WY bison results

Been hoping for a good update too.
Last I heard from the GW up on Jackson, as of Jan. 2 only 24 taken but heavy snow fell and more in the following days.
He said about 12 moved toward Kelly at Christmas but the main herd was still up by Moran.
Hope some more moved over, it gets frustrating this late.
Not sure on that, he didn't make that clear. I'm betting mostly bulls.
WY G and F is gonna need to do something about the cow season. Not sure there is anything that they can do. They just don't come down. They have gotten smart and just stay in GTNP. When the guy that does th majority of the guiding for the bison hunts up there says on fb. that he would not recommend to family or friends to apply for the cow tag. It has to be getting bad on migration
Update today i saw on FB that Tag and Drag knocked down 9 bison today. Small herd wandered onto refuge and they musta cleaned em out dang near.
GW told me there were a small group near Kelly and about 100 further north but moving down. Sounds like they crossed. I'm betting more will shortly but hopefully before they start feeding on the NER.
I saw that too. I think they got 9 out of 12. Wish they could adjust some of the regs because it gets nerve wracking this late. Have a buddy with a cow tag and he's not very optimistic.
Some have been taken, mostly bulls. Nothing on the NER today and the season there will only go a few more days most likely. The cow permit is tough, but I'm giving it all I have. It's pretty much a right time right place thing and hope a few wander in. I got my uphill postholing itch scratched today, but did see a fox, two moose, mule deer and about a million elk.

I know a guy who got a nice bull, but the cow opportunities are real slim. If you are DIY, even more challenging.
Good luck to those of you still chasing. I was in your shoes 2 years ago right up against the deadline. Big herd crossed at night and I got mine the next day. Keep after it.
Nothing today, maybe tomorrow. I'm tired of glassing up herds of 20-30 300"+ elk. There was a huge lone wolf on the refuge today cruising the leftovers from the bison shot earlier this week and I heard at least 3-4 others just off.
Super quiet again today, a few new guys in for the weekend but nobody I talked with saw a bison. I checked all the spots at the NER as well as a couple spots on state and NF looking for tracks across the highway and didn't see anything fresh. There was a dead elk, a different big wolf and a bison, but none of the wooly monsters.
Make sure to watch near Kelly, mine crossed up there and we spotted them form the Gros Ventre rd and they moved on to the refuge.
Good luck!
Are they shutting down the refuge today? Anybody know the final tally of tags filled?
Sounds like they are keeping it open through the end of the month. 43 taken so far with only two of those cows. That's pretty much in line with last year, although I don't remember the total count last year.
Apparently those cows are the real trophies, harder to kill and better to eat
Open up Teton park for hunting Bison after the tourist season.

The elk hunt was grandfathered in, it will be hard to get a bison hunt in the park approved. Too bad the state exchanged or sold that one section in Teton, bison crossed it and used it on occasion.
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