WY Gen Muley tags


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2018
In the middle
Two questions,
First and more important, is it "Mulie" or "Muley" ? I can never decide.

Second, two of us will be putting in for Wyoming Mule Deer with 1 Preference Point each. Not a lot of great draws, but it looks like we can probably get a little bit lucky with some of the Regional General tags

We prefer to stay out of the really high elevations, and we won't be able to hunt "Wilderness" because we are nonresidents. Regions R, E, and W look the most interesting to me, probably in about reverse order.

Which one would you pick from those three and why?

I am open to considering other areas, but these seem the most likely to give us what we are looking for.
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I have heard that some of the low country to the south and east in E gets really crowded for deer hunters. Has anyone here experienced that?
I don’t have first hand experience in R, E, or W, but I’d be surprised if you can’t find plenty of company in any WY general deer unit that has deer and doesn’t require a horse to access. I’m sure it varies in some areas, but our general seasons tend to be short and well attended - especially on weekends.

My advice would be to study the harvest reports, job completion reports, and aerial imagery to find units with ample public access to good habitat with as few two tracks as possible. Deer hunters tend to love their ATVs...
If your looking to avoid the crowd then w would not be a good first pic. Although I have no experience in the other two they may be equally as pressured.
Hunt during the week to avoid most locals. Some general areas get overlooked due to reputation. Don't overlook them. Find a good vantage point and glass.
High elevation spots can be good so give them a try. We have highway access to some good high altitude hunting, then via FS roads to get into the country.
Some other regions have pretty good hunting.
I know it is past the Wyoming draw deadline now but I hunted region E in 2015 for mule deer. I ended up with decent muley in a unit south of Lander hunting in sagebrush country. We saw other hunters around but I didnt think it was too bad. We saw quite a few deer but not many older bucks. Roads are everywhere but you can find some coulees without two tracks leading into them. Didn't see any hunters walking only road hunting in both ATVs and trucks. I personally probably would not go back because after 7 days of looking at sagebrush I prefer getting into the mountains. Lots of really nice Antelope around but I think it takes quite a few pts to get a tag in that area.
Thanks for this note. We ended up putting in for E Gen as a second choice. If we draw it, we will have to do a lot of looking for corners that are overlooked. I suspect we would concentrate on finding a number of locations that are probably pretty small, but fall between roads in ways that would make them easy to overlook. We won't be focusing on finding large tracks where pressure would be minimal - because there really aren't any I suppose.

We put in for Unit 36 as our first choice. It may require a similar approach but we have some thoughts about how and where to hunt it. How successful we will be remains to be seen, but we will, for sure, have fun!
I put in for an E general tag for my first western hunt this year (I'm from Illinois). From what I saw, it had good success rates. If you end up getting E, shoot me a PM and I can tell you what I have been told from others on this site, and what I have found from researching the area.