or FTEs. They can't carry it over.

Also, some decisions that the state agency takes the hit for is not their call. Reference the Milk River purchase as a prime example. FWP prioritized the properties and the commission chose the last one on the list. FWP takes the black eye and for what?

Buzz got it right, costs are going up. Airplane time, gas for patrols, fish shocking surveys, weed spraying, payment in lieu of taxes, they aren't getting any cheaper.

I have always thought WY Game and Fish is a very well run and very professional agency.

I bet you're wrong...you'd choke if you saw the amount of money I give to various G&F departments on a yearly basis...makes your $1100 elk tag look like chump change...and thats a fact.

Also, the WYG&F has cleaned up their budgets...do some research, found at the very place where you applied for your elk tag on-line, or printed your own copy of the application (because they dont print a booklet anymore).

Theres a "hint" for you...in regards to "cleaning up their budget".
Never once did I say they were inefficient or that future management wasn't going to cost more. It's funny how a few days ago there were people complaining about how raising fees was crap, now you see people complaining that the WYG&F might not have funds. If they don't have the funds they should keep looking for ways to clean up their budgets. I just paid $1100+ for an elk tag, which is a heck of a lot more than you're paying, so I'd say I'm doing more than my part to help out the game and fish in WY. If you're that concerned about your states fish and game's resources, go ahead and match what I have paid for an elk tag. Bet you wouldn't think of doing that for a solution.

As a resident, he shouldn't pay what you pay. Some states are just losing sight of how much difference is fair and feasible.
...yeah, because you're forced to hunt out-of-state.

Its so ridiculously cheap to hunt other states...its almost laughable. I could mow my neighbors lawn in the summer to afford a NR deer, elk, or antelope tag.
Thank you Wyoming!!!!! As a NR hunter, I am thankful that they stepped up to the plate and said no to this issue. Looks like I'll be able to keep hunting there in future years.

I have never really agreed with such a price difference between resident and nonresident tags. I understand the reason, but don't necessarily agree. That being said, If you come to my state, all NR will pay a higher price too.

The bottom line is that in order to be a successful business, you need to create more revenue and spend less. It is VERY tough to do in a state agency, so they have to continually monitor ways to do both. Personally, I think Wyoming does a great job with what they have.
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