In order to make this purchase Wyoming will have to significantly dip into the "Rainy Day Fund". The state has been dipping into the fund the last two years to cover deficits (IIRC). The two biggest factors according to reports in is the fact that education in Wyoming is expensive and declining revenues from the energy sector.
Revenue projections by the state predict that the Rainy Day Fund will run down in the next four years.

If this purchase does go through it is likely that there will be a push for a personal income tax. There was a bill proposed earlier in the session for a 4% income tax that was defeated

So a question that was asked earlier, aside from a possible increase in access would this be a prudent investment for the state to make?
That probably depends on the price.

May concern is that the state would be continuing to invest in the same things that it already has in abundance. While there has been little no though given to value adding to those product.
When I was a Laramie I remember a professor saying that Wyoming was like Nicaragua we sell a lot of bananas for little to nothing and can't figure out how to make banana pudding to sell
Any concern about saddling them with regressive sales and property taxes that could otherwise be lowered?
We already have low property taxes and a sales tax that's 5% and some cities add an extra 1%. I'm originally from the east coast so all this is cheap and I dont know how they can go lower.
We already have low property taxes and a sales tax that's 5% and some cities add an extra 1%. I'm originally from the east coast so all this is cheap and I dont know how they can go lower.

I hope it can stay that way I will be moving back when I retire in 3 years
In Wyoming the money doesn't go into a school trust, rather a State trust that funds things other than schools.

And your point? Did you read what I was responding to? Buzzh takes yet another post out of context. You actually proved my point.
And your point? Did you read what I was responding to? Buzzh takes yet another post out of context. You actually proved my point.

My point is you need to get your "facts" straight regarding just about everything you comment on in regard to all things Wyoming.
Yellow are shale plays, per EIA
Red is kinda the accepted Core of the plays... anything outside of those areas is probably uneconomic with our current pricing.

Would be interesting to see Wyoming getting into RFW in Colorado and CWMU in Utah with their surface ownership that they would end up with in those states! ;)

I was thinking the same thing... lol
My facts were plenty straight enough for the point being made. The purpose of your state land board is not conservation. So everyone needs to take that argument off the table.

If your state land board’s purpose includes conservation, then I’ll take it back.
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I’m still blown away by how crazy this has gotten from my simple statement that I’d be uneasy if my state spent my money on a land purchase like that. You’d think I had condemned WY and everyone there.
We already have low property taxes and a sales tax that's 5% and some cities add an extra 1%. I'm originally from the east coast so all this is cheap and I dont know how they can go lower.
What I am saying is, that if you have extra money to play real estate speculator, then you have extra money to give it back to your citizens and let them figure out how to create value for themselves.
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