Caribou Gear

WY General Elk - Who's In?

I stand by my 6 and 6 prediction from the other thread in the Elk forum. Anybody in that 6-8 point catagory who was waiting for a LQ tag has had far too many people tell them they won't catch up to that, and they see the general tag creeping up just behind them now too.
FWIW that's my thinking too.

I have 6 points and while I'm not planning to apply this year (applying for my son instead now) if I was applying I would try for a Gen in the standard draw and cross my fingers.
I don't use GoHunt since I don't look to hunt out of state, but is it possible that their odds are produced based off max point holders? I heard on the Elk Talk podcast today a stupid stat of what the percentage of point buyers vs point users were in WY for 2022 season. Ill scroll through the podcast quick and see if I can't find what the numbers where exactly.
I'm here to burst your bubble. I've been buying points only and now I'm jumping in with 5 points.
not a snowballs chance in hell a regular gen will take 6 points

everybody with 3.1667 or more drew in the special, and random odds were almost 20%
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not a snowballs chance in hell a regular gen will take 6 points

everybody with 3.1667 or more drew in the special, and random odds were almost 20%
It wasn't that many years ago general was like 75% with zero points.

People couldn't grasp back then that it would take 4 points to draw general.

So 6 wouldn't surprise anyone now.
So if all nonresidents are going to bail on limited entry and go for general, seems like a good time to ride out the limited draw for a year and see where the chips fall. Might clear out a lot of people that are quick to react.
So if all nonresidents are going to bail on limited entry and go for general, seems like a good time to ride out the limited draw for a year and see where the chips fall. Might clear out a lot of people that are quick to react.
But next year likely new NR regional generals, 90/10 hopefully gets figured out, tag fees dont pass, WOGA will figure out new way to f@#k diy guys. The chaos will only increase annually for next few years, if you have enough points for a good hunt do it and dont worry about all the noise.
They way they said it doesn’t equally tax people makes me think the hunting license price will go up instead

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