Wyoming elk special NR draw

I’m struggling with pulling the trigger on WY elk app this year, kind of an odd feeling. Too many points to blow on a general, too few for the units I set out for.

I may just watch this one pass by for the first time in a while, or just take a cheaper random swing in the regular draw. I don’t think I am up for loaning out the $$ for the special this year.
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This is not to be a dick, but in trying to put something in perspective for you. How much do you think a landowner tag that is comparable to the wy gen tag costs?

Interesting question. $5-7k maybe?

Hard to give an estimate without knowing which specific gen tag you’re comparing, they aren’t all of equal value in this sense.

*let the record show: I did not bring landowner tags up, it was all @Nick87!😉
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No they're not but sure puts things in perspective. Makes that tag look like a steal at the special rate when compared to say a NM landowner tag.
Makes that tag look like a steal at the special rate when compared to say a NM landowner tag.

In a purely monetary sense, I get that point- the main difference is the value of time.

The biggest advantage of a landowner tag is that you get to choose when and where you go every year- a lot more flexibility in that regard, and way easier to plan for. Also private land access, but for me personally that isn’t a draw.

If WY gets general area (unlikely) or even unit-wide landowner tags for $5k-7k, I would be all over them. Hopefully someday that is an option.
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If WY gets general area (unlikely) or even unit-wide landowner tags for $5k-7k, I would be all over them.
I find that extremely hard to believe. Since you can do it in New mexico every year and you never have.

The biggest advantage of a landowner tag is that you get to choose when and where you go every year
For now, until you can't. 10 years ago you could draw a general elk tag in wyoming what like every year or every other, 6 or 7 and counting now and there's no putting that back in the bottle once it's out. I can't think of a tag that gives you more flexibility than the wyoming General as far as time, other than a commissioners tag. So that doesnt really hold water either. I shouldn't even be typing it on the internet it doesn't need any more publicity.
Passing on the WY elk draw this year for the first time in a while to focus elsewhere. I keep putting in for tough units in the special, but haven’t drawn nor hunted elk there since 2010. Also took an ill-timed hiatus from collecting points for half those years 🤦🏻‍♂️. I could draw general, but keep deluding myself that point creep will slow on LE units… Anyway.. hoping CO comes through for me this year.
If I was sitting on general tag point level I’d be all over that
If I was closer and able to scout a unit in the offseason, I would too. Just like I exclusively hunt heavily pressured public land for whitetails locally. But I have to hedge upwards to what I at least perceive as more “prime” units (maybe more elk, maybe less crowded, either or both) to boost my odds of success, given how I am usually hunting new ground, however minimally it might do so. It’s definitely been a losing strategy for elk in particular the past 5 years at least, as creep hit the afterburners in all states.
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