Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

WY results

Pulled a random Type 9 tag for a unit that I was 3+ points and XX # of years behind. Happy to be at zero. (I even get my PP money back for 2017. Thank you WYO!) Got lucky and I plan on making the best of it.
thats a fun hunt.
Hunting bulls in antelope country
I have hunted antelope there a couple of times. Want to give it a try with a crossbow and montana decoy. May try for a goat tag also. I just know if I don't then I'll wish I did. Where else can you do a antelope / elk combo. I think it will be a blast.
I'm assuming that this will be for all species? No special fee anymore! What is the reasoning behind this?
Marcus and I drew our tag, but there must have been a big jump in some units for Uncle Larry to not draw. Following last year's app numbers, he was two points above the required points, but this year he did not draw. Dang, I had already started planning that hunt for him.

Good luck to the rest of you.

Always stoked when I hear you drew a tag because it means I get to go on a hunt albeit vicariously.
If anyone pulls a 124 bull tag I hunted it a few years ago so give me a shout.

I had a chance of drawing last year. Now this year I'm 2 full points behind.. Applicants more than doubled this year from 2016. At this rate, I might Hunt WY again in the next 25 years.
Pulled a 19 bull tag with no points and my son struck out with 5 points in same unit...go figure.
What's the reasoning for it?

I assume to make more $$ for the state. I know the pros and cons of the system and respect both sides opinions. I was just interested in if it was for all species and if it passed or failed.
Looks like I'm headed to Wyoming this Fall. It's been almost 20 years since I set foot there and I'm psyched!
Point creep hit me hard...tag was 100% with 8 and <8 last year...this year no love for anyone with 8...as in...hopeless.
Hopeless unless I add another 500 dolla to my application that is :(

Congrats to all that drew!!
Wrong on both counts.

As to your first point, Wyoming has moved ahead of other states in elk hunting and has a great product in their success of managing elk correctly. The result of that good management is an increase a year ago of over 9000 applicants...another 2500 on top of the 9000 increase this year.

Simple case of good shit sells itself.

As to your second point:

I expect you wont be able to...no longer first come serve on leftovers. You will be in another draw if you apply for a leftover.

This is a great response. I have 12 CO elk points and my buddy and I were set on a unit, but WY just keeps sucking us back in. We burned our elk points last year, but decided to piggy back off of my father's couple points and drew general. I'm more excited to hunt WY general than CO this year.
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