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Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!

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Wish I could’ve followed this more closely, but I understand that it gets passes onto legislation now and just wondering what the odds of it being approved there will be?
Wish I could’ve followed this more closely, but I understand that it gets passes onto legislation now and just wondering what the odds of it being approved there will be?
From what little I know, odds are very good.

What is scary is that Wyo and Colo are the only 2 states left in the Western US that have great options for DIY OYO type hunters.

Whole post was chicken little bullshit but this part right here? PLEASE keep telling people that lie 😂
Whole post was chicken little bullshit but this part right here? PLEASE keep telling people that lie 😂
Read that and had a similar thought, RobertD. As in, has this person ever tried to actually hunt in the west? I’m fairly new to this game (5 ish years) and even I know that‘s not remotely accurate.

Then again, we do live in a post-fact, post-truth world.
Well when you get elected governor, your high and mighty self can end bowhunting.
Have you seen our elected leaders? Don't be putting any ideas in his head.
Actually, he couldn’t without legislative support. Elk would likely be designated a non-game animal before that would happen.
Did you see what happened in MT this year? Don't be giving anyone any ideas man!
Read that and had a similar thought, RobertD. As in, has this person ever tried to actually hunt in the west? I’m fairly new to this game (5 ish years) and even I know that‘s not remotely accurate.

Then again, we do live in a post-fact, post-truth world.
Yup. Just makes me question a guy's motivation when he's using what are basically scare tactics to convince people to act/feel how he does.
It's super easy to state that residents of Western states can do what ever they want with big game in the states they live....but think long and hard about the long-term consequences to big game hunting in the Western US!

What is scary is that Wyo and Colo are the only 2 states left in the Western US that have great options for DIY OYO type hunters. BigFin lives in Montana and I live in Colo where we both benefit having ample hunting opportunities as residents. Unfortunately nonres hunters that live in the midwest and east have little opportunity to hunt big game other than whitetails.

What's even sadder is that if this happens in Wyo you can be guaranteed the same thing will happen in Colo. I'm a Colo resident and aren't going to sway on my thoughts about nonres opportunity. Nonres have waited up to 25+ years to draw limited tags in Colo. Similar to Wyo, draw odds for residents isn't going to increase much if Colo goes to 90/10. I'm not going to all of a sudden switch gears and be selfish like several Wyo residents on this website that draw 8 to 12 big game tags a year and still aren't satisfied with the opportunity they have....at the expense of ALL NONRESIDENTs.

As a Wyo nonres I'm obviously not telling Wyo residents what to do but am offering advice on a few scenarios that may be worth investigating before going to something as drastic as cutting nonres limited tag opportunity in 1/2. Wyo res already have fantastic opportunity. Res are tired of waiting to draw premium tags which 90/10 will do nothing. Something as simple as the waiting periods for premium units that improve draw odds will.

It's always wise to look at the big picture. What happens in Wyo 20 to 30 years from now if 90/10 is adapted. I can guarantee that premium limited tag draw odds will only get worse as more hunters move and reside into Wyo. There are hardly any limited tags issued to nonres in premium units so draw odds for res likely won't even keep up with the number of new Wyo that move to Wyo.

It also doesn't take much to figure out that nonres CURRENTLY contribute incredible revenue to the WG&F with license and pref pt fees and this has been increasing each year at an alarming rate. In contrast, nonres will drop out of the drawings like flies with 90/10. The revenue losses over 20 to 30 years is mind=boggling...especially when you keep in mind the loss of nonres that drop out of Wyo's draw system in that time.

Obviously Wyo better make sound decisions and look at various options before shooting nonres in the foot with 90/10! Believe me, there are long term consequences...and not just in Wyo but all Western States!

It is super disappointing as a nonres OYO hunter observing what is happening in Wyo and what may eventually happen in Colo. The years of nonres hunters being able to hunt Western states is slowly but surely disappearing. Young hunters growing up in the midwest and eastern US may never have the opportunity to hunt these species in the years to come unless they have big $.

I guess it's up to the task force and the legislature to figure out the fate of OYO nonres hunters.
Colorado isn't going 90/10 anytime soon.

Buzz 0 on both accounts! You know nothing about me! Now tell us how many big game tags you have this year! I bet you are a little embarrassed to share this?

I remember a few years ago on this website that you were doing everything in your power to back and support DIY nonres hunters in the legislature? Times sure have changed!

This isn't true at all jims!! I do know something about you because I spoke with you several times about you using a disabled NR points to hunt 90 (Wyoming) this year. I was willing to help you, but after hearing your attitude towards the disabled hunter, and your concern about YOU killing a big buck it left a sore taste in my mouth, hence why I stopped talking with you. You have on multiple occasions made promises with max point holder to share their points with you and in return you would scout for them and locate trophy animals, for THEM. This has not happened.....

I also find it humorous that you are now telling Wyoming resident hunters there should be waiting periods, yet you are not sitting back, buying points and waiting your turn. You are jumping past those hunters who are steadily buying points, waiting it out while you dupe hunters into sharing their points with you. Fact......
This isn't true at all jims!! I do know something about you because I spoke with you several times about you using a disabled NR points to hunt 90 (Wyoming) this year. I was willing to help you, but after hearing your attitude towards the disabled hunter, and your concern about YOU killing a big buck it left a sore taste in my mouth, hence why I stopped talking with you. You have on multiple occasions made promises with max point holder to share their points with you and in return you would scout for them and locate trophy animals, for THEM. This has not happened.....

