Worst draw odds in montana?


New member
Nov 29, 2024
Weird question I know, but I have no chance at being able to hunt out west this year, and want to apply for a terrible odds unit to keep pref points for next year. I have the units I want to hunt, but with 1 deer bonus point and one pref point if I apply to unit 270, should I be pretty well guaranteed to not draw? Well maybe not guaranteed, but you get the point. Thanks!
Weird question I know, but I have no chance at being able to hunt out west this year, and want to apply for a terrible odds unit to keep pref points for next year. I have the units I want to hunt, but with 1 deer bonus point and one pref point if I apply to unit 270, should I be pretty well guaranteed to not draw? Well maybe not guaranteed, but you get the point. Thanks!
Just buy a point. mtmuley
You would be pretty much guaranteed to not get that tag, especially as a non-resident even if you had 20 points.
You would be pretty much guaranteed to not get that tag, especially as a non-resident even if you had 20 points.
figured lol, I was on a serious accident and it'll be till the end of this year before im normalish again lol
I think montana confuses to many people(including me) with pref points/bonus points: when you can buy, outfitter, bonus points dates, 0 pref point pool and drawing combo, which combo, refunds, limited vs general Etc...why does it have to be so hard
I think montana confuses to many people(including me) with pref points/bonus points: when you can buy, outfitter, bonus points dates, 0 pref point pool and drawing combo, which combo, refunds, limited vs general Etc...why does it have to be so hard
I don’t think it is . There’s no pref points for residents - only for NRS for combination tags ( deer combo , elk combo or the combined deer and elk which is the big game combo) . Bonus points are for both r and nr for LE permits only .
I think montana confuses to many people(including me) with pref points/bonus points: when you can buy, outfitter, bonus points dates, 0 pref point pool and drawing combo, which combo, refunds, limited vs general Etc...why does it have to be so hard
yup, I plan on saying hell with montana after next year. I will start building up Nevada points in lieu. Exception being Montana unlimited if I feel up to it one day.....
You’ll lose them either way if you draw the deer combo
By deer combo do you mean white tail muley combo? And would I be better off waiting until after July buying pref point and then buying a 2nd point along with application to realistic unit in 2026? I am not gonna reveal said unit(s), but it doesn't seem to competitive
If you don’t want the deer combo then better not apply so yes buy one this summer but your gonna lose your $100 point you currently have
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