The Lamar Inn in Lamar Colorado. We rolled into town late one night in April after we’d just drove through a blizzard heading to Texas. Seen quite a few vehicles in the parking lot so figured it couldn’t be a bad place. Should have known right away when the front desk person had a coke nail. Paid for our room and went to go park. Found most of the cars were up on blocks and there wasn’t an actual vehicle in the parking lot that was drivable. Opened our room and it smelled like death warmed over. Went and ask the front desk person for our money back and we kept on driving through the night. Here’s some of the reviews online. There use to be some real nasty ones of blood in the bathroom and shit like that.

Other one that was just sketchy was the sunset motel in Newtown,nd. Lived in that motel for over a year while working up there. Drug deals in the room beside us. Police did a sting op. In the room behind ours. You could leave your tool box unlocked and nothing would disappear but if you left a cooler in the pickup it was gone that night. We followed a blood trail down the street through our motel parking lot one morning in the snow leaving the bar that lead to this apartment building. The amount of blood that guy had lost I can’t imagine he lived

Other one that was just sketchy was the sunset motel in Newtown,nd. Lived in that motel for over a year while working up there. Drug deals in the room beside us. Police did a sting op. In the room behind ours. You could leave your tool box unlocked and nothing would disappear but if you left a cooler in the pickup it was gone that night. We followed a blood trail down the street through our motel parking lot one morning in the snow leaving the bar that lead to this apartment building. The amount of blood that guy had lost I can’t imagine he lived