Would you hunt with these handholds?


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2010
Just wondering if you would hunt with these handloads? I have definately shot better groups from my handloads but this has been a struggle to find a load that gives good grouping. These are accubonds that I am shooting, I would like to stick with accubonds also. I have attached the group as well as a pic with a quarter for size reference of group.
More than acceptable for most hunting situations.

Personally I would not be satisfied and start making changes to find something better. Since you want to keep the Accubond then I'd start with changing seating depth then switch powders.
This is the thrid powder I have tried these are by far the best two groups. I can't adjust the seating depth out as I have a magazine restricting length, unless I go shorter than what the manual calls for.
If this is repeatable an the velocity is where you want/need it to be then go with it. It will work just fine and you should have the confidence you need to make your shot count.
The best thing you can do is practice from your shooting positions and get good enough to make your shots count. A 1/4 moa load is worthless if you can't hold up your end of the bargain.

All Day Long, Every Day !!!!!

Try going a tid bit shorter if you are so compelled, see how it goes, but I see NO reason to not have full faith with this one, as it is.
All Day Long, Every Day !!!!!

Try going a tid bit shorter if you are so compelled, see how it goes, but I see NO reason to not have full faith with this one, as it is.

You say "tid bit shorter", I question this cause normally I am not struggling this badly to get a rifle to shoot hah, and I have only ever used the recommened COAL. These were shot at 2.77", do you go 0.02" shorter or what would you recommend?
I'd hunt with those but I'd also keep tweaking things a bit to see if you can close them up. I'm curious what rifle this is and what powder your using, etc.
If these pics are at 100yds, and you are hunting under 350-ish, then seems like the bullets will do their job if you can do yours.
Dead deer, elk, antelope etc, etc.

Keep going if you enjoy the process of squeezing down the groups, but come hunting time you will be the limiting factor, not the gun/projectile.
That group is plenty good enough for hunting. If you maintain about 1moa (as the photo indicates) you are only at about 4” at 400 yards. That’s plenty good enough to hit lungs on a big game animal. I’d spend my time getting comfortable making accurate shots off a bipod, shooting sticks, or pack as you would be doing in a hunting situation. Too many people get caught up in trying to achieve 1/4moa from a bench and never get out and shoot in a simulated hunting situation and/or in the wind.
I'd hunt with those but I'd also keep tweaking things a bit to see if you can close them up. I'm curious what rifle this is and what powder your using, etc.

Kimber Hunter, poweder is H4350, Fed 210 Primer. Its a 6.5 Creedmoor...
That's a pretty good start with a kimber. How are you testing powder? 1gr increments? 1/2gr? Let us know your reloading process. Also the OAL given in a reloading manual is just a base number. You can load longer than it as long as your magazine allows and you aren't loading into the lands.
I'd bet with a little more tweaking you could dial that load in.
I increase by half grain increments. I have to go by the manual OAL as the magazine restricts me on length.
Kimber Hunter, poweder is H4350, Fed 210 Primer. Its a 6.5 Creedmoor...

That is what I am running as well, seat them shorter. I called Nosler and they suggested a .070 jump on the 140 Accubond which got me much better groups.
That is what I am running as well, seat them shorter. I called Nosler and they suggested a .070 jump on the 140 Accubond which got me much better groups.
So since those are seated at 2.77, are you saying seat them 0.07" further or they like 0.07 jump from the lands?
I increase by half grain increments. I have to go by the manual OAL as the magazine restricts me on length.

If you are loading to the max length of YOUR rifles magazine I'd suggest trying a seating depth test. Sear the bullet deeper in .010 increments and test groups. Once you find your OAL test in .003 increments around that length.
Also you can still measure your lands so you know where your current load is at distance wise.
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