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How much would you pay for a African Safari Lottery ticket

  • $100 per ticket

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  • $50 per ticket

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  • $25 per ticket

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Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
I'm not sure we could do this or even try it or even if Mentor Moosie would allow it, but on the AR site they've tried a couple of times to do a lottery for a hunt and it was always complicated----on AR they always tried to do it with a time limit also, but I say to 'ell with that--I say let's do a poll first to see how many will put in for the lottery and then if we get close enuff let's figure out how to make it work--so would you buy a ticket or tickets or chance or chances to go to Africa and hunt---if we could make it work maybe we could twist JJHack's arm to help us work out a package for the hunt--it would be great to take someone along to film, but let's see what happens---first it would be great to include airfare for 2, safari pkg for 1 hunter and 1 guest, tips, taxidermy, shipping and a little cash-but if there's not enuff $$$ maybe we shoot for just the safari pkg and whatever else is a bonus---

would you buy chances at $100 a pop
would you buy chances at $50 a pop
would you buy chances at $25 a pop

say the whole pkg cost $10k--then we would need to sell 100 chances at $100---200 chances at $50 and 400 chances at $25---what say you---chris
Chris... I think that would be a great idea! I'd spend $100 on tickets no matter what the price...
Chris, It would depend on the description of the Safari and how many tickets were being sold. I would pay $100 a ticket if there were only 100 or even 200 tickets being sold. I would not pay that for an unlimited raffle.

i would be in for 25 bucks. hunting in africa would be cool but since we cant bring the meat back into the US i wouldnt be willing to pay a whole lot to do it. on top of the price of the trip you would still have taxidermist fees etc. it just doesnt make alot of sense to me.
yea I agree about the unlimited part--but it would have to go until we met some sort of a set amount that would make it worthwhile--like to pay for the hunt only would/could be a cutoff and if more chances are sold then safari plus taxidermy, and then safari/taxidermy/guest and then full pkg with everything--but we need to see how many would participate to see if it would make sense and how long to hold it open--chris
I go $100 dollars worth of tickets, but I agree with DanR on limiting the number of tickets. Powerball (Lotto) like odds don't interest me very much.
let's say airfare for one is 2k
2 nights in Hotel is 500
hunt costs 7k
taxidermy and shipping 3k(total guess here)

that equals $12.5 k so we would need to sell enuff tickets to do so---we would probably have to sell the tickets as described to include those who can't or don't want to invest in a ticket of one set price---so if a $25 ticket is worth one chance, then a $50 ticket would get you 2 chances and $100 ticket gets you 4 chances or maybe 5 chances and we just keep it open until we hit that amount or keep it open a little longer to get a guest in or maybe the possibility of shooting more animals--it would seem that somewhere between $12.5 k and $15k for a full blown venture would suffice and if we hit a time frame where the money stops coming in we make a decision to get what you can or can it--like airfare and safari or just safari or any combo to be used as you see fit towards the safari--chris ----($550 and counting if my math is right)
don't know how many animals --would kind of depend on how much $$$ is generated--but most plain game hunts you can shot 5-8 animals depending on how much the trophy fees are--of course some animals require higher daily rates, so that must be factored in also--I think we book it with JJHack and the winner can work out what he wants to shoot with what is available--and if the winner wants he can throw his own cash toward more if he wants---I do think it would be nice to take someone to video the hunt so that we can get it to Moosie for the yearly laugh off---chris
well I'd say that it this is something that won't work out--61 views and only 11 posts of which 5 are from me-it would take maybe 10 yrs to sell enuff tickets at this rate, 'ell maybe longer-oh well was worth a shot--guess we will have to just keep saving or dreaming or playing the lotto--chris
I would help you with this in a heartbeat and be glad to do it.


I will at no point run or participate in the operation. I have some little experience with this and it's all bad. So here goes with the sorry situation.

First is considered gambling and not legal
second you would need special exemptions from your state to run it.
Third and most important if even one person disputes the results and takes you to court over it the deal is a loss. There is no way to hire a lawyer and pay for it out of the raffle ticket funds. Especially if the case is being heard in a state other then yours or at a great distance.

