Kenetrek Boots

Wyoming license fee increases


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
During the last Legislative session, the WYG&F asked the legislature to increase license fees via 3-4 bills.

At the same time that was happening, behind the scenes, a couple groups were beating up the G&F and asking for the G&F to downsize and work "within" their means. The main culprit(s) being WYSFW and a couple of Wyoming Senators and Representatives.

All the fee increase bills were shot down, and to add insult to injury, the WYG&F was taken to the woodshed via a pretty severe budget cut at the hands of the Legislature. Many of the Sportsmens groups in Wyoming were caught off-guard as in the past, most license fee increases were more of a formality.

That budget cut resulted in some tough choices by the G&F, and some access programs were cut, fish stocking, the annual Sportsmens expo, etc.

Sportsmen, and various Sportsmens Groups, felt that pain and have responded by forming a "coalition" or "association" of groups that want full funding for the WYG&F.

You can view a recent press release here:

There are 2 main bills that the "coalition" of groups is wanting to see passed and both are currently drafts:

This bill is asking for general fund money be used to for G&F employee's health benefits, fund the elk feeding program, and also grizzly bear management. Total cost is estimated at around 4-6 million.

The second bill would ask for an across the board license fee increase of 10% for all licenses for both R and NR hunters.

Last week, Representatives from the "wyoming sportsmens association", all met with Governor Mead to discuss the importance of these bills to G&F funding and ultimately Wyomings wildlife resources. With an operation budget of 71-73 million, the investment in wildlife returns about 1.1 billion directly to Wyomings economy. Not too shabby.

I was suprised how receptive Governor Mead was. He was in support of both bills, but in particular the bill asking for some general fund money.

Probably the biggest surprise is that Governor Mead also asked for the support of our "assication" of groups with helping to sway the Legilslature to continue funding the Wyoming Wildlife Trust. He also made a recommendation that a blue-ribbon task force be appointed to look at solving long-term funding issues with the G&F. He expressed his desire to not have to go through these funding issues every year or two, and would like to see the G&F fully funded.

Now is a good time to start thinking about this issue, making contacts, etc.. I'll see to it that its kept on the radar as the budget session kicks off.
Jeez. The last thing sportsmen need is a kick in the balls via decrease in land access. I support the fee increases if it will help support all hunters. Even as much as I hate to pay more.

Curious as to your thoughts on the General Fund bill. The Healthcare part seems like a good idea, but what about the feedgrounds & Grizz?

Thanks for your work on this!

I dont know about the feedground and grizzly portions of the bill. It makes more sense to me to keep the general fund money paying for things less directly tied to managing wildlife, like employee health insurance.

I wouldnt be surprised to see some changes to the general fund bill....and I think the license fee increase bill is going to see some tough-sledding before it passes. There are a few TRW committee members that are pretty loyal to WYSFW...
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I wouldnt be surprised to see some changes to the general fund bill....and I think the license fee increase bill is going to see some tough-sledding before it passes. There are a few TRW committee members that are pretty loyal to WYSFW...

Lots of ways to skin those cats. :)

I tend to agree with you on the GF.

Last I heard, 3 SFW affiliated chapters have left or were in the process of leaving WYSFW. Seems like their power is waning in Wyoming?
Kenetrek Boots

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