Worst Hotel you’ve ever stayed at ..

Mine is Nephi Utah - the “Economy Inn & Suites” - holy shit.

I pulled into Nephi on the way back from an elk hunt. I was tired and it was a Morman town/name - figured all would be happy.

Saw a $55/ night hand written sign and figured it had to be good.

Receptionist was a heavily tattooed obvious drug king. As was his friend sitting with him.

Here’s a little video clip of of what I found under my mattress. I ended up putting all my belongings in my room, including my elk

I slept on my cot.

Good times.

Instead of chocolate on the pillow I think that's the check-in gift many hotels provide now.
La junta Colorado pulled in late at night on our way to New Mexico.
as we found out it’s a big cattle auction little town. No problem with that as we’ve had cattle for ever at home. Now the non working public sewage system was another thing god awful stink.the sewer stink was tempered by the pot smoking meth heads hanging out side of just about every door. Everything out of truck into the room,slept in shifts,good times.wasn’t a chain motel,mom and pop deal
Steam Train Hotel in Antonito, Colorado. Place was decent enough, but their smoking policy is crazy. All rooms are non-smoking for cigarettes, but are weed friendly, so you can smoke weed in all of the rooms but not cigarettes.
We've driven by and read the sign...pretty sickening!!
We went to ride dirt bikes in Moab a bunch of years ago during the Easter Jeep Safari weekend, which is crazy busy, and the hotels were full so my buddy found the four of us a cabin at the Lazy Lizard Hostel on the south side of town. It was cheap, supposedly it had great ratings, and it had a secure place to park the large trailer with all our bikes and gear. Upon getting there we discovered there was no good trailer parking because there were people tent camping haphazardly all over the place, so we had to sneak it alongside the mini-storage facility next door and and were told "they probably won't tow it". Then found our spacious cabin that barely fit two sets of bunk beds in it, it was maybe 9'x9', very tight arrangements for 3 dudes over 6' and one who is 6'3, 250#. When Troy swung the door open it smeared two black widows across the floor, I found another rather large one had set up shop in the corner about where my head would be as I slept, Rich tried to smash it and freaking missed, great! I woke up at some point to a mouse digging though one of our bags and seriously debated sleeping in the trailer across the top of our gear but figured it would probably get towed, with me in it. The big black widow was not in the corner web either so I cinched my sleeping bag extra tight around my face, hoping it wasn't already inside snuggling with me.

I walked across the lot to check out the community bathroom in the morning, it was something. There were three shower stalls in a row on a slightly downhill-slanting floor, the first two had clogged drains so the pans would fill up with water and spill over into the 3rd pan where the drain worked better. There was also a very strange hairy dude shaving, using more shaving cream than I ever seen a human use, I said "hello" and he gave me this absolutely withering glare, so I brushed my teeth and got the hell out of there. After riding that day I went back to take a shower. There was someone in the 3rd stall so I attempted to shower in the first one while keeping my feet on the sides of the pan so I didn't have to stand in the 3" deep pool of lukewarm hippy water and hair that probably been fermenting for weeks-it didn't work, I fell in and immediately made a mental note to visit my dr. and ask for another tetanus shot, something for athlete's foot, plus any other medication you might need before visiting a third world country. And the psycho shaving dude was in there again too, all lathered up roughly eight hours after I'd seen him shaving the first time, I'm convinced he was some sort of high-desert serial killer looking for potential victims.

The second night we smoked cigars inside the cabin in an attempt to fumigate all the vermin, it worked I think, or at least the spiders appreciated good Cuban cigars and decided we were cool. The bonfire drum circle outside serenaded us for HOURS, those people have some serious stamina! I eventually fell asleep and slept very well, probably due to the drummers' secondhand pot smoke wafting through our one tiny window. The Lazy Lizard has some great ratings on Google though, you guys should stay there if you go to Moab...
Fort Knox Inn, just outside the Wilson Gate, for a couple of quota hunts on Fort Knox ca. 1998 or so. A favorite den of inequity for 18 year old Joes on a 48 hour pass from basic training or the armor school. Pretty good Korean buffet down the block, though.
you know what was surprisingly one of the best hotels i've ever stayed at? hampton inn in pinedale.

got in at like 11:30 pm. was greeted with free fresh baked chocolate chip cookies at the counter. super nice middle aged guy at the counter talked our ear off in a good way, said my wife (girlfriend at the time) reminded him a lot of his daughter who was in college. good rate, good hot tub, clean, fresh warm cookies.

worst was the super 8 in craig colorado, and there's actually nothing wrong with it at all - stocked continental breakfast with a waffle maker and plenty of coffee, can't ask for much else in hotel.

