Kenetrek Boots

Workouts! What are we doing to prepare?

Permit me to poke fun tongue in cheek at ourselves...


Myself I'm trying to play catch up since I've come off my 2014 peak of running 50k trailraces and I don't have the same enthusiasm i used to for 40/50/60 mpw running. I'm ashamed to say I rushed a stalk on a nice buck because I had to get to a race the next morning. I swore I'd never do that again.

But nothing gets you in Hunting Shape better than hunting. Just like nothing gives you a gym physique like time in the gym.

If you were to compare two guys the same age , one who climbs the hills 6 hours a day, 5 days a week versus the gym guy working out a couple hours a day 5-6 days a week. The hills guy is going to be in better hunting shape than the gym guy for probably the first 2-3 weeks. Then I think the concentrated strengthening, and flexibility work in the gym has made the muscles able to recover well during that adaptation phase.

Now a days my mindset is that I won't sacrifice an opportunity to hunt because of training for a race or an archery shoot. I've been guilty of getting blinders that I HAD to get my training in for that one big out of state hunt. When in reality hunting shape is so much more that pure physical fitness.

My last 30 and next 60 days I'm in a HIIT class where the goal is to keep my Heart rate at 80% of max for a 45 minute - hour workout. A variety of circuits like you describe with KB's, DB's, Sandbags, BOSU, etc. It's like cramming for a test....

Yep I'm gonna go do those gym workouts every day I can to make up for the fact I have to spend 45 hours a week in a building. But when our local hunting season opens before the Nevada season, I will go basically do "walks with my bow" rather than try and fit in another workout or run.

But don't get me wrong, I'd spend 5x the time in the field rather than in the gym if I had to choose one over another.
The problem around here is that everywhere I have found, you have to pay to get in. My favorite so far has been the Hitchcock Nature Center across the river in Iowa. I don't mind Mahoney either but it gets expensive if you're out there often.
Come up to Pisgah Iowa and hike in the Loess Hills . Plenty of public, some of it so steep I dont think you could get up without mountain climbing gear .
I’m lucky to have Mt Garfield a couple of miles from home. I hike it twice a week, it is 2000 vertical in 2miles for a 4 mile roundtrip. I also Mtn bike3-4 times a week and do a minor core workout at home every other day. This Wednesday I am going to substitute Mt Garfield for a hike into The Black Canyon of the Gunnison see the high water.
How heavy do you guys go when you do squats... I’ve been doing 10/10/8/6. I feel weird about going heavier than I can do 6 reps with as per 2 rocky I don’t want to get hurt exercising.
Cody, I ended up doing the deadlift workout you post last week. I didn't have internet for a few days, so I wasn't able t get to provide an update. Anyway, it was rough... I trimmed the mile runs to 800s, but pushed through the rest. It was a real mixup from my standard push/pull/legs split.
How heavy do you guys go when you do squats... I’ve been doing 10/10/8/6. I feel weird about going heavier than I can do 6 reps with as per 2 rocky I don’t want to get hurt exercising.

Anything over 5 reps is cardio . . . 😁

When I'm lifting consistently I'm usually looking at 3 - 5 reps. If I've taken a break for reason I'll probably be at 5 - 10 for a couple weeks just to get my joints eased back into it, but then after I've going heavy. That's mainly because that's what I enjoy.
Anything over 5 reps is cardio . . . 😁

When I'm lifting consistently I'm usually looking at 3 - 5 reps. If I've taken a break for reason I'll probably be at 5 - 10 for a couple weeks just to get my joints eased back into it, but then after I've going heavy. That's mainly because that's what I enjoy.

For something like bench I'm on-board with that... but with 3-5 rep weight on my shoulders I'm always nervous I'm going to blow a knee or something...
For something like bench I'm on-board with that... but with 3-5 rep weight on my shoulders I'm always nervous I'm going to blow a knee or something...

Are you squatting in a cage or with something else you can drop the bar to if you have to? I have a full cage so I don't get too nervous. Like with anything, don't go heavier than proper form allows and you should be fine. Maxing out on squats is fun.
Are you squatting in a cage or with something else you can drop the bar to if you have to? I have a full cage so I don't get too nervous. Like with anything, don't go heavier than proper form allows and you should be fine. Maxing out on squats is fun.

Yeah, there are safety bars? not sure on the correct term... maybe I'll inch up there next couple of months. Although it's summer so I might completely ditch the gym and just go biking...
For something like bench I'm on-board with that... but with 3-5 rep weight on my shoulders I'm always nervous I'm going to blow a knee or something...

As long as you’re healthy and have decent range of motion, I wouldn’t worry about it. Use good form, drive with your heels, breathe properly, and go heavy.

There is a lot of physical benefit to lifting heavy with deadlifts and squats.
I’m back on the wagon. I ran for the first time in about 3 years. Made it 2 miles before we had to stop because it was too warm for the puppy and we had to walk the last 2. My wife is a pretty good motivated, and I got to get ready for a half marathon she signed us for on Aug 17. Some pictures. 459D845B-3389-4899-BAEE-A30EDA843586.jpeg459D845B-3389-4899-BAEE-A30EDA843586.jpegE0D2D1CD-B46E-48FA-AF9F-68250E70D350.jpeg
Sorry Fellas, I have been swamped the past few days and have barely had time to get my own workouts in; let alone get onto the forums.

How heavy do you guys go when you do squats... I’ve been doing 10/10/8/6. I feel weird about going heavier than I can do 6 reps with as per 2 rocky I don’t want to get hurt exercising.

To answer this simply, it is very subjective. I used to be very comfortable with squats and could max out at 400+. These days, I dont tend to get anywhere over 225# because of my bulging disc. Also, I do a lot more front squats than back squats so that I can get the core benefit as well. The most important thing is to build up muscular endurance before trying to get heavy. For that, I do like rep schemes that are similar to what you are doing, and I will have a lot of clients do similar. Even when you are getting heavy, it isn't a bad idea to do something like a 12-8-6-4-2. But I will always reiterate, DO NOT sacrifice form!!

Cody, I ended up doing the deadlift workout you post last week. I didn't have internet for a few days, so I wasn't able t get to provide an update. Anyway, it was rough... I trimmed the mile runs to 800s, but pushed through the rest. It was a real mixup from my standard push/pull/legs split.

I'm glad you got to do this workout! It kicked my ass for sure.

For the workout today:

Dynamic Warm-up with a short run/row

5 Rounds of the following, keep the pace up!:
-BOSU Single-leg weighted RDL: 6ea. (use foam pad or BOSU to challenge yourselves)
-Strict Pull-ups: 5
-Pistol Squat to Bench: 6ea.
-Med. Ball Plyo Push-10
-Dumbbell Snatch: 6ea.


5 Rounds:

-Weighted Alternating Step-ups: 8ea.
-Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 10
-Walking Lunges: 20
-200yd. Sprint
Just got an email for the MTNTough Heavy Pack 2.0 workout. I did the Heavy Pack 1.0 last year, along with lifting and other cardio to get ready for a high country mule deer hunt. The hunt was a lot more fun than the workout!

Heavy Pack 2.0
Cardio! 1 Mile Run, 10 Minutes Stairs, 1 mile run, 10 min. Row, 1 Mile Run. Have fun!
Wife and I did a 4.5 mile hike today in two hours. We haven't hiked since mid Feb and I gotta say I was a little wore out at the end with just a 40lb pack. We are going to start hitting the trails every other day again and the gym a few times a week.

Not sure if I'm going to start the 5x5 program again or just do one of my old routines that's a little more enjoyable. The 5x5 is boring to me and I find myself losing motivation when I'm on it.