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Wyoming elk special NR draw

I’m struggling with pulling the trigger on WY elk app this year, kind of an odd feeling. Too many points to blow on a general, too few for the units I set out for.

I may just watch this one pass by for the first time in a while, or just take a cheaper random swing in the regular draw. I don’t think I am up for loaning out the $$ for the special this year.
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This is not to be a dick, but in trying to put something in perspective for you. How much do you think a landowner tag that is comparable to the wy gen tag costs?

Interesting question. $5-7k maybe?

Hard to give an estimate without knowing which specific gen tag you’re comparing, they aren’t all of equal value in this sense.

*let the record show: I did not bring landowner tags up, it was all @Nick87!😉
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No they're not but sure puts things in perspective. Makes that tag look like a steal at the special rate when compared to say a NM landowner tag.
Makes that tag look like a steal at the special rate when compared to say a NM landowner tag.

In a purely monetary sense, I get that point- the main difference is the value of time.

The biggest advantage of a landowner tag is that you get to choose when and where you go every year- a lot more flexibility in that regard, and way easier to plan for. Also private land access, but for me personally that isn’t a draw.

If WY gets general area (unlikely) or even unit-wide landowner tags for $5k-7k, I would be all over them. Hopefully someday that is an option.
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If WY gets general area (unlikely) or even unit-wide landowner tags for $5k-7k, I would be all over them.
I find that extremely hard to believe. Since you can do it in New mexico every year and you never have.

The biggest advantage of a landowner tag is that you get to choose when and where you go every year
For now, until you can't. 10 years ago you could draw a general elk tag in wyoming what like every year or every other, 6 or 7 and counting now and there's no putting that back in the bottle once it's out. I can't think of a tag that gives you more flexibility than the wyoming General as far as time, other than a commissioners tag. So that doesnt really hold water either. I shouldn't even be typing it on the internet it doesn't need any more publicity.
Passing on the WY elk draw this year for the first time in a while to focus elsewhere. I keep putting in for tough units in the special, but haven’t drawn nor hunted elk there since 2010. Also took an ill-timed hiatus from collecting points for half those years 🤦🏻‍♂️. I could draw general, but keep deluding myself that point creep will slow on LE units… Anyway.. hoping CO comes through for me this year.
If I was sitting on general tag point level I’d be all over that
If I was closer and able to scout a unit in the offseason, I would too. Just like I exclusively hunt heavily pressured public land for whitetails locally. But I have to hedge upwards to what I at least perceive as more “prime” units (maybe more elk, maybe less crowded, either or both) to boost my odds of success, given how I am usually hunting new ground, however minimally it might do so. It’s definitely been a losing strategy for elk in particular the past 5 years at least, as creep hit the afterburners in all states.
I looked at 7 and thought that same thing, or a tag service put high point holders in for it. Both the regular and special needed 13 to draw. One guy burned 17 in the special on that tag.
I hope poor guy never realizes what he did :(
I'm sitting here staring at draw odds and my checking account. If I go with the special draw, do I wanna apply for a drawable 2nd choice or not. $$$$$!
Getting down to the decision time. Really starting to think it might not be worth the squeeze for the special tag even though I have the $.

I think I have the points to draw the general tag in the special this year, just not sure I want to spend that much on a general tag. But then looking at other options there really aren't that many tags that are worth it. My biggest hang up isn't the $, it's the vacation time. I have other tag options this year that have me thinking hard about doing something other than the special general tag that is probably mine if I want it.
I have money to blow. I also have not been drinking so Wyoming remains a terrible value for me as a non-resident. Similar to how I view high-end pickup trucks. There are better options for me. Geez, $1900 for harvest odds which can be under 50% with a lot of sub-300 bulls being tipped over to notch a WY tag while effectively fenced out of “wilderness” units as apply or pay $8000 for a babysitter.
Math checks out.
Today is the deadline to apply, be sure to apply, you don't want to miss out. Encourage everyone to put into the special draw. It's only money, right