Would you?

Would you?

  • Bail on the trip because you may miss it.

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Go, but by yourself later so you don’t ruin the others trip.

    Votes: 14 13.5%
  • Go, Tell Son and DIL that if they don’t have it early you will see them as soon as you get back.

    Votes: 87 83.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sounds like your wife is the one that needs convincing. Maybe show her these comments and it will help her realize that she shouldn't have to worry about you missing anything. The kids did this, not you.
You just got a surprise notification that your son and DIL are due during your week long hunting trip out of state in less than a month. It’s your first grandchild and this will set precedent for your other kids. Wife instantly tells you your going to cancel your trip, right?

You have waited 6 years to draw this first tag and due to point creep you will likely never get to hunt this quality of a unit again. You may luck out and draw a random but with those odds you could also win the lotto.

The dates are set and everyone is on board because of your original desired dates. Dates cannot be changed because all of your hunting partners have made plans around these dates.

The tag is good for 35 days and you could possibly go later, solo, & post birth.
I would keep the hunting trip as originally planned. Full disclosure, do not take any advice from me. I am divorced.
No kids here yet, but we do not want either of our parents around for the first couple weeks. We get along fine but think they would mainly get in the way.
Dan Stanton left his wife at home with a severed hand and a newborn baby to hunt Idaho.
I wouldn’t feel bad about it.
As a lady that may have kids in the near future I don't want my own parents and certainly not my husbands parents anywhere near me during birth or even 'right after' or even 'a few days after'. ESPECIALLY for the first kiddo. Go hunting lol.
Peer pressure tf out of him.
Bows before hoes.
I didn’t have the best response when told. So I went home and talked with the wife about it. We are both on the same page as majority here. The other hunting partners don’t know yet. It won’t be as key to them as they don’t share the logistics package that I do with Gramps.

I am hopeful that when the new / shock wears off logic comes back into view.

I have a full fall and worked out dates around his requested dates. Everything has been in locked in and in motion for over a month. I am going either way with or without him. Which may work in my favor albeit more expensive travel.

I wish him the best, they are a great family. But no way either the wife or myself are going down this road when it’s our turn. Grandkids will not dictate our prepaid vacations in retirement.
Go on the hunt, you might get a little fallout from the wife but that's another deal altogether
Then when you take the kid hunting later in life you can tell him/her this is what you where doing when he/her popped out, it might help them later in life too.
I’d tell my son, and DIL, that they should have planned this childbirth better….never plan a child birth anywhere near hunting season(s). Same goes for weddings.
I’d be going hunting.
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What does your son and DIL think? It may have been a couple days at least before my dad came up and saw my kid but he was also grandkid number 3. If my dad had been in your situation with a hunt and tag I would have told him to go hunting
You just got a surprise notification that your son and DIL are due during your week long hunting trip out of state in less than a month. It’s your first grandchild and this will set precedent for your other kids. Wife instantly tells you your going to cancel your trip, right?

You have waited 6 years to draw this first tag and due to point creep you will likely never get to hunt this quality of a unit again. You may luck out and draw a random but with those odds you could also win the lotto.

The dates are set and everyone is on board because of your original desired dates. Dates cannot be changed because all of your hunting partners have made plans around these dates.

The tag is good for 35 days and you could possibly go later, solo, & post birth.

Missed my step daughters wedding to take my son on a turkey hunt in Kansas. That's all I have to say about that.
I've had 2 children in the past couple years. The first kid, there was zero expectations from grandparents. With the second kid, my mom was the planned caretaker of baby #1 while we were in the hospital. The in-laws live an hour away but were out of country for 2nd kid and not at all expected to be around for the first kid.

I see no good reason your presence on a given week is particularly important. I'm not sure any grandparents even saw baby #1 within her first week of life.
First grandchild? If so, what kinda expectations did you set for the others?
Otherwise, ask the parents to be what they think?
Good call. When we had our first child, the last thing we wanted was relatives coming out of the woodworks. It's hard enough being a first time parent and adapting to the new living situation. It's nice to have a small breaks or for someone to bring dinner by, but the added pressure of entertaining family on top of a newborn can be overwhelming.

Talk to the kids, see how they feel and tell them not to hold back on their opinion.
Go hunting.

Your kids will probably change their minds about having visitors and guests around. I have had three kids in five years and literally don't want anyone around for a week after the babies have been born. It's emotionally and physically exhausting for new parents, but in reality, there's only so much grandparents can do. Having too many people around to see the new baby can add to the stress. I have a great relationship with both my parents and in-laws, but those first weeks at home are important for those new parents to get through together. It's hard not to be excited as a first time grandparent, but there's a good chance your kids will not mind you going on the trip. More than likely, your wife is the one that needs to be convinced it's ok.
This. Your son and daughter-in-law need time alone with their new baby. Visitors, house guests and in-laws (you) could be more of a burden than help in those first couple weeks. Go hunt!
With ours we didn't really want anybody around for a few days. Also, all three were at least a week late. Talk to your son and DIL about it, let them know you'll come visit when invited, but you'll be out of pocket on your hunt. If the baby arrives while your out hunting, do a quick face time to give them congrats when the baby arrives. It is nice to have someone bring a couple meals, help taking care of pets or other kids during that time, but folks hovering around the hospital or house, no bueno.
If it was your kid then of course. While yes while grandkids are important they are grandkids. Their dad should cancel trips and not mis his own kids but grandkid no.

If it was a normal hunting trip like every year then cancel but not one where you blew all your points. Have your wife go and you go when you get back. I bet you cancel trip and kid comes late.

This should be your and your wife time. My parents and my wife all missed my kids births. They came a week later.

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