Kenetrek Boots

WY General Elk - Who's In?

I should have used my Wyoming elk points several years ago, but the opportunity to go on hunts other places with my dad and brother keep coming up. And so it will be again this year. My son will be going on his first western hunt. It will be a Wyoming deer hunt with his father, his uncle, and both grandfathers. Maybe I’ll get to elk in 2024.
My boys have 5 points each and I have 3. I was hoping to put us all in together for a GEN tag but with one in college and the other a senior in HS (this Fall), the GEN dates won't work for them. I'll put in for GEN and hope for a random draw. Not sure what I'm going to do with the boys yet.
You should get your general tag with 6! Was helping a friend from UT look at odds the other day and elk should be at 3 points guaranteed to get you a general tag. No LE options that peaked your interest with 6 points?
Even in the Special 3 points was less than 50% last year. This year is likely to be worse with point creep I think. I have 3 points and figure my only shot is in the random draw.
GoHunt has 3 pts. at 7.8% 🤣
I don't use GoHunt since I don't look to hunt out of state, but is it possible that their odds are produced based off max point holders? I heard on the Elk Talk podcast today a stupid stat of what the percentage of point buyers vs point users were in WY for 2022 season. Ill scroll through the podcast quick and see if I can't find what the numbers where exactly.
I don't use GoHunt since I don't look to hunt out of state, but is it possible that their odds are produced based off max point holders? I heard on the Elk Talk podcast today a stupid stat of what the percentage of point buyers vs point users were in WY for 2022 season. Ill scroll through the podcast quick and see if I can't find what the numbers where exactly.
Fish and game website show 4 pts. 100%
Less than 4 at 12.34% and 3 down was 0% for the 2022 draw
Fish and game website show 4 pts. 100%
Less than 4 at 12.34% and 3 down was 0% for the 2022 draw
Wow, what a difference 1 year will make... tag difference for 2022 was only 33 less tags that 2021 so that isn't much of an affect on percentages there. Biggest difference I am seeing is the amount of applicants at the 5 point level. I agree, the trend will continue to get worse just like any system with PP. Im just gonna sit here and enjoy my resident general tags and not b****! Gonna have to tell my buddy it might be a few more years till he gets the chance lol thinking I gave him some false hope now.
You should get your general tag with 6! Was helping a friend from UT look at odds the other day and elk should be at 3 points guaranteed to get you a general tag. No LE options that peaked your interest with 6 points?
In with 5 points. I wanted to cash my points in last year but I had a scheduling conflict this past fall that I knew would interfere with the hunt. At the time, I thought 5 points this year would be automatic for the GEN tag. Now it seems iffy.
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