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Worst Hotel you’ve ever stayed at ..

A buddy and I went on camping / trout fishing trip to Wy. in 2016, stopped at at Super 8 in NE on drive back home. I was up early taking my dog for a walk and getting breakfast. Upon returning to the room my buddy finally rolled out of bed, complaining he was getting ate up all night, one look at him and you knew. Bed bugs bad, he had almost golf ball size welts all over his face and head. I was fine and it was a miserable ride back home for him.
5 days later my symptoms showed up, weren't that bad but had arms and chest covered with bites. Dr. said sometimes reaction/symptoms timing shows up differently for people.
First off, you all suck. I’m sitting here in a hotel room and my skin is crawling.

I made a work trip to Perth Australia and stayed at a fairly nice hotel. Middle of the night, the fire alarm goes off. I grab my backpack and run out the door. Yup it’s real, lots of smoke. Made it down several floors to the street. Spent most of the night on the street. Headed to another hotel 45 min away the next night. As a joke, I checked the fire escape plan before bed. Middle of the night, damn fire alarm goes off! I run out the door with my pack an no one’s in the hallway. I’m trying to decide if I’m dreaming when a short fat Asian guy comes flying out of the room across from me. He had his hands in the air and was wearing nothing but whity tighty’s. He was screaming at me “What do we do”? I promptly told him get the F$&@ out!
Bed bugs in Kemmerer - pretty sure it was a motel with a number in the name. Brown recluse spiders in my bed and in the tub in Illionois and Missouri. Sleepless nights spent peering out the window at my truck making sure its still there at who knows how many seedy stops. I am sleeping in my truck on cross country trips lately, splurging a little more on a slightly nicer pit stop for showering mostly and a clean-ish bed when needed on a long trip.
Blythe Ca dove season over 25 yrs ago. That year was very hot and it drove our group of young broke guys to pop for the only remaining room in town with air conditioning. One bed with hole in ceiling above. No leaks though as the hole was stuffed with woman’s panties. the rest of the room was similar. Good stuff
I’ve slept in a half dozen or so different places in Juarez Mexico and they largely weren’t as bad as some of the places mentioned in this thread.

I have a friend who grew up there, after hearing her stories I don't think I'd sleep anywhere in Juarez...
While I don't have any horrific stories of bugs or crime scenes, here are a few that were mildly entertaining to me.

Alpiner Motel, Steamboat CO, Winter 2009

A buddy and I were storm chasing one weekend and barely made it over Rabbit Ears Pass before it was closed due to heavy snow around 10pm. I got out of the truck and walked up to the front office and asked about vacancy for 2 people. The very first thing the sweaty guy at the desk excitedly asked me was

"Oh. For you and your girlfriend"?

To which I hesitantly replied

"No... For me and my buddy".

His smile disappeared and he looked disappointed after I said that. Then he told me $85 for the room. I countered with $65 and with no hesitation whatsoever he says "ok".

Virginian Hotel, Medicine Bow WY, Spring 2018

A few friends and I stopped here for a beer while on a fishing trip. It's a neat historic train depot/hotel in the middle of nowhere that has an old bar with antique taxidermy. Unfortunately it was run by what seemed to be an entire staff of toothless meth-heads. While waiting to order a beer I overheard the bartender say these exact words to a few of the crusty bar flies...

"I don't care if a dog is 300 pounds, I'll snap his neck and throw him in the trash".

I'll never forget those words. Then a lady gave us a tour of some of the rooms upstairs and we decided it was most definitely haunted so we kept driving.
2018 - "Americas Best Value & Inn" Oroville, California. Hookers and junkies running around all over the damn place. Boss had me traveling every other week for a year to the RCBS facility in Oroville to work with their operations team on some projects. The holiday inn where I usually stayed was booked full due to a high fire season and an influx of workers repairing the blown spillway at the Oroville damn. I thought I'd try this place for one trip as it was the only place with a room close to the facility. Holes in the sheets from cigarettes, dirty/grimy, hookers, and junkies walking around making noise all night. Front desk lady was missing all her teeth. I made it one night and found something in Chico for the rest of the trips that summer.

during the oil boom in North Dakota there were no hotel rooms. So I spent many nights in random houses with other traveling oil workers…those were bad. but one late evening we needed to find a room. We ended up in Culbertson, MT the guy at the front desk said, all we have is one room, but it caught fire last night. Walked into the room to find a burnt wall that had just been freshly painted. The smell of smoke and paint was so bad we couldn’t shut the door. Ended up sleeping with the door wide open.
Green Mountain Motel in Jeffrey City, WY.
The dude running the “office” was perpetually drunk and repeated the same line to us each time we bumped into him. The room was disgusting. Camping in the parking lot under a tarp would’ve been a thousand times more sanitary. Never again.

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Holly crap I live in WY been a long time since I been through Jeffery city about 8 years now I thought that place was closed back then. Yeah I feel sorry for yea on that one.
My brother found a single slice of American cheese tucked into the bedsheets in our motel room in Huntington, UT, when we were kid's tagging along on Dad's cow elk hunt. So that was interesting.

I’m undecided whether this is really gross, or a really special gift from the Hotel Gods.
Circle, Mt abt 10 yrs ago. The one with the dinosaur, the only one in town at the time. Musty, old. paper thin walls.
Could everything on either side.

Damascus , GA. Cockroaches scattered in the bathroom when I got up to take a leak in the middle of the night.

Somewhere west of St. Louis. traveling to a race. Late. Tired. S topped at a motel 6. Room was ok, but the guy in the room
next to me standing in the doorway watching me carry gear in, told me the bikes wouldn't be there on the morning
on the trailer. Ended up rolling them into the room and pulling a wheel off the trailer and the tow vehicle.
Made sure the parking lot urchins watching me could see the pistol tucked into my waistband, Everything still
there in the a.m.

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