I also find it humorous that you are now telling Wyoming resident hunters there should be waiting periods, yet you are not sitting back, buying points and waiting your turn. You are jumping past those hunters who are steadily buying points, waiting it out while you dupe hunters into sharing their points with you. Fact......
I have no idea what you are talking about in regard to the guy I hunted deer with this year in Wyo? We are best buddies and shared several great trips scouting and hunting. I will send you a PM to sort this out because things went super well?
This isn't true at all jims!! I do know something about you because I spoke with you several times about you using a disabled NR points to hunt 90 (Wyoming) this year. I was willing to help you, but after hearing your attitude towards the disabled hunter, and your concern about YOU killing a big buck it left a sore taste in my mouth, hence why I stopped talking with you. You have on multiple occasions made promises with max point holder to share their points with you and in return you would scout for them and locate trophy animals, for THEM. This has not happened.....

I also find it humorous that you are now telling Wyoming resident hunters there should be waiting periods, yet you are not sitting back, buying points and waiting your turn. You are jumping past those hunters who are steadily buying points, waiting it out while you dupe hunters into sharing their points with you. Fact......
Thanks for the info on Sebastian...shouldn't come as any surprise.

Anyone that jumps the line, begs for points from strangers, then hits them with having to pay an additional trespass fee of $750 really isn't the trustworthy type.

He's always been about Sebastian first...he doesn't give a shit about any other NR hunters, DIY hunters, small town economics or anything else. Its just so transparent and thinly veiled he cant honestly think people buy that crap.

Couple that with his treatment of myself and Randy on that WY elk hunt, accusing us (who have been friends for near 20 years) of illegal outfitting, Randy giving me sitka gear and binoculars as payment, and its absolutely shocking he'd continue to post here. That takes more than nerve...honestly.

Of course there's also the fact he's hacked my GF account to find out where I apply for tags.

Real quality individual...let me tell you.

There should be a warning sign under every one of his posts (CAUTION: POINT THIEF IN ACTION). If even 2% of the NR hunters were like Sebastian, I would push for 100-0 for every allocation of tags in Wyoming...another FACT.

Good meeting you today, and hope to see you there again, trying to make a difference. Most don't show up and I appreciate those that do.

Today was easy...its going to get bumpy from here on out.
Bumpy with Sy?
Not today, I agreed with his proposals for 90-10 across the board.

Even a suggestion that those that are currently in the 5 year waiting period for moose and sheep being unable to apply again (essentially falling in the proposed once-in-a-lifetime proposal retroactively).

I testified in support of it, even though that would mean I can't apply again for sheep as I'm in that 5 year waiting period.

Should be once in a lifetime and essentially I got 5 sheep hunts out of that one tag over 26 days. As my good friend that helped me said, "you got your moneys worth, and also a ram at the end".

Indeed...and THAT was what mattered to me...making my (likely) one tag count.

Also why I think its important that more RESIDENTS get that opportunity...
Yes, that’s what I’m looking for, one ram tag. It’s hard to see my 22 points go down the toilet. I’ve looked at the lower point units and just don’t see how I can do any of them without an outfitter. And there really aren’t any outfitters interested in those units either. I’ll keep trying to make it work whatever the system ends up being. It is very frustrating.
Yes, that’s what I’m looking for, one ram tag. It’s hard to see my 22 points go down the toilet. I’ve looked at the lower point units and just don’t see how I can do any of them without an outfitter. And there really aren’t any outfitters interested in those units either. I’ll keep trying to make it work whatever the system ends up being. It is very frustrating.
Its hard for me to keep applying in CO, UT, MT (my 40th unsuccessful application this year), NV, AZ etc. knowing I'm held to 10% (or less) of their tags in those states as well...but I'm not giving up.

Keep making up stories and slamming me Buzz. It really doesn't matter to me. As always you know nothing about the guys that have shared hunts with me. Just because I don't post every picture of every buck, bull, doe, and cow I harvest every year doesn't mean my buddies haven't harvested amazing bucks. I've gained some amazing lifetime friendships from these experiences.

Go ahead and try to cut point averaging in Wyo for nonres. It really shouldn't matter to Wyo res because they don't even have points for deer, elk, and antelope. You will be cutting opportunity for nonres that enjoy applying and hunting together with family and friends just to settle your hatred for your buddy Jimss!

There can only be one reason Buzz is suddenly slamming the heck out of me. All of the nonres comments submitted to the task force hit home! Great job nonres! Your comments have been greatly appreciated! I'll stick with my original post and continue bringing this to the attention of as many nonres as possible.
Keep making up stories and slamming me Buzz. It really doesn't matter to me. As always you know nothing about the guys that have shared hunts with me. Just because I don't post every picture of every buck, bull, doe, and cow I harvest every year doesn't mean my buddies haven't harvested amazing bucks. I've gained some amazing lifetime friendships from these experiences.

Go ahead and try to cut point averaging in Wyo for nonres. It really shouldn't matter to Wyo res because they don't even have points for deer, elk, and antelope. You will be cutting opportunity for nonres that enjoy applying and hunting together with family and friends just to settle your hatred for your buddy Jimss!

There can only be one reason Buzz is suddenly slamming the heck out of me. All of the nonres comments submitted to the task force hit home! Great job nonres! Your comments have been greatly appreciated! I'll stick with my original post and continue bringing this to the attention of as many nonres as possible.
Uhh, dude go to bed. It’s past your bedtime
Its hard for me to keep applying in CO, UT, MT (my 40th unsuccessful application this year), NV, AZ etc. knowing I'm held to 10% (or less) of their tags in those states as well...but I'm not giving up.

The difference there is you, and I (I apply to all that and more), knew we have not the slightest chance to draw going in. In Wyoming I had a chance to draw. Now that chance has been reduced 125%. Even you have to see how disappointing that is.

I can’t do anything about it so I will do what I can with what I’m given, but I’m certainly not going to be giddy about it.
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