Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

It's like the show Yellowstone, but more wimpy.

*Rip angrily steps out of the black Ranch's Killverado 7500HD*

Rip: "You guys hunting? Do you know how much money my boss has?"

*30 munites of dressage bullshit*

Random ranch hand: *chuckle* "$*)Q!#@$ barrel racers!"

*John Dunham storms into DA's office*

John: "Listen, these guys are tresspassing over my airspace, the very oxygen I need to live, they are pretty much killing us. I didn't make a fortune in real estate and started ranching last year, to have MY god given way of life changed by these air thieves!"

*Screen turns black, big yellow bold letter appear on screen with dramatic sound effect*


*Queue some Ryan Bingham*

"Next week on Carbon County Yellowstone"

*Awkward looking Sherrif Deputy wearing Oakley Gascans, pulls up to two men wearing crocs in camp on BLM*

"Y'all pissed off the wrong rich guy"

*Starts scribbing on ticket pad*

It's like the show Yellowstone, but more wimpy.

*Rip angrily steps out of the black Ranch's Killverado 7500HD*

Rip: "You guys hunting? Do you know how much money my boss has?"

*30 munites of dressage bullshit*

Random ranch hand: *chuckle* "$*)Q!#@$ barrel racers!"

*John Dunham storms into DA's office*

John: "Listen, these guys are tresspassing over my airspace, the very oxygen I need to live, they are pretty much killing us. I didn't make a fortune in real estate and started ranching last year, to have MY god given way of life changed by these air thieves!"

*Screen turns black, big yellow bold letter appear on screen with dramatic sound effect*


*Queue some Ryan Bingham*

"Next week on Carbon County Yellowstone"

*Awkward looking Sherrif Deputy wearing Oakley Gascans, pulls up to two men wearing crocs in camp on BLM*

"Y'all pissed off the wrong rich guy"

*Starts scribbing on ticket pad*

I am happy I have never made the mistake of wasting time to watch Yellowstone.
The wife and I watched the first episode a couple of weeks ago and when it was over, we were both disappointed that we had done it. It felt like going in to Wall Mart the first time.
Embarrassing in a way.
Embarrassing as in now you can't stop going or watching it?? :giggle:
Something happened to the stream at 5pm - not sure if it was something I did or if their server died? When I tried to refresh, I got a "502 Bad Gateway." The last thing I heard was the attorney's going to the bench during the defense cross exam of the 1st witness (the ranch real estate attorney).
Same here. I think the look of bewilderment on the faces of the Carbon County local jurists after all the lies and innuendo told by the Prosecuting attorney in her opening remarks was a signal to the Judge to cut the feed. She did make a good analogy though about the King and English Law doctrine to what’s going on now with rich boy wanting his cake and eating it too regarding the real owners of public lands. What a clown show, she must have spent hours putting on all that made up face for the jurists. That Weiss flunky attorney they called as opening witness is nothing more than a paid shill. Kangaroo court is being generous to that sagebrush campfire county mob bunch. Hopefully the feed gets restored tomorrow…….
Same here. I think the look of bewilderment on the faces of the Carbon County local jurists after all the lies and innuendo told by the Prosecuting attorney in her opening remarks was a signal to the Judge to cut the feed. She did make a good analogy though about the King and English Law doctrine to what’s going on now with rich boy wanting his cake and eating it too regarding the real owners of public lands. What a clown show, she must have spent hours putting on all that made up face for the jurists. That Weiss flunky attorney they called as opening witness is nothing more than a paid shill. Kangaroo court is being generous to that sagebrush campfire county mob bunch. Hopefully the feed gets restored tomorrow…….
Same issue here with the feed being cut when they were approaching the bench. Definitely started as a clown show so I'm anxious to see what tomorrow brings.
If the feed does come back on tomorrow, when would it start streaming?
It appears still FUBAR…….The latest news from Wyofile and Angus……..

A three-woman, four-man Carbon County jury heard a prosecutor allege Wednesday that four Missouri hunters “wanted an opportunity to challenge the law” when they corner crossed to access public land while hunting near Elk Mountain Ranch.

County Prosecutor Ashley Mayfield Davis told the jury that the hunters had to pass through the airspace above private Elk Mountain Ranch property as they went from one parcel of federal property to another in 2021. “Landowners don’t just own the land,” she told the jury, “you also own your airspace.”https://wyofile.com/corner-crossing-jury-empaneled-opening-arguments-delivered/
It appears still FUBAR…….The latest news from Wyofile and Angus……..

A three-woman, four-man Carbon County jury heard a prosecutor allege Wednesday that four Missouri hunters “wanted an opportunity to challenge the law” when they corner crossed to access public land while hunting near Elk Mountain Ranch.

County Prosecutor Ashley Mayfield Davis told the jury that the hunters had to pass through the airspace above private Elk Mountain Ranch property as they went from one parcel of federal property to another in 2021. “Landowners don’t just own the land,” she told the jury, “you also own your airspace.”https://wyofile.com/corner-crossing-jury-empaneled-opening-arguments-delivered/
Appreciate the update.
It appears still FUBAR…….The latest news from Wyofile and Angus……..

A three-woman, four-man Carbon County jury heard a prosecutor allege Wednesday that four Missouri hunters “wanted an opportunity to challenge the law” when they corner crossed to access public land while hunting near Elk Mountain Ranch.

County Prosecutor Ashley Mayfield Davis told the jury that the hunters had to pass through the airspace above private Elk Mountain Ranch property as they went from one parcel of federal property to another in 2021. “Landowners don’t just own the land,” she told the jury, “you also own your airspace.”https://wyofile.com/corner-crossing-jury-empaneled-opening-arguments-delivered/
I hope the defense asks them how it’s OK to chain federal airspace then!
I hope the defense asks them how it’s OK to chain federal airspace then!
Mr. Weisz the shill attorney for little Napoleon Eshelman testified as the opening witness they (ranch manager) had removed the chain and lock going across between the posts above the brass survey corner marker as of 2 days ago. Like that makes everything ok at this point…….Not…………
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Does anybody have a working link to watch the case? And times? I keep getting a "bad gateway" message.
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