Accurate Relaoding can pull this off because it is owned by Saeed Almaktoum from Dubai. It's not an American raffle. If they do this in the USA I wish them well. I had a raffle several years ago and sold about 80 tickets before I was made aware of the serios legal issues involved. I quickly sent back the money to everyone involved. The postage alone for all those checks was enough to cause that to be a loss.

It's a wonderful Idea but only recognised not for profit operations can do this, such as the local church or school groups.

If you folks run the operation I would be glad to book the trip. I have an especially nice self catered old time tented camp in Zulu land for 2006. It's a few minutes drive from the main entry of Hluhlwue park. That may be the best run park in all of RSA. This is a really great location to experience.
JJHack--thanks for the info--I wondered about it a little, but never saw anything on AR and now I know why---

bottom line is there's not enuff interest to pull it off IMO--I didn't place too much hope in it, but decided what the 'ell what can it hurt to see---

JJ---tell me more about this camp..........chris
When I was in School in RSA during the early 90's I had a class mate who owned a lot of land. Both family and his own. He is now the chief medical doctor in Josini. He does not really push hunting nor does he care to have an army of "big guns" clearing the place out. This is a real old time very tough hunt kind of African hunt. Absolutely never going to be a shot from anyplace near a vehicle. We will take you to town to buy your food and you can cook your own meals. I will provide maid service and laundry. You wont have to do dishes. There is no electricity, only propane for the icebox stove and lights. We also have oil lamps. The tents are very nice large two room affairs with sitting on perfectly level wooden platforms. Inside is complete full size bedroom furniture including a very heavy gun vault for your piece of mind. Nobody is packing these huge buggers off! My wife and I were the first two people to stay at the camp before it was complete. The cooking/ eating area is on a concrete slab with a big thatch roof over the top. there is an ajoining camp fire area also on concrete where we can cook over coals after a few steaks are collected from the days hunting. The shower is gravity fed from a solar powered water tank. The water can be too hot at times! the bathroom is a shared arrangement but clean and neat.

The game is varied but might require a little travel for top trophies of some species. Nyala are thick as are impala warthog bushpig zebra, wildebeast etc etc. We can drive an hour or so and be into another completely different habitat which can provide us with black wildebeast blesbok eland springbok and heartabeast. Plus many others.

With the self catering the daily fees will be in the 150 bucks a day range for 2X1 plus a very affordable trophy fee list. No packages as there should be no pressure to have hunters shoot specific game. You shoot what you like and pay as you go. No pressure EVER in this camp. We never know what the bush will give us and we take the best trophies as they come. You like it ou can shoot it! It's all real hunting, never any "put and take" or non-indiginous species transplanted for hunters to kill. This is the real deal in an old Teddy Roosevelt style camp where you can hear lions roar at night and Hyenas laughing all evening, even the frogs and crickets will create a heck of a racket right outside your tent walls.

If this "real" Africa experience does not work out for you I still have the 5 star Landelani Lodge up north which is the most beautiful full service hunting lodge you could ever hope to hunt from.
top ramen and oatmeal is all I need for hunting food and some jerky and gut bomb cliff bars--

what about skinners and trackers or is this on us also--

so one PH and 2 hunters---laundry service--what if we wanted someone to cook--is there any chance--of course we'd have to pay extra, but what the 'ell--sounds interesting to me---

and if I wanted to shoot a buff what would need to happen--chris
I can hire a cook for you, but the sun sets at 6pm so what else you gonna do in the evening? You guys will certainly whack an impala and then have steaks for a few days. Stick a roast in the big cast iron pot and slow cook it all day while we are out hunting. Skinners and trackers included.

As far as buffalo goes I can set that up without a problem but its hella expensive! Likely in the 10-12K area all inclusive until a bull is killed. We have been averaging 8 days per bull.
Thanks for the info--

after 6pm I might sit back and sip on something in a can and relive the days hunt--

really though just gettin some info from ya to see what can or can't be done-----chris
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