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Wolf extremists file suit to stop delisting!

The judicial review shield has been used since the inception of Congress. It has been ruled constitutional already.

It is hugely unfortunate that they would continue to push this. Even CBD has backed down.Hopefully someone will get it through their thick skulls that to continue to push this issue is a further erosion of the will of the American public to conserve and protect what we have left.
This is copied from the website "howling for justice". Read the last paragraph, this shows exactly what they are all about. Glad they finally admitted it:

Wolves are going back to court and what terrific news this is.

Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Friends of the Clearwater and WildEarth Guardians plan to file a lawsuit in US District Court, challenging the wolf delisting rider on Constitutional grounds.

Mike Garrity, Executive director of AWR, states: “We believe the wolf delisting rider violates the separation of powers in the U.S. Constitution.”

The three groups are being represented by Jay Tutchton, environmental law attorney.

Wolf advocates have felt powerless to help wolves since the wolf delisting rider was slipped into a must pass appropriations bill by Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) and Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID). The budget bill was passed by the Senate with the wolf rider intact and signed into law by President Obama on April 16th, 2011. The USFWS had 60 days from that date to publish the final rule and it was announced yesterday, in the Lewistown Chronicle, that they intend to so this week.

From the Idaho Statesman:

“Wolves will be delisted in the Northern Rockies except Wyoming on Thursday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said.“

Please give generously to these environmental groups that are standing firm with wolves and are willing to go to court to defend them once again.

By the way, if you ever need a good laugh go to this website and check out the comments. I cant believe these people actually take themselves seriously.
I go to that website daily to keep up with what they are thinking, not alot of that going on, it is quite hilarious. Most of them actually think that they are wolves, quite the sick lot of people.
I go to that website daily to keep up with what they are thinking, not alot of that going on, it is quite hilarious. Most of them actually think that they are wolves, quite the sick lot of people.

Sig line......

You can't love nature with a gun....Paul Watson

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat...Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Yes, Ishould have made that more clear. That quote came from the wolf lovers, and shows what they are really all about.
I am not sure that these people will ever believe the wolves have recovered, period. They will never quit, it has to be done like it was done and it has to be upheld, or it never will be, delisting that is.
Don't get mad. get even. We Montanan's get 250 howlers this season. Take one and send pics to their website with a smile on your face. Drives em nuts.
Don't get mad. get even. We Montanan's get 250 howlers this season. Take one and send pics to their website with a smile on your face. Drives em nuts.

They'd just use a smiling picture with a wolf carcass as more ammo for fund raising.

Shoot 250 of them suckers and don't say a word nor post a picture.

Shoot it legally and shut up is my new attitude.
They'd just use a smiling picture with a wolf carcass as more ammo for fund raising.

Shoot 250 of them suckers and don't say a word nor post a picture.

Shoot it legally and shut up is my new attitude.

When you're right, you don't have to brag.

But in this case, if I'm lucky enough to harvest a wolf, I'll send the email to some folks who like to litigate rather than work collaboratively with folks. :)
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