Wyo Wildlife Task Force and the new outfitter/landowner draw proposal

Is time to auction every last big game tag on eBay. F&G wants to get more $$$ so let's cut to the chase and tell Joe Six-Pack to give up the dream as Richie Rich is the new buddy of WY willing, able and ready to push sheep tags to $15,000 for some units. Seems criminal to care about the lower class when there are guys and gals ready to scratch that check. Are some $10,000 elk tags as well. The water is warm so jump on in F&G. I will charge up my Tesla and buy some Sitka gear so am ready as scratch the check. See you later point-buying suckers that are decades away from getting a draw tag. Remember, the new version of the Golden Rule says he with the gold, makes the rule. Of course, need to eliminate resident tags if want to maximize earnings on eBay. No one should want to stand in front of progress.
Is time to auction every last big game tag on eBay. F&G wants to get more $$$ so let's cut to the chase and tell Joe Six-Pack to give up the dream as Richie Rich is the new buddy of WY willing, able and ready to push sheep tags to $15,000 for some units. Seems criminal to care about the lower class when there are guys and gals ready to scratch that check. Are some $10,000 elk tags as well. The water is warm so jump on in F&G. I will charge up my Tesla and buy some Sitka gear so am ready as scratch the check. See you later point-buying suckers that are decades away from getting a draw tag. Remember, the new version of the Golden Rule says he with the gold, makes the rule. Of course, need to eliminate resident tags if want to maximize earnings on eBay. No one should want to stand in front of progress.
Tell it to the WOGA, they're the ones pushing this stuff.

Oh, and sheep tags on the open market will be $50K+...there hasn't been a 50K Governors sheep tag in a long, long time.
Good idea...you passed 7th grade math too.

frankly i'm more worried about reg prices.

the special is just that, the special draw.

at least for me, in my mind, it's meant to be the "well that's a little excessive on price, but i just really want better odds, so it's worth it" draw.

for me things get more worrisome when a regular priced elk tag is pushing 1500 dollars. i'd be okay with a 500 dollar pronghorn tag in the regular draw, personally. i just enjoy it that much.
Is WGF short on money?
What's the justification for raising rates? Just because they can?

They should get rid of that STUPID special draw all together and split the different between the special draw and the regular draw proportionality $$ so people can have some form of predictability on drawing something for a change.

Since when has the task force needed that?
Right, I would be more in favor of increasing NR doe/fawn and cow/calf tags than $1500 NR general elk tags.
based on the product being offered that's a reasonable fee compared to MT at $1,000. Though ID would be the clear favorite in that scenario.
Wyoming (and most western states) could increase NR tag prices 100% and there would still be an excess of applicants, it would still take points to draw. Obviously no western state has yet come anywhere near market pricing for NR draw tags, i.e. the point at which supply = demand. That would be the point at which draw odds increase and points required to draw decrease.

Taking a SWAG I would bet the market would support a $3k NR general elk tag in Wyoming, maybe even more. Any successful business sells their product for as much as the market will bear, game departments could do the same - and increase their revenue substantially. If it was really “all about the $” like so many claim, then a lot of these agencies are really and truly incompetent, they should be pushing their revenue much higher.

Is that “ethical” for our ideals of public land hunting? Is that the best way to manage public land tag allocation? That’s a different conversation. But the argument that they are going to run NR’s off with price increases has little merit imho.
Is time to auction every last big game tag on eBay. F&G wants to get more $$$ so let's cut to the chase and tell Joe Six-Pack to give up the dream as Richie Rich is the new buddy of WY willing, able and ready to push sheep tags to $15,000 for some units. Seems criminal to care about the lower class when there are guys and gals ready to scratch that check. Are some $10,000 elk tags as well. The water is warm so jump on in F&G. I will charge up my Tesla and buy some Sitka gear so am ready as scratch the check. See you later point-buying suckers that are decades away from getting a draw tag. Remember, the new version of the Golden Rule says he with the gold, makes the rule. Of course, need to eliminate resident tags if want to maximize earnings on eBay. No one should want to stand in front of progress.
Maybe Ticketmaster should sell tags for Wyoming. They're doing a bang-up job for Springsteen right now...
Wyoming (and most western states) could increase NR tag prices 100% and there would still be an excess of applicants, it would still take points to draw. Obviously no western state has yet come anywhere near market pricing for NR draw tags, i.e. the point at which supply = demand. That would be the point at which draw odds increase and points required to draw decrease.

