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Women and Heart attacks


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Wednesday night my wife Charlotte was checked into the Hospital with a Heart Attack. But let us back up to Tuesday at supper, she has been remodeling the kitchen in our shop and was having some pain in her back. We thought it was just her over doing it. As I came back I could see her eyes had teared up, I asked her if she wanted to go home and she said no. Later that evening she asked me to rub her back which seemed to help some. About 1:00 in the morning she came to tell me she was hurting again and was going to go downstairs to watch TV. Finally she started having pains in her Jaw and arms, out the door and to the ER! She was told she was having a heart attack and had been but we did not realize it. By 4:00 she had a Stint put in the "Widowmaker" and was sitting in bed!
My point is after 36 hours Charlotte had a Heart Attack and we are now home! She did not escape some damage to her heart which is the main reason I am posting this. A woman having a Heart Attack will have pains so much different than a man that we just plain missed the message her body was telling us. If your wife is having strange pains, don't do like us. Haul Butt to the ER. John (And Charlotte)
Timely message. Very glad that the health results are as good as they are. Near miss!
Thanks for sharing this, John. I am thankful Charlotte is home doing well. Our best to her and you as life readjusts.
Sorry you guys had such a scare John. Glad Charlotte's home.
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In the years I worked EMS, I saw women complain of pain in the jaw, ear, side of their faces, shoulder, neck, and arm while having an MI,(heart attack). But the one symptom in both men and women that was most common was a feeling of pressure on their chest. Sometimes several of these symptoms and sometimes just one or two. The main thing is, if either of you thinks you/her may be having one, go get checked out or call EMS. Praise the good lord in heaven things worked out for her. Best wishes with her recovery.
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Glad she went to the ER when she did. Here's to a full recovery
Glad she is home and safe. Thanks for the reminder - sometimes our body doesn't follow the typical pain responses. I'm very glad that they were able to diagnose it quickly.
Glad she is doing OK.
Been there ,no damage.
As a former EMT-II ,quick action saves lives. Had more than one female patient too.
I appreciate your sharing this, John. Such sound advice, especially for those of use that are past that half century mark. Prayers to you both.
I never knew women sometimes presented symptoms of a heart attack different to men, you learn something new every day, a good reminder for us all.

My brother was feeling tired all the time, then started to get breathless, he went for tests, result was a stent fitted, no more problems, but he could have had a heart attack.
Really annoying, he ate healthily, wasn't over weight, and fit, but it runs in my family, so i need to be aware.

I hope she has a speedy recovery.


+1 Devon Deer and X10 from Tikka06 stated.

You learn something new and important. I, too, am glad that your wife Charlotte did not experience a worse outcome.

Prayer for your wife, you and family.

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