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Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!

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Damn right I will, as WYG&F says is my right as a resident. And if I don't draw a leftover cow tag thousands of people on their vacation will have the same or better opportunity than I will to fill my freezer. But why am I telling you that? You don't care two shits about the people here or the fact that your vacation is our source of food. So long as you get to play Hemmingway or Teddy for a week.
I play Chris LeDoux when I'm in Wyo
Just curious why you believe WY won't ever change the total # of elk tags that go to NR?
They might change it, but I don’t believe that is an item on this task force’s agenda. If they change it then it will change and I’ll adjust my future plans accordingly. Maybe move to Big Piney and open an organic vegan eatery.
If residents want the 90/10 I have no gripe with that. I’m not going to say I like it but I’m not going to lose my mind over it either.
I personally am not sitting on my points long enough to worry about LE tags. Wade through the point creep and snag a general tag first chance I get every time.
I do feel for the people who have been hoarding points all these years in hopes of something special but I guess that’s life. I will gladly help you average your points way down and get a general tag with you if you want to become friends!!!
I hope I get to hunt Wyoming a few times in the future and maybe in 25 years I can consider moving there.
If every influencer on your above list got a revelation that they had over-promoted western big game hunting and hastened the demise of the endeavor for everyone, came out and admitted as much, then QUIT…just as many up-and-coming influencers would replace them overnight and there would be no net change in the demand for NR tags and acceleration of human migration to become new residents of western states and squeeze the resource until it’s out of reach to everyone. The United States of Europe.

The cat is out of the bag, social media is here to stay, and the west becomes smaller every day. Sorry to burst your bubble, but your mission is dead in the water. Yeah it sucks but we all have to adapt to a rapidly devolving situation regarding our passion for NA big game hunting if we want to continue to enjoy it.
I think many of them know that they have played a huge part in putting hunting on the trajectory it is on. Many don’t care, or don’t give it much thought. But my point remains, that nobody really calls them out or tries to hold them accountable in any way. In fact we all do the opposite and fawn over them at outdoor expos, buy their gear, pay for their subscriptions and basically encourage more people to become just like them. If it didn’t pay to quit your day job and become a hunting entertainer, people wouldn’t do it. Why not make filming hunts illegal? Why not make using data gathered by state agencies for profit on your own platforms illegal? Everyone on here is willing to gripe about money in hunting as long it’s towards special interest groups or outfitters, but they won’t dare do it when it comes to their after work hunting show entertainment.
Its not about who owns the wildlife. Its that there is a way of life that many have had for decades that is being infiltrated like nuts in the last 5-10 years

But before 5 years ago the same split was working fine for all involved. But now it is destroying the Wyoming way of life. OK.
I personally am not sitting on my points long enough to worry about LE tags. Wade through the point creep and snag a general tag first chance I get every time.

That pretty much sums up my Wyoming deer and elk strategy as soon as I burn my accumulated deer points. I will probably end up with a deer tag that takes a few less points than I have. I am in no mans land with deer points and I don’t feel like waiting.
But before 5 years ago the same split was working fine for all involved. But now it is destroying the Wyoming way of life. OK.
I’m not even from Wyoming, but I know that my brother’s in-laws have had beef with the split for longer than that.
I’m just talking in general about the huge surge in interest in western hunting (and just mtn state living in general). It’s changing life and tradition for people who have been here for decades
I’m not even from Wyoming, but I know that my brother’s in-laws have had beef with the split for longer than that.
I’m just talking in general about the huge surge in interest in western hunting (and just mtn state living in general). It’s changing life and tradition for people who have been here for decades
Times change, you don’t have to like it but they do change and you can’t stop the wave of people (fellow Americans even if they are GDC’s) looking for a better life. Just like most of our European ancestors, populations move to better places when able. Folks that are already occupying the “greener pastures” usually don’t like it but it is the history of the world.
But before 5 years ago the same split was working fine for all involved. But now it is destroying the Wyoming way of life. OK.
Pulled from an article:

As the Mountain West experienced a population boom over the last decade, Wyoming’s growth lagged, according to U.S. Census numbers released this week, with the Equality State among the slowest-growing states in the country.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Wyoming’s population experienced the nation’s seventh-slowest rate of growth over the past decade, adding 13,225 people for a population of 576,851 as of April 1, 2020. That came in the second-slowest growth period in U.S. history.
Pulled from an article:

As the Mountain West experienced a population boom over the last decade, Wyoming’s growth lagged, according to U.S. Census numbers released this week, with the Equality State among the slowest-growing states in the country.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Wyoming’s population experienced the nation’s seventh-slowest rate of growth over the past decade, adding 13,225 people for a population of 576,851 as of April 1, 2020. That came in the second-slowest growth period in U.S. history.