Taking a SWAG I would bet the market would support a $3k NR general elk tag in Wyoming, maybe even more. Any successful business sells their product for as much as the market will bear, game departments could do the same - and increase their revenue substantially. If it was really “all about the $” like so many claim, then a lot of these agencies are really and truly incompetent, they should be pushing their revenue much higher.

Is that “ethical” for our ideals of public land hunting? Is that the best way to manage public land tag allocation? That’s a different conversation. But the argument that they are going to run NR’s off with price increases has little merit imho.

Wyoming has already run me off from the moose draw with their price increases, so it can happen.

Since I'm not familiar with the process in Wyoming, will there be any way to know the outcome of this chatter prior to the closing of the point buying period this year? Hate to buy points this year if I'm just going to dump them next year.

Is that “ethical” for our ideals of public land hunting? Is that the best way to manage public land tag allocation? That’s a different conversation. But the argument that they are going to run NR’s off with price increases has little merit imho.

I tend to think you (and others) are right that tag prices could increase substantially for some animals and not really dent the demand/scare NR hunters off. Would the "market bear" a $3000 NR elk tag? Probably it would in most areas. I think a more interesting question is, would that change the type of hunters that you're getting? Would the people who are willing to plop down $3000 for an elk tag actually be able to, you know, hunt elk? Would that price increase lead to more (not fewer) guided hunts, as people who can afford it start to think: well, heck, I just paid $3000 for a tag, may as well pay another $5k for a guide to make sure I get something.

Other animals, I'm not so sure. $900 for an antelope tag? I think that may actually have some impact on demand. Think about it like this. I live in Texas. I can go pay $2500 for a guided antelope hunt here, and that includes the tag, etc. My typical antelope hunts to Wyoming cost me somewhere around $1200 (5 days of hotel, gas, food, etc) PLUS the tag fee--if the tag is $900, add that to what I'm going to spend, and I'm getting really close to the all-in price of the Texas antelope hunt.
I tend to think you (and others) are right that tag prices could increase substantially for some animals and not really dent the demand/scare NR hunters off. Would the "market bear" a $3000 NR elk tag? Probably it would in most areas. I think a more interesting question is, would that change the type of hunters that you're getting? Would the people who are willing to plop down $3000 for an elk tag actually be able to, you know, hunt elk? Would that price increase lead to more (not fewer) guided hunts, as people who can afford it start to think: well, heck, I just paid $3000 for a tag, may as well pay another $5k for a guide to make sure I get something.

Other animals, I'm not so sure. $900 for an antelope tag? I think that may actually have some impact on demand. Think about it like this. I live in Texas. I can go pay $2500 for a guided antelope hunt here, and that includes the tag, etc. My typical antelope hunts to Wyoming cost me somewhere around $1200 (5 days of hotel, gas, food, etc) PLUS the tag fee--if the tag is $900, add that to what I'm going to spend, and I'm getting really close to the all-in price of the Texas antelope hunt.
There would be no shortage of willing and able NR elk hunters at triple the current price for a tag that is decent and available. In your example the Texas outfitter would likely just raise his price to $3k to match the market. I’m not arguing that this is best approach to wildlife management, I’m just saying that there is no shortage of $ available from people looking for good hunting opportunities. The fact that preference points exist is the clearest example that tags are priced well below what the market will bear.
That makes me wish I would have never started buying antelope points.
Can do it without legislative action as well.

which, i do think the commission should have that latitude. unfortunately for this situation or not.

in any event, i mean, they don't have to do what Sy/the TF says.
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