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Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund


Now that this decision has been made is your group ready and set to file to the Federal Court for the Federal Governments legal definition of corner crossing and setting the precedent required? Just asking because if Eshelman drops the civil suit this solved nothing. I would encourage you to get with all public land supporting agencies/groups for the support. Monetary or voice.
I think it's been brought up but the Defendants have a way of preventing to be dropped right?
Huh? If he drops it, he drops it. period.
NOPE. I’m not an attorney but Vikingsguy answered that one back in post 1024……

”If the hunters (residents of another state) have a claim against the ranch owner or employees in an amount greater than $75,000 they can make a counterclaim that in its own right would survive in fed court even with the owner dropping his claim. Of course depending on the specifics of the counter claim - all the issues we wish to be settled may not be on the table at that point.”
So, the 4 Missourians are now on their own for the civil suit attorney’s fees?

The verbiage of the GoFundMe sure seemed to contemplate only the criminal case – with the balance going to AccessYes!

So, is there even any wiggle room to use any of the remaining $71K for civil defense or must any remainder go straight to Access Yes?
So, the 4 Missourians are now on their own for the civil suit attorney’s fees?

The verbiage of the GoFundMe sure seemed to contemplate only the criminal case – with the balance going to AccessYes!

So, is there even any wiggle room to use any of the remaining $71K for civil defense or must any remainder go straight to Access Yes?
That’s not what the BHA Website says.

”In November 2021, Wyoming BHA was approached by four hunters from Missouri asking for help fighting a criminal citation for corner crossing between two parcels of public land, we decided to support them. We reached out to hunters and anglers across the country and were overwhelmed by the responses we received— thank you to all who supported our efforts thus far. BHA Wyoming sponsored a fundraiser to support the four hunters and together, we raised over $70,000 to cover the legal expenses for these hunters. Should there be a remaining balance after all legal matters are resolved, we will be donating the remainder of the funds raised to Wyoming’s Access Yes Program.” https://www.backcountryhunters.org/hunters_found_not_guilty_in_wyoming_corner_crossing_case
I was with @VikingsGuy hoping for a guilty finding and subsequent appeal creating some solid case law. Door is wide open now for the checkbooks of big money ranchers to get a bill passed specifically making corner crossing illegal. Public land hunters may have won the first battle but the war is just beginning
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I was with @VikingsGuy hoping for a guilty finding and subsequent appeal creating some solid case law. Door is wide open now for the checkbooks of big money ranchers to get a bill passed specifically making corner crossing illegal. Public land hunters may have won the first battle but the war is just beginning
At least this is going on in WY. A little harder to pass laws against the general hunting public. If this was going down on MT, the land of outfitters and wealthy landowners, I'd be very scared for the war.
At least this is going on in WY. A little harder to pass laws against the general hunting public. If this was going down on MT, the land of outfitters and wealthy landowners, I'd be very scared for the war.
Montana will try to pass a law making it illegal, you can count on that. We have to be ready to fight it.
I'm sure I've probably missed the answer in these 63 pages, so I'll ask it. Is the Wyoming Game and fish moving forward with hunter harassment charges against the ranch employees? If I was a Wyoming resident, I'd be demanding such.
I'm very grateful WY BHA stepped up and these 4 hunters stuck with it. The attention this fight has brought to the issue is a major benefit to public land hunters. Even if legislatures start trying to pass laws making corner crossing illegal - I think that gives folks an opportunity to challenge at the federal level and then make headway on precedent. I also don't mind state legislatures attacking public access via corner crossing legislation...it will really sort out who supports public access from those who don't and even if a few states pass something, I think the winds are shifting...the public is not going to accept this bs long-term.

Anyways, kudos to those who supported this effort. Meateater, WY BHA, all the individuals who donated...really proud of all of them.
I'm sure I've probably missed the answer in these 63 pages, so I'll ask it. Is the Wyoming Game and fish moving forward with hunter harassment charges against the ranch employees? If I was a Wyoming resident, I'd be demanding such.
The G&F warden has filed his report with the County Attorney. It is up to her to file charges of harassment. This is how G&F kept out of the fray. The warden told me he didn't have anything more than "he said, he said" evidence and that he wouldn't write the citation based on that. IMO that is weak.