I understand your point of citing the census data. I can simple tell you anecdotally the ability to draw tags has drastically changed in Wyoming. Ten years ago we could simply walk into the store and buy a cow/calf or doe tag the day of. Now some of these tags are down around 30% draw odds. The demand has gone WAY up, and if 90/10 can better the odds a bit more for the people that live in this awesome State, I'm all for it.
That makes Wyoming home to an estimated 110,200 elk, about one for every six people in the state — not counting the thousands of calves that will be born this spring. Population estimates are calculated after the fall elk-hunting season.
Wyo res biggest complaint is they can't draw high demand limited tags! Some res may not like the idea of a waiting period because they wouldn't be able to draw limited in units that have great draw odds every year and they would have to sit out several years once they draw liminted tags.

One solution to this would be to have a waiting period for "premium limited units" for deer, elk, and antelope that are the toughest tags in Wyo to draw. A baseline of 10 or 20% draw odds could be set and all units that are tougher than that to draw would have waiting periods.

Wyo res would then still have the opportunity to apply for tougher draw "premium units" with waiting periods or they could select regular units that wouldn't have waiting periods in place.

A waiting period for "premium units" would provide residents WAY better draw odds than the few additional tags/unit added with 90/10. I can pretty much guarantee that "Premium high demand units" are going to become tougher and tougher to draw as more nonres move to Wyo! This may be a simple solution without going to a pref/bonus pt system.

Plain and simple 90/10 only SLIGHTLY increases a Wyo res chance of drawing deer, elk, and antelope tags, cuts nonres opportunity in 1/2, and is a horrible idea for outfitters and WG&F revenue!
Wyo res biggest complaint is they can't draw high demand limited tags! Some res may not like the idea of a waiting period because they wouldn't be able to draw limited in units that have great draw odds every year and they would have to sit out several years once they draw liminted tags.

One solution to this would be to have a waiting period for "premium limited units" for deer, elk, and antelope that are the toughest tags in Wyo to draw. A baseline of 10 or 20% draw odds could be set and all units that are tougher than that to draw would have waiting periods.

Wyo res would then still have the opportunity to apply for tougher draw "premium units" with waiting periods or they could select regular units that wouldn't have waiting periods in place.

A waiting period for "premium units" would provide residents WAY better draw odds than the few additional tags/unit added with 90/10. I can pretty much guarantee that "Premium high demand units" are going to become tougher and tougher to draw as more nonres move to Wyo! This may be a simple solution without going to a pref/bonus pt system.

Plain and simple 90/10 only SLIGHTLY increases a Wyo res chance of drawing deer, elk, and antelope tags, cuts nonres opportunity in 1/2, and is a horrible idea for outfitters and WG&F revenue!
This isn't about draw odds, it's about more tags going to resident hunters. The only way to achieve that goal is to increase the allocation of tags available to residents. We don't want waiting periods...don't need them.
The last time I checked increasing draw odds would mean that a hunter has a better chance to draw tags! Isn't this what Wyo res are asking for?

This won't happen with 90/10 since only 0 to 2 tags would be shifted to Wyo res in premium units and their draw odds won't improve. There are WAY, WAY more res tags issued in premium units by Wyo res than will be robbed from nonres with 90/10. Fewer applicants that draw premium tags and won't be able to apply with waiting periods means way better chance to draw!

Wyo res complain that their neighbors are drawing several high demand tags while they can't seem to draw. 90/10 will do nothing, 0, nadda for increasing res draw odds while a waiting period will improve them dramatically vs 90/10!

Plain and simple....do Wyo res want to draw premium high demand tags or do they want to sit back and twiddle their thumbs with 90/10?
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