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Wyoming Landowner tags?


Feb 18, 2002
Does anyone how the issue of Wyoming landowner tags work? I'm interested in knowing when a ranch is divided in half and the new owners of one half get two deer tags for the area (limited quota). I heard that the 2 new landowner tags comes from the General pool of tags. Is this correct?

I've tried finding the info on the game and fish website but no such luck tonight.
Wyoming Land owner tags are based on several conditions, animal usage, acreage, and ownership.
In general you must own 160 connective acres in on plot not spread out and have at least 2000 animal usage hours in a 12 month period.. So if you want an limited quota elk tag and you do not have elk on your land for a qualifying period time you cannot receive a license. Go to this web sight and you will find all the regulations governing landowner tags and usage.
I know the requirements to get landowner tags. What I want to know is if they issue more landowner tags for a limited quota unit do they take them from the public tags?

I want to know this because I know a jackass that bought a 2,000 acre ranch in a limited quota deer/elk/antelope area and has sold off 160 acre chunks to his friends. So his family gets 2 landowner deer, elk and antelope tags and then all his friends get two each of every species too.

So the quota for deer tags in the area is 400, so orignally the ranch only got 2 deer tags but now they get 22 more so is there now 422 tags for the area or did they take the tags from there resident/non resident draw??

So if it comes from the public that is 22 less deer tags, 22 less antelope and 22 less elk tags for the draws. And these are all units that have less than a 10% chance of drawing anyhow already.
I'm just about sure the landowner tags come out of the general pool. The quota is set at 400 in the area you're talking about...25% go to NR's and those are taken from the original 400, cant believe that he LO permits wouldnt be.

Check the draw odds...oh heck, I'll do it for you.
I did check them but the problem is they keep raising the tag numbers every year. I looked it up for the elk and that was the problem. I guess I'll try the deer. Its area 102 for deer, 31 for elk and 112 for antelope.
After checking the draw odds...heres what I came up with.

302 tags went to residents and between the random and PP draw for NR's another 67 tags were issued.

If my math is correct thats a total of 369 tags to the public...leaving another 31 tags out there floating, which I only assume could be landowner tags.

Theres your answer.

I know I've seen the landowner draw odds some place on the Wyoming site and the quotas are ridiculous and the draw odds on EVERYTHING I looked at were 100%.
Check the 2005 draw odds, the resident and non-resident draw odds are listed with the available quotas.

Its a joke to be sure.
Heck, in CO, landowners would get 60 tags out of a quota of 400. No lube here.
Thanks for the info Buzz.

What I found interesting this year was 4 landowners who took tags in 08 didn't take tags in 09. I know two of them that didn't take tags. I guess they got tired of shooting big bulls every year ahahahahhaa.
OK the landowners come first. If there are 60 tags non res takes %25 off the top or 15 tags. Then if 15 land owners apply and recieve 2 tags each = 30 tags then that leaves 15 tags left for the general residant drawing.. If there are more landowners applying than tags there will be none for the general res drawing. I applied for an area that only had 25 tags for the drawing and there as none left after non res and landowner tags issued 3 years in a row.
I know the requirements to get landowner tags. What I want to know is if they issue more landowner tags for a limited quota unit do they take them from the public tags?

I want to know this because I know a jackass that bought a 2,000 acre ranch in a limited quota deer/elk/antelope area and has sold off 160 acre chunks to his friends. So his family gets 2 landowner deer, elk and antelope tags and then all his friends get two each of every species too.

So the quota for deer tags in the area is 400, so orignally the ranch only got 2 deer tags but now they get 22 more so is there now 422 tags for the area or did they take the tags from there resident/non resident draw??

So if it comes from the public that is 22 less deer tags, 22 less antelope and 22 less elk tags for the draws. And these are all units that have less than a 10% chance of drawing anyhow already.
Sorry I should read post better before responding.. First the none res tags 25% have to be taken out of whatever number of tags there are so 422x25%=106 from 422= 316 of these landowner tags will be taken out first. No ranch can still exceed 2 tags for any one game deer, elk or antilope.

Are you postive thats correct?

The reason I ask is because in the 2005 draw odds they list Resident landowner, and Nonresident landowner odds.

I also find it hard to believe that the NR pool would be taken FIRST before resident landowner tags or even nonresident landowner tags.

I'd like to see something official from the game and you know where to get the info?

I think what Wyodeerhunter is saying could be true...that a large ranch divided into 160 acre "ranches" could, if they met the other requirements, each get 2 landowner tags.

Another thing that needs to go away.
I will do some checking again, but I was part of the WY G&F education and ethics development counsel in the late 90s for 3 years. I had tried to draw a tag for 3 years and had been told by a land owner friend that after non res and landowner tags there were none left for res hunters. So I brought this up in one of our meetings and I was told what I had explained in my other post. As far as the 2 land owner tags, you can only get the tags if you meet the animal hours of usage. If you do not have the usage you may not even get one tag. One land owner I know had about 4000 deeded acres and was not given a land owners tag, even though two of his Nabors killed their elk on his place. The elk only moved through his lands during the hunting season because of hunting pressure on surrounding lands. After filing a complainant he was granted 1 tag for the next year. olefish
BuzzH I did check with the district G&F office to verify my statements on the other post. Yes they do take out the nonresident tags from the pool of tags up front. I thought it was 25% across the board, but I am wrong on that point, it varies from 20% to 25%. After I thought about it more it makes sense since limited quota nonresident tags applications are due months before resident tags deadlines. Great question buzz.
I agree there needs to be a reverse grandfather clause of sorts. When a parcel is broken down beyond the original claims it goes into a separate pool of total tags that can be issued for that unit's LO's. Stop that stuff right off the bat.

Do LO's have to show a negative impact as well(from game animals)?

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