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WY HB124 being heard...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Tomorrow Wyoming HB 124, the transfer of preference points bill, is being heard in Committee by the Travel, Recreation, Wildlife Committee...

Here's the list of the committee members:

[email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]);

If you dont want your points, either as a resident or Nonresident, devalued by this abuse of legislative authority...let them know.

As written this bill allows anyone, for any reason to pass their points on to a family member:

(m) The holder of any valid big game preference
10 points may, once in the holder's lifetime, apply in writing
11 to the department to transfer his currently accumulated
12 preference points for one (1) or more species to a
13 specified recipient who is an immediate family member in a
14 format as established by commission rule and regulation.
15 Any preference points transferred in accordance with the
16 provisions of this subsection shall be for the same species
17 as the preference points donated and shall be transferred
18 to a recipient with the same residency status as the
19 donating person. The preference points shall be
20 transferred by the department to the specified recipient
21 for a fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per species. Any
22 preference points donated and transferred under the
23 provisions of this subsection shall not be sold, purchased,
24 traded, auctioned or offered for any monetary value and
5 HB0124
1 shall not be issued to, or used by, any person other than
2 the specified recipient. Preference points transferred to
3 a recipient shall be subject to all other limitations and
4 restrictions on preference points as if the recipient
5 earned the preference points as otherwise provided by law.
6 For purposes of this subsection, "immediate family member"
7 means a spouse, child or stepchild.

Looks like this one will also be a break even, or no net gainer for the Department...and in all likelyhood cost the WYG&F additional funds they dont have.

The bill Sponsors are:

House:Baker, Filer and Larsen and Senator(s) Barnard and Hicks

Their contact information is:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

This bill is being heard in committee tomorrow morning at 7:30 am and I will be attending. I know its last minute, but thats how they do things over in Cheyenne, trying to slip stuff like this through. The committee will be meeting in room H-10.

If you value you're acquired preference points, I'd suggest sending in some feedback.