WY results

I was drawn for a General Tag first time applying. Never hunted WY before (2 unsuccessful years in Colorado) hope I did the right thing!?
Excited to see new country

Getting to go to WY for my second year and popping my cherry to get to hunt elk and feeling pretty blessed. If it makes anyone who didn't get drawn feel better, I probably won't ever get drawn to hunt them in my own home state of Oklahoma with our 200 tags/year.
Yep, already bought the OnxMaps and gonna dig for other resources where I can. Non Resident wilderness areas kinda sucks that is where I hunted in Co. to avoid the crowds. Mabey Wy is where My first Elk is

No dice for me. 4.5% chance in the random, was the second highest draw chance for any of my elk apps this year. Got an 8% chance for my tag in NM. AZ, UT, and NV aren't even worth talking about really, but ill be in.
Buddy and I drew a general tag. Second elk trip to wyoming. 0-5 in Colorado 0-1 in wyoming. Hope this is the year

Also for a lot of us in the Midwest it's cheaper to hunt out west then lease ground to hunt. I haven't hunted deer in missouri in 5 years. Just really lucky to have a place to take my son during the youth season. Might try finding a place in nebraska to take my son next year
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I can not believe that I drew 62 with one pt! First time I have ever had any luck in the draws! If anybody is looking for a partner in this unit or has any advise it would be greatly appreciated.
Congrats to everyone that drew. I'm just playing the point game this round. Too busy for an out of state elk hunt this year.
Just preference points for me this year. Doesn't seem right I'm not planning a WY hunt this year :( may be 2018 or 2019.
Buddy and I put in for the GEN tag with enough points for 100% draw odds. State calls my buddy yesterday and tells him their computer system was hacked and not only was his personal information compromised, they now have NO record of any of his points for any species. So not only does he have to go back and try to find receipts for all the years of points he had (next to impossible to do for him), they put him into the elk draw with no points so we went from 100% odds to 0%. Needless to say I am one unhappy camper. Not even sure who to be pissed at...other than the low life POS that hacked the system.
Buddy and I put in for the GEN tag with enough points for 100% draw odds. State calls my buddy yesterday and tells him their computer system was hacked and not only was his personal information compromised, they now have NO record of any of his points for any species. So not only does he have to go back and try to find receipts for all the years of points he had (next to impossible to do for him), they put him into the elk draw with no points so we went from 100% odds to 0%. Needless to say I am one unhappy camper. Not even sure who to be pissed at...other than the low life POS that hacked the system.

I seem to get blamed for that with some regularity, not just in WY, but elsewhere. As is often the case, credit when good or blame when bad can be showered in undeserved portions. I doubt we have much influence on moving the draw odds in total; maybe in a specific unit when word gets out we hunted and had success in a certain place. But, even that subsides after a year.

If we have shown more people how much public land opportunity exists in the west and made public land advocates out of some of them, I'll accept the minutely lower draw odds or point creep that comes with that effort.

As you told me when I got the hate, "no good deed goes unpunished".
Thanks for what you do, it's appreciated.
We also were planning on 100% odds but didnt get drawn and noticed our preference point level dropped from 100% odds last year to 4% odds this year....
No, closer to the regular fee across the board and in line with other states. For example, elk would be $800.

I have been watching the progression of HB288 closely. I don't see anything in there that would suggest this is in the works. What am I missing?
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