Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Wyoming Elk Planning with 11 Points as NR

Nope, I’ve hunted there a few times, I’ve been in archery distance of several bulls every year. I have yet to pay a trespass fee to cross private or kill cows on private. There is one particular state section that is very accessible that I have yet to see anyone on that has bulls every year.

I’m no master elk killer like you but it’s absolutely doable, especially archery.

Before you get inundated with DMs from January to October of every year and eventually remove that info, feel free to DM me your Unit 7 honey hole. kthx 🌈🙃
Find a unit and then first get cow tags. That's been said 1000 times but is some of the best advice out there. It sucks to burn a bunch of points on a tag, hunt your ass off and be unsuccessful and then go home knowing you could do 10x better in that unit next time.
Why do you always act like somebody just pissed on your hey dudes?

Do you wake up and just decide to be frumpy or is a natural gift kinda thing?
Stupid replies run rampant, horrible advice given every day. When was the last time you tried to fill 3 great LQ elk tags in Wyoming with quality mature bulls?

Finding 1 honest 330+ bull on public land and getting it killed isn't easy. Finding another 2 in one hunt is a pipe dream.

I'm not going to give advice to people burning 11 points to draw 7 and blow merry sunshine up their ass that they're going to swim through 300 bulls to kill 330+ bulls.

It's not reality, I've hunted it more than enough to know. Even if you find a great bull, getting them killed with all the variables is a whole other problem.

They've received good advice of drawing in separate years and focusing on killing one good bull each year. I agree with that advice.

Nobody pissed on my dudes, but they did get elk blood on them last week, imagine that?
Stupid replies run rampant, horrible advice given every day. When was the last time you tried to fill 3 great LQ elk tags in Wyoming with quality mature bulls?

Finding 1 honest 330+ bull on public land and getting it killed isn't easy. Finding another 2 in one hunt is a pipe dream.

I'm not going to give advice to people burning 11 points to draw 7 and blow merry sunshine up their ass that they're going to swim through 300 bulls to kill 330+ bulls.

It's not reality, I've hunted it more than enough to know. Even if you find a great bull, getting them killed with all the variables is a whole other problem.

They've received good advice of drawing in separate years and focusing on killing one good bull each year. I agree with that advice.

Nobody pissed on my dudes, but they did get elk blood on them last week, imagine that?
Reread his first post. You’re putting your own criteria on his hunt. So your right, stupid reply’s run rampant and your qualifies.
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Consider not burning the points for all three at once. Spread it over two years and almost certainly the one(s) hunting the 2nd year may have a better hut based on prior year experience.
My hunting partner and I do this every year. We alternate years of who has the tag and split the meat 50/50. Works great if you have a reliable partner to hunt with.
I just looked up what 11 points can get someone around me and the answer is a -9 tag or a -4 cow tag thats it! But since it all has bears now would be excluded from your list anyways, but seems 11 points aint a great place to be in line without a plan.