WY SF155 hearing...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Tomorrow morning 8 A.M in Cheyenne...heading over to see if this one will die in committee. Very divisive piece of legislation...brought to you by Bowhunters of Wyoming and Senator Larry Hicks.

The Senate committee hearing is tomorrow at 8 a.m. for those interested.

Time to stop the madness:



(h) The commission shall reserve ten percent (10%) of
the Type 1 licenses for all big game species to be issued
in any one (1) year as archery only licenses.
I dont know what its going to do...ihuntelk, here on the board, had a meeting with Senator Hicks and even he sounded confused over it (Hicks sounded confused).

Its a bad idea, very divisive and if the guy introducing the bill cant understand how its going to impact rifle hunters and drive a wedge between rifle/archery hunters...maybe it shouldnt have been introduced until the potential impacts were talked about.

Senator Larry Hicks has not put much thought into most of the legislation he's introduced...and thats a fact. As a hunter, he should understand the problems with bills like this. Instead, he's playing dumb...which I'm beginning to wonder if it really is an act he's putting on?

This one needs to go away.

Thank you...I'll let you know via email how it goes in the A.M. at the committee hearing.

Get the word out to all your friends.
My fingers are about worn out from contacting people on all these friggin bills that have been introduced in the last couple weeks. I hope you can testify that not only you, but a lot of other residents and us NRs think this Bill also needs to go in file 13!
My fingers are about worn out from contacting people on all these friggin bills that have been introduced in the last couple weeks. I hope you can testify that not only you, but a lot of other residents and us NRs think this Bill also needs to go in file 13!

I agree Topgun, I just hope they listen to the people that actually will be affected by these crazy bills.
Give em heck Buzz. Wish I could have made the trip over to testify against this today - even as a passionate archer. Yes an Archer, as in hand-held bow. ;)

I'll make my trip over to testify against the PP bill and will take my 3 oldest girls out of school to go with me. I can't wait to see the committees faces when I show up with 3 well spoken young ladies between 13 and 9 who hunt. They'll be in nice slacks and blouses with their orange ballcaps on. I can't wait! :cool:

Senator Hicks had not thought about many of the questions or points that a buddy and I discussed with him Sunday night. The basic gist was that this bill and the PP bill were needed and WGFD could write some rules to clarify or take care of the issues being raised. :eek:

I disagreed, but it fell on deaf ears. I've got enough PP's for moose and sheep that I'll be drawing a good archery hunt in the next few years if it passes. How fair is it to those folks with 18 points that I'll be leapfroggin' because I want to archery hunt? Gotta love making changes 18 years into a flawed system.

I also found a new best friend that just moved to Wyo with NR PP's for elk, deer and pronghorn. His points transfer with him and we'll apply as a party for the best tags in Wyo. How fair is it that I'll draw 3 smokin' tags the first year?? I do not agree with the proposed system and will do everything I can to stop it. If it does go through, I will play their stupid games and I will win. Big stuff will die! :W:

- Cade
If this passes will they do away with the archery license that we can purchase now to hunt before the regular hunt?
If this passes will they do away with the archery license that we can purchase now to hunt before the regular hunt?

I believe so. I believe the intent is to only allow the "serious" archers in the field with a bow and eliminate all other "non-serious" competition. WGFD will ultimately set seasons, rules and quotas but atleast 10% will be archery only. In my mind, this will do away with the opportunity we now have to hunt rifle and archery. Might turn Wyoming into a 'choose your weapon' state.

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I hate the idea of having to pick weapons, forcing hunters out of the field in favor of other hunters is ridiculous.
Ben, no sign of the WWF???

Just got back from the Senate Committee hearing, this bill passed out of the Senate committee on a 3-2 vote. Senators Burns and Barnard voted against it, Craft, Driskill, and Christensen in favor.

Please drop a quick note to Senator Burns and Barnard thanking them for seeing the downside to this bill.

Of course Bow Hunters of Wyoming along with their President testified in favor of it. Cheyenne Field Archers were also in favor, one other bowhunter testified for it.

Wyoming Sportsmen for Wildlife was opposed, Wyoming Outfitters and Guides recommended it be pushed back and discussed, and of course I testified against it as well.

It was quite entertaining watching the bill Sponsor introduce this bill to committee...clueless, nervous, and a joke.

Also, this bill was amended from 10% of the quota being reserved strictly for archery, to "a portion of tags reserved for archery only"

So, that means groups like Bow Hunters of Wyoming will be asking for MORE than 10% in many of the units as well as more than 10% of moose and sheep tags (at least they potentially could as there is no defined "cap" with the amendment).

One of the selling points that Senator Hicks used, was something to the effect of "it will clear some of preference point back-log that many complain about for sheep and moose if we can issue more sheep and moose tags to archery hunters."

Thats funny considering he's the one sponsoring SF0085, the Resident Preference point bill for resident antelope, sheep, and elk. I guess on the one hand the Preference Point system is broken for moose/sheep, but its a great idea for deer, elk, and antelope.

Oh, and the most impressive thing introduced by Hicks was his "graphs". Its a good thing I dont sit on that committee...I would have stood up and done an ass-wiping motion with these and threw them on the ground.

Hard to believe with all the stammering, stuttering, and supporting "data" that this one even passed the Senate Committee.

I'll let the data speak for itself...



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