PEAX Equipment

Wyoming Elk - I need a lucky break

Good luck to ya BigFin, you have done all the work and hopefully now comes the reward.
Spent the morning fighting 25mph winds, huge amounts of snow, and no elk. No elk in his right mind would be out in that weather.

On the way back to the tent, I got stuck. I mean seriously stuck. Was giving it hell, trying to get back up a big frozen hillside. Got almost to the top and this VDC mechanism in my truck detected slipping, so automatically let off the throttle. We went from going up hill at 10 mph to going backwards down the hill at about 5mph. Slid into some nasty ruts with the rear of the truck in a big pile of spruce and brush.

Lo and behold, the only other vehicle out in this area was a WY G&F warden. Warden Kerr. Never so glad to have a warden ask me how it was going. I am sure he did that out of courtesy, given the position of my vehicle, the jack and shovel being employed, made my answer rather obvious.

He stayed there to help us get out. Eventually he had to chain all four, use his big rope and my tow strap and he got us up the remainder of the hill. I owe that guy, but he refused to take anything. If anyone from WY G&F reads this post, they need to give Warden Kerr a raise and big "Atta boy."

Since the entire debacle was filmed, at least he will get his moment on TV.

I am now in Casper, getting chains for all four. The rain last night before the snow made everything so icy, you cannot control anything in that foot of snow that is sitting on top of the ice. Nothing like taking one of your five hunting days to make sure you have transportation.

The drifts on the way out of there were amazing. We left camp at 12:30 and got to Casper at 4:00PM. It is only about sixty miles, but the slowest sixty miles you could ask for. I am worried about driving back in the dark. The ruts are so bad that you can easily get high centered. But, with the drifts, you cannot see the ruts that will stick you.

Grabbing a bite to eat, then heading back to the mountain. Gotta get to camp and dry off some of the gear that got soaked while crawling around putting on chains, etc.

Tomorrow is supposed be clear and cold. I think it will be the best hunting weather of the hunt, so I am going to give it all we can tomorrow. Thursday is serious wind. When the call for heavy winds in WY, you can be sure it is bad wind. Then another storm by late Friday.

Gotta go.
Good luck, Fin, and be careful. Don't need you getting snowed in and having to pull an Alferd Packer.
Good luck Randy I live in Casper and was also out this morning looking for elk but with how bad the snow and wind was i didnt see any elk either plenty of deer though then on our way out my buddy put his truck on its side in a ditch so dont feel bad you are not the only one that had bad luck today, ill be out there looking for a bull tomorrow snow should be done. good luck to you and be safe.
Yeah, when I was there last year there was no way I was going up top with the drifts and the ruts on that road. Youse is either brave or dumb:D

The day after the storm is always the bloodiest day in the elk hills. You’ll kill for sure, if you not stuck all day.
I was born and raised in Casper and sure don't miss the wind in Wyoming. I can handle snow and I can handle the cold but add wind to the mix and you get pretty miserable pretty fast. 60 miles to camp, I wonder if you are hunting around the Rattlesnakes (I use to hunt there with my dad and grandpa years ago). Good luck! At least this weather will push the animals around a little bit, if it ever calms down! haha
I think that terrible weather IS your break....

A bull will be on the ground shortly, I suspect
I have to sit the night in the truck. Chained up, but zero visibility. Winds on the south side are 60+. The drifts are huge. I can't chance it. Gonna stay right here on the county road. Pulling off to the edge on the crest of this hill. Only a couple miles from where I turn off and go five miles on two tracks to get to camp.

As much as I want to be in the elk hills at daylight, this is now a function of safety. Amazingly, this ridge has two bars of cell reception.

Very bummed and disappointed. Need a miracle at this point.
Don't listen to the radio too long with the truck off. Might end up with a dead battery. Just sayin'... ;)
Good luck and stay safe, weather sounds brutal. Wyoming certainly knows wind
13F and the wind is still shaking the truck. Friggin cold. Have to start it up every do often to melt yhe condensation. Will you know hoew he Nissan provides world class sleeping.

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