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Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!

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That’s pretty much the point I was trying to make I just worded it poorly. Seems the uptick in general outdoor recreation in the west may be putting just as much if not more stress on the resource than hunting. I think CO is a great example of that. Some of the places we used to vacation when I was a kid to camp/hike and stuff like that are total zoos now. That can’t be good for the animals when they’re getting pushed around damn near year round.
Fair point. As a hunter it is sometimes easy for me to forget about all the other users out there.
Last time I checked the amount of NR tags tags are capped pretty much everywhere with the exception of some OTC tags.

I don't see how an increased number of people applying for a set number of tags has anything to do with actual added pressure on the resource except in the OTC units.
Obviously I wasn't just talking about 90/10.
90/10 is really. A fairness thing for the people that actually live in the state.
As a resident of MT I feel zero entitlement to go to Wyoming and hunt their sheep,moose,goat etc.
As far as I am concerned these very tough to draw tags should be for the sole use of the residents. Allowing 10% is pretty generous.
What would make you think you are entitled to hunt elk wherever you want? FYI, the wildlife belongs to everyone. Half of Wyoming is federal, and belongs to all Americans.
The wildlife doesn't belong to everyone. It's held in trust for the residents of the state..
if you want to spread opertunity,,i think o i l would be good for the "big5"..but of course i have no say in the matter. at least i can voice it here.
I don't care about 90/10 for limited draw type opportunity. Trophy hunts should be more for the residents in my opinion. Opportunity type hunts though I hope they dont reduce those.
Wyo res already have good to great draw odds for deer, elk, and antelope.....and can hunt general deer and elk every year. Wyo res aren't lacking opportunity and can draw up to 12 big game tags/year. Buzz and other res often have 8 to 10 tags in their pocket each year. If you are a Wyo res you have no excuse not to have a full freezer every year with no changes to tag allotments.

What's sad is 90/10 for these species will only improve Wyo res draw odds slightly and at the same time strip nonres of 1/2 of these limited tags. Nonres support 77% of the WG&F license/pref pt revenues. Wyo res have paid $0.00 for pref pt fees for these species. Cutting these nonres species tags in 1/2 is like shooting themselves in the foot.

If Wyo res truly want to increase their draw odds for high demand tags significantly they will need to change to something similar to waiting periods or some sort of bonus pt system. 90/10 for D/E/A is a drop in the bucket!
Wyo res already have good to great draw odds for deer, elk, and antelope.....and can hunt general deer and elk every year. Wyo res aren't lacking opportunity and can draw up to 12 big game tags/year. Buzz and other res often have 8 to 10 tags in their pocket each year. If you are a Wyo res you have no excuse not to have a full freezer every year with no changes to tag allotments.

What's sad is 90/10 for these species will only improve Wyo res draw odds slightly and at the same time strip nonres of 1/2 of these limited tags. Nonres support 77% of the WG&F license/pref pt revenues. Wyo res have paid $0.00 for pref pt fees for these species. Cutting these nonres species tags in 1/2 is like shooting themselves in the foot.

If Wyo res truly want to increase their draw odds for high demand tags significantly they will need to change to something similar to waiting periods or some sort of bonus pt system. 90/10 for D/E/A is a drop in the bucket!
Wyo res already have good to great draw odds for deer, elk, and antelope.....and can hunt general deer and elk every year. Wyo res aren't lacking opportunity and can draw up to 12 big game tags/year. Buzz and other res often have 8 to 10 tags in their pocket each year. If you are a Wyo res you have no excuse not to have a full freezer every year with no changes to tag allotments.

What's sad is 90/10 for these species will only improve Wyo res draw odds slightly and at the same time strip nonres of 1/2 of these limited tags. Nonres support 77% of the WG&F license/pref pt revenues. Wyo res have paid $0.00 for pref pt fees for these species. Cutting these nonres species tags in 1/2 is like shooting themselves in the foot.

If Wyo res truly want to increase their draw odds for high demand tags significantly they will need to change to something similar to waiting periods or some sort of bonus pt system. 90/10 for D/E/A is a drop in the bucket!
The task force is listening to resident hunters and in full support of 90-10.
buzz and his task force dont care 1 iota what we non-residents have to say,and about how we support there game and fish program..its all about greed and telling people that have been building up points for years tuff s--- ,your out of luck,but thank you for flushing $2000 down the wyoming game and fish toilet building points that are worth nothing if you can never draw...
buzz and his task force dont care 1 iota what we non-residents have to say,and about how we support there game and fish program..its all about greed and telling people that have been building up points for years tuff s--- ,your out of luck,but thank you for flushing $2000 down the wyoming game and fish toilet building points that are worth nothing if you can never draw...
If you were a Wyoming resident, would you give 1 iota about NRs? I'm an AZ native, current Colorado resident, and could care less if no NRs showed up to hunt either state. Yes, I'd cover the cost through higher resident fees. This is just my opinion
at least the majority of people on hunt talk here are non-residents of wyoming,,at least we can voice our opinions here.yes,if i was a wyoming resident,id problably be in favor of 90-10 also,,but the point is we can only voice our oposition as non-residents,,yes,wyoming will do what they do,but at least we can beat that horse here.if i was a resident of wyoming with a very small population i would welcome the non-resident dollars coming in though on tag sales for the game and fish budget,,as well as the tourism dollers coming in also.
This thread is about a bunch of grown adults whining like babies. I'll bet you a dollar to a bucket of shit that most of those against Wyoming exercising its state right to manage its wildlife are in line with a political ideology that is in full support of states rights.....until it steps on their own toes that is. Wyoming is going to do what Wyoming is going to do, I'm not in support of it, but it's not my state, or my place to bitch about it. It is however my place to accept it, move on, and change the way I apply in the cowboy state.
buzz and his task force dont care 1 iota what we non-residents have to say,and about how we support there game and fish program..its all about greed and telling people that have been building up points for years tuff s--- ,your out of luck,but thank you for flushing $2000 down the wyoming game and fish toilet building points that are worth nothing if you can never draw...
Did you watch the task force meetings?
at least the majority of people on hunt talk here are non-residents of wyoming,,at least we can voice our opinions here.yes,if i was a wyoming resident,id problably be in favor of 90-10 also,,but the point is we can only voice our oposition as non-residents,,yes,wyoming will do what they do,but at least we can beat that horse here.if i was a resident of wyoming with a very small population i would welcome the non-resident dollars coming in though on tag sales for the game and fish budget,,as well as the tourism dollers coming in also.
I was wondering to myself how many of the NR’s on here throwing a fit even took the time to put in a comment through the link provided. I put my comment in voicing my opposition to changing the NR allocations but at the end of the day I know it’s their state and they can do what they want. No sense in me getting butthurt about it. If one day I don’t feel like I’m getting enough bang for my buck in Wyoming I’ll just quit applying there. It’s pretty simple.
Top of the agenda on the first Task Force meeting was getting 90/10 pushed through for the Big 5. This next meeting is 90/10 for deer, antelope, and elk. Who knows what landowners and outfitters have up their sleeves? It's evident that OYO nonres hunters are getting screwed. The same thing that happened in New Mexico several years ago and is on the agenda and could possibly be pushed through the Task Force in Wyo. It will be interesting to see what happens at the next Task Force meeting.....stay tuned!
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