Caribou Gear

Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

Thanks for your post. I went back to re-read the donation page. We are reading this differently or maybe the same.

From my perspective, this is for the DIRECT funding of "legal representation for these four hunters". Any excess BEYOND the funding of legal representation of these four hunters go to Access Yes. This details legal funding and does not stop or state it is for the criminal aspects only. This is for the legal representation of the four hunters - if hit with civil because of this situation the funding goes to their legal representation.


"This hunting season four hunters, Brad Cape, Phillip Yoemans, John Slowensky and Zach Smith were cited for criminal trespass in Carbon County for corner crossing. They have pleaded "not guilty" and currently this case is pending. Corner crossing is a legal grey area that stems from the public's desire to access their public land by stepping from one corner of public to another. We believe this act does not violate law or cause any negative impacts to private landowners and their use of their property. These four hunters took every precaution to make certain private land was not touched. While hunters have successfully beat the hunting and fishing corner cross trespass, these four hunters are charged with criminal trespass, which hasn't been tried in court. Acquittal of these hunters would set the stage for more access to the public lands we own. It is crucial public land hunters band together to fight for access to cornered public land!

To that end, the Wyoming Chapter of BHA has set up this Gofundme page to help pay for legal representation for these four hunters. Not only do we want to support these hunters we need to prevent a negative legal precedent.

To donate please do so by clicking the link below. Any excess funds to this effort will be donated to Access Yes to help provide more access for hunting and fishing. This case is extremely time sensitive therefore your prompt donation to support this cause would be greatly appreciated. Because the hunters will each need a separate lawyer, we are asking for a minimum donation of $20 please. Thank you!"
My interpretation is that my donation will be used on this case. The Gofundme listing states they were charged with criminal trespass and makes several references to "this case". Therefore, my interpretation is that my donation goes to the legal representation on the case of criminal trespass. No more, no less. Ultimately, my money is now in anothers hands. However, this seemed fairly straightforward to me and any deviation of using these funds for anything more than legal defense on "this case" of criminal trespass would go beyond what my intent was and would restrict my desire to contribute further in other similar cases. YMMV
However, this seemed fairly straightforward to me and any deviation of using these funds for anything more than legal defense on "this case" of criminal trespass would go beyond what my intent was and would restrict my desire to contribute further in other similar cases. YMMV
Fair enough, I agree with your sentiment. Cheers. In the end, glad BHA created this funding aspect for sake of these hunters.
It seems everyone thinks there will be money left over. I'm betting the legal bills will equal the amount raised by the go fund me.
Unless they decide not to prosecute. That would leave maybe $40,000 in the fund that would go to Access Yes instead of future legal defense.

I wouldn't put it beyond a prosecutor to drop this case simply to deplete the fund if the money was sure to go to Access Yes. Then he could prosecute other hunters if the circumstances are slightly different (oh darn, the ladder was found tipped over on private property...). Or hunters could be ticketed in another county with a different prosecutor. Etc. In either case, you would have to do a whole new GoFundMe if you really want to take this to trial.

It's just a thought I had to give the donors an option of using the pro-rated remainder of their donation for defending public access. Given a choice, I would prefer it go to that instead of Access Yes.

We'll see how this all shakes out before putting the cart in front of the horse...

Didn't mean to stir the pot, just thinking out loud, kinda. I'm just glad they have so much support, and hopefully this will go well enough that fewer people will be afraid to corner cross in the future and just go enjoy a day on their land. Peace!
Think they'll cite again if someone decides its a good spot to go call coyotes this winter? 'spose coyotes is a far cry from elk/deer/antelope and aren't generating income for the ranch.

Saw a bunch of coyotes there earlier this fall if you want to give it a shot.
Criminal case legal representation and AccessYes, just like the statement says. There's a good group overseeing this and not just solely Wyo BHA, who I commend for their involvement.

Now I have to head out to meet Buzz, we have a couple of elk to pack out.
Buzz is an elk hog as much as Pete Davidson hogs all the attractive ladies.
Unless they decide not to prosecute. That would leave maybe $40,000 in the fund that would go to Access Yes instead of future legal defense.
As a donor, I'm good either way. I would not see the prosecutor dropping this case as a bad thing. If they drop this case, I see it as a very big win for public land advocates. It raises the bar significantly on pursuing these cases and will embolden many public land users to access via corner cross. Folks have used threats and intimidation of prosecution to keep people out. If they start folding on a clear cut case like over IMO (not really, but at least a big step in favor of public lands).
Can't wait to retrieve the GPS tracker I duck taped under Buzz's truck. Would really like to get a cow next week.
Duck tape doesn’t hold up well to Wy rock roads. When I checked it it was laying in front of here. So either this is a good glassing spot for cows or he is on to your plan. Lol
