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Wyoming Elk - I need a lucky break

Carbs, protien and lots of chapstick ! Hang in there Randy. Continue to have fun doing what you love to do, to HUNT. You are truly an admiration.

Be safe.
I'm still saving a Montana deer hunt for you since i can't seem to find a deer on the Bridgers:eek:

I was watching a group of five bucks playing grab ass yesterday, and wondering how your hunt has gone so far. Stick with it, the rut's just around the corner, and more snow on the way.

Fin- You've had a rough run, not sure how you're able to keep your head up as much as you do. Your dedication and ambition are really admirable. Hopefully it pays off on you big on your remaining hunts.
A few pics that I took when my fingers were still working. Shortly thereafter, they were blue and numb.

Yesterday, completely sure a big bull was on one of the ridges. How a guy can see two miles in all directions, yet not find an elk in those 16 square miles, is beyond me.

Taking shelter behind a tree. Hoping the wind will die down. Nope, just picking up.

Dennis, the camera guy, just as the sun was coming up and poking through the morning clouds. He had to be wondering what the heck he got himself into.

Evidently the guy who wrote this in the snow has voodoo powers, as whatever hex they put on me, it sure worked.
A whale of an effort in WY Randy. It leaves little doubt as to your determination. I wonder how many of us would have hung in there to the end as you did. It's easy to say it, but another to actually do it. You and the guys on this site motivate and drive me when I am in the field. Put it out of your mind and hit the next hunt!

Oh ya. Take a day or two to rest up, you earned it.
Way to stick with it Randy. You were inspiration for me to do the same and fortunatetly it paid off. Thanks for taking time to talk amongst it all too. We were thrilled to share with you a little bit. Good luck in Colorado.
So, I drag my sorry butt home from Colorado. I arrive late last night after fifteen hours of windshield time. I wake up this morning after a good night's rest.

I get a call from the production company saying they have a camera guy for me, and they want me to head back to Wyoming for the last three days of my elk season. Mrs. Fin gives me the OK (I have a great wife, but you guys already knew that). Kind of messes up my Montana deer hunting plans, but I like the idea.

Will launch the next assualt on Thursday, if I can free myself of all my other commitments and obligations before then. With that, I am at the office, frantically fighting the fires on my desk, will spend the afternoon dejunking the trailer, making some minor truck repairs, repolishing gear, and replenishing supplies.

I am seeking some satisfaction from these elk. The reckoning will be sweet, if it so happens.

I feel sorry for the camera guy. For his sake, it would be best if we could find one right away. If not, he will be fed up with the OYOA gig by the time the WY elk season ends. No mountain too high, no weather too bad. An elk is my goal.

The weather be damned. Those elk are there, somewhere. I will find them and when I do, I plan to shoot one of them. Some way, some how, some where.

Looks like the Season of On Your Own Misadventures continues. May the winds and elk of Wyoming give me a better shake this time than they did last time.
Good luck Randy... I drove home last night from Western Wyoming. Dodged a dozen semi's blown off I-80.

Wind in Laramie is howling, but is supposed to die down today. I'm going to make an attempt at a Wyoming cow elk today and tomorrow.
Good luck Randy... I drove home last night from Western Wyoming. Dodged a dozen semi's blown off I-80.

Wind in Laramie is howling, but is supposed to die down today. I'm going to make an attempt at a Wyoming cow elk today and tomorrow.

Is there anytime the wind isn't howling in Laramie? I can't even imagine that place in the winter.

Good luck on the second chance Fin!
Yeah, I was looking at remote weather stations on line last night and saw one west of where you'll be that said wind at 38mph, gusting to 65. Sounds like fun. Good luck!

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