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Wolves Eliminate MT Elk Hunting Opportunities

Idaho and Montana are ready. The Feds have approved their plans.

The Wyoming Legislators/Ranchers want to be able to shoot any wolf, any time. The Feds don't really think that is "managing". |oo
Greenhorn said:
Some wolves are nice, but it seems to be getting out of control. What's the holdup on delisting?

I believe that Wyoming is the hold up. They won't delist them until Idaho, Montana and Wyoming all have an approved management plan in place. Idaho and Montana do, Wyoming doesn't. :mad:
Greenhorn, we have a saying in wisconsin, follow the 3 S's rules... SHOOT< SHOVEL<and :D SHUT UP
the 3 S's are just wrong !!!!!!!!!! For one thing, Why waste your time shoveling them ?~??~

But It's always better to Gut shoot them and then walk the other way, Never touch a wolf or walk up to one after putting a bullet through it :p

This doesn't mean I believe in shooting wolves, just food for thought :D
I too wish Wy. would get on with it before it is too late. This year was the first time since 1989 that I did not see an elk where I hunt. This year is also the first year in the past 4 years that I did not see a wolf or even wolf tracks. As long as I saw wolves and or tracks, I knew that elk must be in the area. No wolves in the area, indicates no food or elk. I did see 4 wolves this year during the predation hunt in Teton Park as they came out of the river bottom though, 2 black and 2 gray. They must have had full bellies, because there were 6 elk on the upper bench where they went to and they did not go after them at all, only a couple hundred yards away.
I just think Greenhorn should single handedly take care of the prob, we all know he's got the skilz!

I dont know Kurt....something is gonna have to be done, but it sure dont look good!
Hopefully delisting will come soon so I can unthaw the hides in the freezer and get them taxidermied.

Just kidding Officer Jones.

I'd like to get my hands on a wolf tag! Maybe try calling them in with fawn or calf distress sounds and stick them with an arrow.
On the news last night they said they will cut the late season Gardiner tags from 1200 to 120 next year. These damn wildlife agencies always wait too long to react, they will study it till few elk or deer are left then start killing the wolves who will be eating even more livestock. I had an archery spot where elk were there or close almost alll archery season. This year they were around one week gone the next week. I talked to a biologist in the bitterroot and he told me the elk are always moving now in the west fork because of the wolves they are ranging much further in their patterns and wolves are taking a big toll. I found a hamstringed cow off a main road in late August waiting to die and her calf was about 50 yards away. How the pack didn't get both of them I don't know. My truck must have scared them off. Please lets treat them like coyotes, shoot them year around and I bet the bastards still would not get exterminated . jerrym
I am worried about the long term health of the wolf. Lets say that someone takes litters of PARVO infested pups into the woods and starts to drop them around. I would have to say the poor wolves would all end up with the most infectious disease known to the dog family. Why I would think that it would almost make them extinct :eek:
To be honest I am worried they might all DIE! hump
I have only seen one wolf in the wild and that was last year in Wyoming and it was the coolest thing I ever saw. In my opinion wolves are awesome.
Quick Draw
Is Wyoming the reason the feds haven't delisted, or the excuse ?
GH, you wanna have some fun ? Go anonymous and post the same question down in SI, then watch the popo hit the fan.

There is actually some effort by the Feds to proceed in MT and ID without Wyoming having a plan. It might be the first time they break the 3 states.

The ranchers/legislators in Wyoming are "cutting off their own noses, to spite their faces" type of thing. If they would pass something like Idaho and Montana, we could have wolf tags and be hunting them. We could "manage" them down near the minimum threshold. Instead, they are completely protected (and reproducing toward much higher populations) because Wyoming won't get its act together. |oo :BLEEP:

I doubt you will find anybody in SI who is for a permanently protected, continuously growing population of wolves. But, since they are here, instead of bitching about them, the state might as well start managing them, and hunters should learn how to hunt with wolves in the woods.

If you want to get rid of wolves, it won't be by stupid idiots with S-S-S brain cells, or unethical people dumping 101 parvo infected Dalmations in the woods. It will be with hearings, adminstrative acts, and other LEGAL processes.

The occasional S-S-S act just prolongs the "protection", as it keeps the Feds from thinking they are reproducing at an adequate rate. I am sure they have a formula of each one of a hunter suspected killing is 5% of the actual illegal kill. This year in Idaho, 5 were killed by hunters, so the Feds might think hunters got 100, just 95 weren't found. Must mean that the population of 300 in Idaho is now 200, so we better protect them longer. :eek:

Do you really think thats true?

If it is, how did we get rid of them to start with?
Buzz -
Poison killed one heck of a lot more wolves that rifle bullets, when the cattlemen really went to war on them.

Look at coyotes. On many ranches and farms, rifles are carried in the vehicle year round, and they are shot at any opportunity. They are still plentiful.
Dont you think thats true? Poison is probably what knocked the numbers down
way back then :)
and I'm guessing a wolf eats 3 times what a coyote eats
We shoot every coyote we see at the farm and there are more this fall than I have ever seen (or heard) last year I got an even dozen.
(note to self, buy another stuffed animal snoopy)

Hell, we even have them on this island at the beach!
there were 2 hit by cars this week.
They are EVERYwhere and I'm sure the wolves will be too in a few years.
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