Worst Hotel you’ve ever stayed at ..

It's pretty reasonable to expect for us to end up at a shady hotel once per trip. I think the worst was on the return trip from an antelope hunt in Gillette back in 2018. We stayed in Gillette for the hunt. A winter storm was rolling in, so we decided to be satisfied with filling our buck tags, and to ditch the doe tags and head home early. We hit the road and decided to get as far away from the chances of getting caught in the storm as we could. We ended up close to Kansas City, and decided that as soon as we cleared town we'd get a room so that we wouldn't have any traffic to deal with the next morning.

I didn't know anything about Kansas City at the time. My buddy was driving, so I pulled up hotels.com, found a room just past what I assumed would be the major traffic areas, and booked it. We rolled up to a full parking lot out front, very dimly lit, unmaintained, and empty lot out back. We parked under the awning by the main entrance and went inside. The abundance of bullet proof glass should have been a dead giveaway. We got our keys and went to the room to unpack before moving the truck. We got to the room to find several freshly patched holes in the wall, all conveniently about the size of a bullet hole. There were some pretty questionable stains on the floor. All the while a multitude of sirens were going off all up and down the street. We went back to the truck and unpacked everything we owned. Rather than move to the back lot, we just left the truck parked in front of the front desk. If it got jacked, at least someone would be there to give us a heads up. We slept with pistols on the night stand and rifles out of their cases. Sleep happened on top of the covers and I am not even sure we used the shower. We made it through the night and got as far away from there as we could, as fast as we could do it.

We had a similar quality stay in Wichata Falls, TX in 2022, minus the bullet holes and chances of being murdered in our sleep. The room was maybe a little worse. I was scared to even use the bathroom. The shower was dirty and wouldn't drain. The bathroom hadn't been cleaned in a while. Another night of sleeping on top of the covers. But, they did have coffee and a continental breakfast.

Edit: Looks like they've turned that place in Kansas City into a housing place for the homeless now. I guess they were there anyway, may as well let em in.

I’m glad I live across the country now and meet y’all at the hunting destinations. You should have just slept in the truck.
I stayed in some government housing for a couple nights where I truly think the mice were not just immune to d con, but were actually thriving on it. We basically found little pieces of it everywhere throughout the house including all over and in the beds. Slept in a sleeping bag on the bed and heard mice running around all night. Truly gross, the person in charge acted as though he had no idea it was so bad
I became a germafode after watching some news program where they went into hotels with infrared to expose hidden splash marks in rooms.
Don't like remote controls at all.😝
Did some training for video taping with alternative light sources in motel rooms. You'd be amazed what shows up ... and where! Scary chit! Instructor said always brought his own bedding when he had to stay at a motel
Super 8 in Norfolk, VA, hands down. Was out there visiting my son at Ft. Eustis……. Never again.
I've been awakened by the cops raiding the room next door. Stayed in one where I had to listen to the pipes to know if someone else was taking a shower before I showered, because there wasn't enough water pressure for two showers at the same time. Stayed in a motel with no heat when the temp was in the teens. The owner did give me a small space heater to cuddle up with and I slept with my boot driers. Had walls so thin the neighbors might have well been in the room with me. That one gal was very expressive during love making. In one thin-walled motel I got to listen to a guy on the phone with his wife all night. He was trying to convince her that that other woman meant nothing to him and to please let him come home. Been in plenty of rooms that were anything but clean and one motel that got hit by a funnel cloud in the middle of the night but none of them seem so bad now, after reading this thread.
Some dive hotel along the interstate in Cheyenne Wyoming. The room was so dirty and the neighbors so sketchy we left an hour after checking in and risked the blizzard warning heading towards Laramie.
Not too bad of a hotel, but I flew into San Angelo, TX for a week of training. The guy that picked me up from the airport, dropped me off at the LA Quinta inn where my company had me a room reserved. I went and checked in, the clerk gave me a key card for my room and I went and opened the door, only to find a gut that looked a lot like Ron Jermey, choking his chicken while staring at his laptop screen. I went back to the office and got a new room.
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Seems like this was a super 8 in Billings sometime around 2016 or so. This is what we found when we walked into the room…. I slept in my sleeping bag on top of the bed while laying on my mini my pillow…total shit hole
My grandmother once stayed at the Billings Super8 and the place exploded. Nobody was hurt oddly enough. That was over 30 years ago.
One of my most memorable was the hotel in Terry MT. I asked for a wakeup call and they handed me a wind up alarm clock. The hotel was right out of 1930. The shower was a 6ft galvanized water trough turned on it's end.

There was another one somewhere in Central WY. I can't remember where, maybe Weatland. It had a $0.25 massage bed and paneling on the walls. 1960s house trailer decor.

The old Nullagvik hotel in Kotebue was the worst. $300/night all the doors had a 2" gap along one side due to settlement.
My brother and I stayed at the Terry hotel back around 2000. The place was a time capsule. The room had 2 small beds that had such a hole in the middle of them that there was hardly any padding there. The matresses had tags on them with dates from the 1950s. There was a small dresser with a newspaper covering the splits in the bottom of the drawer that had a 1930s date on the paper. The door had a wedge cut off the bottom from 2 inches to zero that had been nailed back on the top of the door. We were on the second floor, so I am not sure what the lower floor was like, but the second floor looked like it was rarely used.

There was a Playboy magazine between the shower and the wall in the community bathroom that wasn't in too bad of shape. That was the only redeeming factor. I would probably stay there again just to see if it has changed at all.

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