
I guess I shouldn’t either then. 😜
Oh don't be scared, we're not that easily influenced, promise! πŸ˜‰

Okay. Yesterday, I could not even think of a word after my 3rd guess. Talk abput a failure.

I stayed stuck for most of the yesterday before flubbing the last guess with (what I thought was) a made up word...

Today is a better day though...

Wordle 1,290 2/6

Since we’re revealing… Pretty sure Brent had the same result.

Wordle 1,290 1/6


I did not want to spoil it for you. I do not know if anyone else knows what our first word is, but I knew you knew what mine was and vice versa.

Wordle 1,290 1/6*


This is almost the second time I have pulled this off. A while back, I used AUDIO as my first word. A week after I quit and switched to this one, low and behold, AUDIO was the word of the day, and it took me at least three or four guesses to get there.

I did not want to spoil it for you. I do not know if anyone else knows what our first word is, but I knew you knew what mine was and vice versa.

Wordle 1,290 1/6*


This is almost the second time I have pulled this off. A while back, I used AUDIO as my first word. A week after I quit and switched to this one, low and behold, AUDIO was the word of the day, and it took me at least three or four guesses to get there.
Audio was the one I hit with. I used a twist on today's word before but never this spelling. Guess I won't have to now!

I did not want to spoil it for you. I do not know if anyone else knows what our first word is, but I knew you knew what mine was and vice versa.

Wordle 1,290 1/6*


This is almost the second time I have pulled this off. A while back, I used AUDIO as my first word. A week after I quit and switched to this one, low and behold, AUDIO was the word of the day, and it took me at least three or four guesses to get there.
THREE of you got it in ONE ON THE SAME DAY! I am not worthy.
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