how you die is less important than how you make others dispose of you.

Example: Gus died a slow & gruesomely painful death after one last fight with Indians. The real adventure was Woodrow taking him back to TX to be buried.

Show someone you love them enough to make them go crazy by taking your corpse across a country to be buried in an inconvenient spot.
Spoiler- I haven't watched that yet.
They may have to torture Doug Peacock to find Edward Abbey. Being the inspiration for George Washington Hayduke, I doubt he will talk.
At the risk of an admin red flag, a little religious discussion.

Odd to me that these types often claim some God given right, but don't seem to have any knowledge of Holy Writ.
Just like they redact the US Constitution to suit their behavior, it seems they also redact their bibles.

I Peter 2:13-17. NIV

13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,
14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.
15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.
17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

Better quote the King James Version, too. This is for those who say that Sovereign Citizens only trust a bible named after someone who would have called THEM a subject.

13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
So our Founding Fathers were not following the Bible in seceding from England?
This is not a Christian based country, not founded exclusively on Biblical obeisance?
That there has always been separation between church and state in America?
The origin and foundation of this country are secular?
I've both prosecuted and represented a few sovereigns in MT, and they are without a doubt some of the most difficult people to deal with in the justice system, while often some of the most entertaining if they aren't your problem. No amount of law school, statutory authority, or judicial haranguing is any match for the version of the constitution and reality they have chosen to believe in. And it gets pretty bonkers.

More often than not, they try to represent themselves and reject the assistance of an attorney. And of course, anyone who willingly chooses to represent themselves has a fool for a client.
I've both prosecuted and represented a few sovereigns in MT, and they are without a doubt some of the most difficult people to deal with in the justice system, while often some of the most entertaining if they aren't your problem. No amount of law school, statutory authority, or judicial haranguing is any match for the version of the constitution and reality they have chosen to believe in. And it gets pretty bonkers.

More often than not, they try to represent themselves and reject the assistance of an attorney. And of course, anyone who willingly chooses to represent themselves has a fool for a client.
That must be frustrating. I don’t envy you but admire your patience.

You: “It’s the law set forth by the government in the land you live in”.

Them: “Yeah but not to me”.
Funny, they labeled “sovereign citizens” as domestic terrorists now….

View attachment 332348Also funny, it’s not only “okay” but it’s of the upmost importance that we are and remain a sovereign nation, but to be a sovereign citizen is NOT OKAY.

I’m certainly torn. There was a viral video of an older gentleman from three forks MT that was arguing that natural law trumps state and federal law, in regards to fishing without a license. If man is starving hungry and doesn’t have the money to feed himself but DOES have the means to CATCH himself food, how can it be illegal to keep yourself from starvation?

He was found guilty and did get into some trouble for it, but I would imagine that morally he would say he’d do it again if he had to. I know I would if I were starving and had no money. As for the registration thing, I’m pretty sure every state law says any passenger vehicles and off road vehicles over like 80(?) ccs are subject to registration requirements— no “natural law” to argue there.
Yeah, that guy^^, friggin white trash wanna be mountain man that didn't want to work, but I'm sure mooched from the State, even though he hated the gubnet.
So our Founding Fathers were not following the Bible in seceding from England?
This is not a Christian based country, not founded exclusively on Biblical obeisance?
That there has always been separation between church and state in America?
The origin and foundation of this country are secular?
View attachment 332411
Not my points at all.The plate pictured by the OP has christian references on it.

The sovereigns that I have known (and there are a few) have all tried to sanctify the founding fathers. I personally don't think what Washington or Jefferson believed is all that important to my faith or my citizenship a couple of hundred years later.

The point I was making is that people use the bits they need of both the Constitution and the Bible that justify their worldview and behavior.

All four of your questions are interesting to me and I have my opinions. But again, those opinions are not foundational to what I believe. I do not want my post to become a division between us. I actually was not trying to bait anyone, and I won't be baited into a rabbit hole fight over it.
how you die is less important than how you make others dispose of you.

Example: Gus died a slow & gruesomely painful death after one last fight with Indians. The real adventure was Woodrow taking him back to TX to be buried.

Show someone you love them enough to make them go crazy by taking your corpse across a country to be buried in an inconvenient spot.
I've heard stories from a family member about how when another family member died, they drove him in the bed of a truck from TX to Indiana to bury him. It was like 40-50 years ago. I guess it was too expensive to have the funeral home bring him.
I've heard stories from a family member about how when another family member died, they drove him in the bed of a truck from TX to Indiana to bury him. It was like 40-50 years ago. I guess it was too expensive to have the funeral home bring him.

I purchased a 1997 F350 back in 2011. The sellers final disclosure was that a few years before he had hauled his father-in-law in his casket in the bed from Oregon to Texas for burial.

His kids called it the great white hearse.
I get all the jokes about how silly sovereign citizens are but never forget delusional people can also be very dangerous. Look up Chevie Kehoe if you don't believe.
Agreed, they’re probably one of the scariest ideologies I’ve ever been exposed to
Recall the Montana Freemen of Roundup and Jordan, MT. They were a clear and dangerous threat to authority, as well as threat to law & order. It became a huge FBI standoff and debacle on national news.