Woodworking Hunt Talkers?

I'm sure I've lost some past work up there too. I wish I had more pics to post, but NDA's are a bitch.

Yeah,had a bud build doors & 1kft of continuous rose & vine crown mohogany molding for Wilt the Stilt's house I helped install. Guy started making mold models for Mattell, then Ford.
Built this crib in the anticipation of my first daughter. My second will be getting a big girl bed soon and there will be a third baby in this crib come spring.
Frame is cherry, slats are walnut and "butternut" sealed with tung oil.


This is the thread for me. Great looking stuff everyone.

I like to make all sorts of stuff as inspiration hits me. I've made a couple Turkey box calls, because I am a hunter. And a couple American Girl Doll beds, because I am a dad. The only two pictures I have readily at hand are my turkey fan.


I found morels on that hunt so I wood burned a drawing of them on the mount I made.

And I made this cherry wood granite topped table.

Cherry Table.JPG

I'm currently working on a boot jack for my dad out of some plum wood I got from his backyard. I'll have to post a picture of that when I get it finished.
I think the wood strip canoe business is still building them in Swan Lake, MT.
There are some awesome projects on here. One of the highlights of high school was building. A cedar strip canoe with my dad. It’s also a bucket list for me to do with my son. I think it’s a doable thing on your own. THe fiberglass was the tricky part if I remember, the woodworking was just quite a bit of labor. My plan was to get a millworks to cut the strips. They didn’t come out super uniform on the Home Depot table saw which added work. Very skilled people on here, wow.
A few of the pieces I've done over the years:

An Escoffier cart with removable cutting board which I did for my daughter. Drawer pulls were on order when the pic was taken.


A retro entertainment console for my daughter. hutch 004.jpg

A colonial dry sink. (early piece from 40 years or so ago.)

hutch 005.jpg

A colonial cradle I did for my daughter. This one is special; the beech tree it's made from came off what was my Great grandfather's farm, my Dad cut the tree down and hauled it to the sawmill to be sawn. I used both my Grandfather's hand tools to mark and cut the dovetails. The pine used to cover the hood came off a cousin's property and my sister sewed the mattress cover so by the time my daughter placed my grandson in the cradle the first time there were six generations of family connected to it. I wrote out the last nine generations of the family tree on the bottom and assigned my daughter as the "Keeper of the Cradle", her responsibility is to control it's use within the family until she gets on in years and has to designate another keeper.

Walnut china cabinet for my wife's Christmas.


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ranch etc early 376.jpgranch etc early 377.jpgMade these from a rough slab from a 6'dbh Sugar Pine that came down at my buddies pack station. Love the splaited wood.
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