i just don't stay in random hotels very much.
There are two, both from the x-country trip I did two summers ago.
#1a. Garry IN, I can't remember the name, but it was so filthy, that we slept on top of the sheets in our full clothes and only for like, 4 hrs before we rousted ourselves and got back on the road. Drug dealers everywhere nothing was clean, the water didn't feel safe to use. We immediately regretted the choice but it was 2am and we needed sleep.
#1b. Somewhere in Pennsylvania near the NY line, the hotel itself was actually pretty nice. But we were sitting around drinking a couple of beers and there's this screaming coming from nearby, maybe next door. At first it just sounded like crazy sex or a fight, but then it there was begging and pleading, screams for help, terrifying shit, we went down to the front desk and told them and they said, "yes we're aware, the medication should be kicking in soon." like WTF does that mean? We tried to request a move but they said they were full. So we brought our beers down to the lobby and drank there for another hour and when we went back things were all quiet... either the meds did kick in or they finally killed the person... IDK.
Stayed one night in Elko, woke up in the am and the bathtub wash full of brown water😡
I became a germafode after watching some news program where they went into hotels with infrared to expose hidden splash marks in rooms.
Don't like remote controls at all.😝
Red Rose Inn... Maybell, Colorado.
We walk in to what we thought was the front desk, it turns out to be the owner's living room. Our first clue! Ok! My wife and I stood there for a minute, then some drunk tattooed dude wonders out of the bath room nearby and said, his toilet didn't flush.... Ok! Our second clue! "Welcome to the Red Rose"....noticing an open case of Jim Beam on the floor. Our third clue! The dude gave us a room and said, "You may have to play with the lock a little, because it doesn't work to good". Ok! Fourth clue! As we opened the door to room six, we noticed a big red stain on the soiled carpet. Our fifth clue! The room smelled like cigarettes and beer, mold and mouse sh _t!! Fifth clue! Not Ok! We got blankets from the truck, slept on top of the bedspread. My wife didn't even go in the bathroom!! I wouldn't take a whore to that motel!!!
San Francisco tenderloin district. I forget the name of motel. There were exposed wires coming out of the walls, and there was a prostitute operating out of the next room over. You could hear everything. Couldn’t wait to get out of there.
A long time ago I had spent 3 weeks backpacking in Utah and New Mexico; planned to stay in Santa Fe and clean up, The only thing available that I could afford was a room in the DeVargas Hotel (long gone). It was known at the time as sometimes being used for only an hour or so at a time.
When I checked in, there was a little person at the desk, shaved head, sheepskin vest, big Bowie knife on his belt. Local color.
Went to the room, pulled back the sheets, and yep, recently used.
Refund, back to the nice clean desert.
drifters inn in baggs 20 plus years ago was bad. 1am dude knocking and pulling on door trying to get in the room as he thinks its his room then he goes to the next door room and does the same and some guys starts yelling stop or Ill fking shoot you.
I once stayed a night in the Airport Inn located in the lovely town of Malden, MO. When I got into my room the sheets were undone from the previous nights guest and there was still some clothes on the floor of the bathroom. The carpet at the foot of the bed had what looked to be a bloodstain a couple feet in diameter. When I went back to the front desk to get another room, they claimed not to have any more available (despite my vehicle being the only one in the parking lot about 11 pm) and they assured me the previous person had indeed checked out and didn't have a key to slip in and slit my throat in the middle of the night.

I slept in my dirty clothes that night on top of all of the sheets.
drifters inn in baggs 20 plus years ago was bad. 1am dude knocking and pulling on door trying to get in the room as he thinks its his room then he goes to the next door room and does the same and some guys starts yelling stop or Ill fking shoot you.
I remember passing that one in Baggs and stomping on the gas...we stayed across town at the other place.
We didn’t stay at this particular place but the sign out front said “hot showers. $15”

We hadn’t showered in several days and I was in on a $15 shower.

Basically they had a hotel room that you got to use the shower and change. Hotel rooms aren’t know for the best ventilation systems on earth.

I opened the door and was met with mold and mildew smells and a room 1/2 filled with steam. Looked like a smoke filled bar.

The carpet squished under your boots and the ceiling had mold literally hanging from it.

I drug the “dresser” over by the bathroom so I could stand on it to get dressed after my shower.

I’m not sure if I was clean after or not but at least I smelled a little better. That place was disgusting.
I spent over 10yrs traveling the country working on TV/cell towers...I have stayed in some real shitholes. LA gulf coast never disappoints. I was somewhere south of Abbeville. Forgot the name of the town but it was basically gaint parking lots on one side of the st, oil companies, where the roughnecks were choppered out to the rigs...there was a hotel/general store on the other side of the st, complete with coin operated bed and the remote was superglue to a brick. I slept in the truck that night.
Green Mountain Motel in Jeffrey City, WY.
The dude running the “office” was perpetually drunk and repeated the same line to us each time we bumped into him. The room was disgusting. Camping in the parking lot under a tarp would’ve been a thousand times more sanitary. Never again.

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Im not even going to try topping this one. I do want to see what it looked like on the inside though lol
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