Wyoming general unit r insite


Active member
Nov 30, 2019
With some luck I hope to scout this summer but I'd like to know any places to start or to avoid I don't mean this to sound like I'm wanting people's spots just some general areas to look at or one not to waste my time at

Archery- put in the miles, both high and low and high you’ll find deer.
Rifle- residents/elk hunters will have the mountain covered, especially if their is snow, so your best bet will be the low ground. There will be plenty of other hunters, but use your OnX, use your head, and use your feet and you’ll find pockets of deer.
The trophy potential isn’t super high, but good representatives can be taken.
Thank you I should of specified it would be rifle and not after a trophy just planning my first mule deer hunt my plan was to pick it as a second choice so I don't burn my points but still get some experience hunting mule deer

Archery- put in the miles, both high and low and high you’ll find deer.
Rifle- residents/elk hunters will have the mountain covered, especially if their is snow, so your best bet will be the low ground. There will be plenty of other hunters, but use your OnX, use your head, and use your feet and you’ll find pockets of deer.
The trophy potential isn’t super high, but good representatives can be taken.
could it would you recommend another region where a nonresident with 2 points would have a good chance to draw?
I don’t exactly recall the draw odds on Second choice.
Would I recommend it? Depends what you’re looking for. If you don’t want to see other hunters, this is NOT your region. If you’re looking for a place where you won’t have to worry (much) about public access, this is as good a place to start as any. It’s a beautiful, diverse area.
Will I go back? Eventually, but I think the yearning to see something new will drive me to check other areas
I don’t exactly recall the draw odds on Second choice.
Would I recommend it? Depends what you’re looking for. If you don’t want to see other hunters, this is NOT your region. If you’re looking for a place where you won’t have to worry (much) about public access, this is as good a place to start as any. It’s a beautiful, diverse area.
Will I go back? Eventually, but I think the yearning to see something new will drive me to check other areas
Is it a good area to see deer I'm not after a 200 inch deer but I'd like to at least say I saw some